Although I find myself shifting a bit while looking at all of this evidence, it seems virtually certain that the "Aryans" were neither Germanic, Iranian, or Indian in the modern sense of those terms; but rather clearly were a special fusion of ancient true-Mediterraneans with south-migrating pure Teutonic people. When I say "pure," I mean that they were a little different than modern Germanic people who are basically a proto-European and Teutonic mixture. I think they probably would resemble each other though. It would be fair to loosely label them "ancient Persians."
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Arkaim: a time when science and magic were one |
Arkaim is an archaeological site situated in the Southern Urals steppe, 8.2 kilometres (5.1 mi) north-to-northwest of Amurskiy, and 2.3 km (1.4 mi) south-to-southeast of Alexandronvskiy, two villages in the Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia, just to the north from the Kazakhstan border.
The site is generally dated to the 17th century BC. Earlier dates, up to the 20th century BC, have been proposed. It was a settlement of the Sintashta-Petrovka culture [probably speakers of the ancient Persian-Aryan language].
The evidence shows that the general territory which we now call Kazakhstan was likely one of the first Teutonic settlements after the last glacial movement. As to whether or not Arkaim itself was constructed by Teutons, Mediterraneans, or Aryans--I don't think is truly known, and may obscure more important questions. I would guess, based on it's northern location, that the population was "Aryan," with more of a Teutonic mixture.
Although the settlement was burned and abandoned, much detail is preserved. Arkaim is similar in form but much better preserved than neighbouring Sintashta, where the earliest chariot was unearthed. The site was protected by two circular walls. There was a central square, surrounded by two circles of dwellings separated by a street. The settlement covered ca. 20,000 m2 (220,000 sq ft). The diameter of the enclosing wall was 160 m (520 ft). It was built from earth packed into timber frames, and reinforced with unburned clay brick, with a thickness of 4–5 m (13–16 ft). and a height of 5.5 m (18 ft). The settlement was surrounded with a 2 m (6 ft 7 in)-deep moat.
There are four entrances into the settlement through the outer and inner wall with the main entrance to the west. The dwellings were between 110–180 m2 (1,200–1,900 sq ft) in area. The outer ring of dwellings number 39 or 40, with entrances to a circular street in the middle of the settlement. The inner ring of dwellings number 27, arranged along the inner wall, with doors to the central square of 25 by 27 m (82 by 89 ft). The central street was drained by a covered channel. Zdanovich estimates that approximately 1,500 to 2,500 people could have lived in the settlement.
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The six-pointed hexagram, sacred ancient symbol for Saturn |
The 17th century date suggests that the settlement was about co-eval to, or just post-dating, the Indo-Aryan migration into South Asia and Mesopotamia (the Gandhara grave culture appearing in the Northern Pakistan from ca. 1600 BC, the Indo-European Mitanni rulers reached Anatolia before 1500 BC, both roughly 3,000 kilometres (1,900 mi) removed from the Sintashta-Petrovka area), and that it was either an early Iranian culture, or an unknown branch of Indo-Iranian that did not survive into historical times.
Arkaim: Russia’s Ancient City and the Arctic Origin of Civilization
This is a fascinating article, but long. I would recommend for long articles. You can enter large blocks of text, and it will read it back to you... and you may even save the audio file. This important article both clarifies the bigger picture, as well as poses even more questions. Recent stunning archeological finds have added more credibility to these ideas. These very ancient sites were both cities, as well as "wisdom centers." They were constructed with magical properties aka "sacred geometry" based on ancient wisdom aka "science," with astronomical observatories. Their "Cult of the World Pillar" may have been the basis for the "World Tree" from numerous cultures.
Ancient symbols--such as the Swastika, the Triskellion, the six-pointed Hexagram ("Star of David"), and the Pentagram--were a big part of this sacred geometry. Ironically, the Swastika (symbol of our "primary sun") and the six-pointed Hexagram (symbol of our once "second sun") were both once beloved sacred symbols of scientific geometry within this bio-astro-theology. Today, when the twin-spiritual infants--closed-minded religious supremacists and closed-minded scientific atheists--engage in debates, we can see just how far we have devolved spiritually.
Arkaim: Russia’s Stonehenge and a Puzzle of the Ancient World
Arkaim structure
Arkaim may have functioned as both a preemptive place of refuge, as well as centers of spirituality, science, and wisdom. A place where ALL FIVE POINTS of science were honored.
Arkaim Google images (must see!)
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Saturn the dwarf star, once our "second sun" |
The original Teutonic race first dwelt north of the Himalayas, and up to the north pole when Saturn was our active "second sun" in the north sky, and this region was daylight twenty-four hours a day. The Triskellion was likey their main pre-Aryan cultural symbol early on. Arkaim was one of the post-glacial cities, constructed within the science of sacred geometry. They lived in spiritual harmony with the Earth, and utilized its free energy. Magic and science were one. When Saturn became a dwarf star, this changed everything. The word "Satan" is really just another word for Saturn. There exists today, a strange "Cult of Saturn" which somehow believes that there is a competition between the suns, and the mere existence of the ancient Saturnian sun is something which must be kept from us... as an unfortunate part of "this fetish."
Arkaim swastika city 1 (video)
These videos are based on the above article, and are from a Slavic-nationalist view of the world. I think this outdates the world of 4,000 years ago by a lot, and we shouldn't be rushing to conclusions. Mainstream Western historians and archeologists, in usual fashion with things they cannot explain, for the most part... have simply chosen to ignore it.
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The Teutonic sky god Odin |
Arka = "Earth"
Im = "Sky"
"The place where the sky touches the Earth"
The city was constructed in the model described in ancient text of Troy in Homer's 'Iliad', in Plato's "Atlantis," Electris in "Hyperborea," and Asgard in the Norse 'Edda'.
Arkaim swastika city 3 (video)
Arkaim was a shrine dedicated to the Aryan Sun religion. yet the roots of its dedication would have lain ultimately in the far older cult of the Pole star (Saturn).
Swastikas are featured prominently among the many artifacts unearthed in Arkaim. It should also be mentioned that there are other ruins connected to Arkaim in the surrounding area.
It is the oldest religion known to us and goes back to the most remote antiquity when men saw the heavens as revolving around the axis of the Pole Star. Only later did the Sun, as the center of the revolving stellar system, replace the Pole Star as the supreme deity of the Pillar cult and lead to the elevation of the Sun God of the Indo-European peoples.
There it is. The "Pole Star" Saturn fizzled out thousands of years ago, and was replaced--at least in the northern hemisphere--by the Sun as the "supreme deity."
"Troy towns" like Electris--and Arkaim--were built as stellar observatories. Their function was to unite earth to the starry cosmos above according to the principle of "as above so below" by means of a central axis symbolized by a stone pillar.
Now it gets into some of the roots of early Paganism, some of which exists to this day; as well as early astro-theology and the "electric universe" mentioned in earlier sections. Just the fact that some of the concepts survived in forced underground schools of knowledge--or even within family lines!--is amazing just in itself.
Arkaim swastika city 4 (video)

Arkaim swastika city 5 (video)
The various types of Swastikas and sun wheels found in Arkaim and with the Tarim mummies brings up the inescapable question of... what did the National Socialists really know about this ancient region? These finds were not known to the world then, yet some of these symbols were used by the Third Reich. One major symbol associated with some of those former Teutonic territories was the Triskellion, a symbol not used by them.
Arkaim swastika city 6 (video)
It should be stated again that Arkaim has much to do with the old "Golden Age" covered earlier. A time when two suns were present in our sky. As far as where "Atlantis" or "Lemuria" fit into this, that's more than I'm willing to cover here due to lack of evidence and continuity. But that doesn't mean that it's not possible. Also, the many large and very long-skulled remains found on different continents likely fit into this somehow.
Tracking the Aryans 2011 , with Bettany Hughes ,Arkaim swastika

Archeologist David Anthony--much like any religious zealot--clearly is horrified at the mere thought of a northern origin of the ancient Aryans... so he apparently has decided to play what I would call the "willful ignorance card." He's playing it off as if modern demographics are the same as they were 4,000 years ago... and the perceptions of the average person would tend to go along with his train of thought. On the other hand, archeologist Bettany Hughes is open-minded and follows what the evidence shows... and is much more worthy of the title of the profession, as well as the spirit of exploration.
The gods and goddesses of this northern flank culture seemed to resemble those of Asatru. There was a chief deity, a sky-god. Well, Odin is/was a "sky god." There was a god of "war and thunder," which sounds a lot like Thor. There is evidence that the native spirituality of the Teutons seems to have had a great impact on the Aryan civilization, and as it migrated elsewhere. Indians, who tend to be ethnocentric, don't like ideas like this; yet we are still presented with the question of why the Icelandic and Sri Lankan languages are in the same language family? The only explanation seems to be 1) that the world population was comparatively low; 2) that the basic root of the Indo-European language family was from the early Teutonic language; 3) that most of those Teutons--over thousands of years--migrated westward into Europe and strongly influenced those languages; and 4) that other Teutons migrated south into ancient Persia, where they strongly influenced what was to become the Aryan language... which later migrated and dispersed into India. The mainstream theory is one of politically correct paranoia and nationalist megalomania; the ideas here project something of a shared world heritage, and the facts support it.
Again, I feel the need to clarify yet again. This has nothing to do with Teutonic supermen founding civilization. Civilization overwhelmingly was a product of ancient true-Mediterraneans. These migrating Teutons must have been fascinated by the Mediterraneans they encountered. The Teutonic symbol may have been their symbol for the Sun, the Swastika; however, the evidence is still unclear as to the origin of the Swastika. For the Mediterraneans of that time and place, at least one of their chief symbols was the six-pointed Hexagram, the symbol of Saturn. Quite ironic, in light of the projected "controversy." Just the fact that modern society isn't even aware that this Hexagram is in fact the symbol of Saturn, says so much about the superstitions and paranoia of the modern world. Modern scientific careerists might look down at the superstitions of some tribe in the South Pacific, yet many display an equal array of paranoiac quirks. In a hypothetical "fair world," both the Swastika and the six-pointed Hexagram should be renamed and only associated with the ancient cultures from which they sprang. There aren't very many things more immature than protesting against ancient symbols.
Arka = "Earth"
Im = "Sky"
"The place where the sky touches the Earth"
Odin, the Teutonic "sky god"
Arkaim: "The place where the sky touches the Earth"... "The place where Odin connects with his people"... long ago... on that vast central Asian plain... which may have been a woodland. Unlike the Saturn-worshiping Sumerians, Arkaim was a temple of the Sun.
An understanding of the forces which have shaped human history is predicated not only on facts to be learned, but also on secrets to be discovered.
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