Star Wars IV: A new hope - Binary Sunset (Force Theme)
3,487,083 views - March 22, 2012
Hollywood Occult - Human civilization in our solar system's deep past
Humans, or at least a close relative, occupied many planets or moons during what we would call pre-history... well over 100,000 years ago. Hermetic/Kabbalistic/Masonic "Hollywood" (in ancient folklore a magic wand is said to have been made from the wood of a holly tree) has produced many films to reflect this history; in particular, 'Star Wars'. It wasn't "long, long ago," however not "in a galaxy far, far away." It was here! Another film series reflecting this occult message were the Superman films of the late 70s and early 80s. I've covered some of the obvious connections and artifacts before. One I didn't cover was the "binary sunset" from the first 'Star Wars' film. At the time of these civilizations we had two stars, our sun with its yellow rays and the dimming Saturn with it's purple haze. It's likely that Saturn was the only star in a little solar system which adjoined with our current one at some point. The dinosaurs likely lived on earth in that Saturnian solar system. Dinosaurs could have been purposefully destroyed, and mammals likely were brought here from elsewhere to replace them. Of course, we still have reptiles as a reminder of that time. Crocodiles are a good example of a relatively small surviving dinosaur. Dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. can get along well if raised together, but reptiles and mammals don't mix. Reptiles and mammals are always deadly enemies. I have observed otherwise good natured cats and dogs go after reptiles with a vengeance!; and of course, reptiles will do the same if they have the advantage in size.
It might be a good idea for the curious to go back and watch those films, along with the newer ones, with fresh eyes. The symbolism is staggering. The planet in 'Star Wars' was Mars, Krypton was one of the moons of Saturn, the "Death Star" was Saturn's moon Mimas, the prison in which the three criminals from Krypton were put into was a Saturnian "black cube" and they were all dressed in traditional Saturnian black, Superman was an obvious "Jesus like" figure who opposed them and he could have been based on a history of that time. The ancient Sumerians, Babylonians, and Phoenicians were drowning in Saturnian symbolism which was inescapably based on the finite features of Saturn itself: "the ring" (of Saturn) symbolism such as a wedding ring which is a symbol of loyalty, "the all-seeing eye" from Saturn's south pole, the hexagram from its north pole, the pentagram from the center of the hexagram at its north pole (both are frequently used together in symbolism, such as the Talisman of Saturn), and the black cube which is geometrically based on the hexagram. Superman was "the son of Jor-El"....... "EL" the god of Saturn! I mean, what more do you want!? It's likely that the Superman storyline was based on a Saturnian civil war of some type, and a Saturnian man of peace named "Kal-El" (Horus, Jesus, Superman, Luke Skywalker). Of course the Superman character wore an "S," which was probably intended to be a type of symbol hidden in plain sight. The Good Saturnian.
The most eerie part of all of this is the everlasting rivalry between the Solar culture and the Saturnian culture. Jesus was based on Horus, the god of the Sun, who rose up to battle against EL. This was a war of some kind from our very deep past. Perhaps the incoming Saturnian people seeking to take over the establishment of the Solar people? That's as good a guess as any. That could be what the Bible was based on, especially since the Biblical story was #16 of 15 earlier stories of the same theme. The "Black Sun" is an occult reference to Saturn. The geometric properties of the Saturnian hexagram is 6 points, 6 mini triangles, and a polygon with 6 sides; in other words "666." EL is the god of Saturn or "Satan." The National Socialists came out of a secret society called the Brotherhood of Saturn, while the Communists are also Saturnian. The Catholic Church, Islam and Judaism are all Saturnian. The UK, US, and Protestantism in general are all Solar. "Superman" was probably based on some great leader from the Saturnian culture who allied with the Solar culture(s) during that time, which infuriated the hardcore Satanic-Saturian culture(s). The apparatus and symbolism of the court systems worldwide is drowning with Saturian symbolism! The Hollywood film "The Devil's Advocate' centered around the legal profession. That film is overloaded with wicked Satanic-Saturnian quotes which are very relevant to this subject. Freemasonry and Kabbalism are Saturnian, but America's Founding Fathers seemed to have been a breakaway Masonic group which went to war with the Illuminated Masons (Saturnian-Solar alliance vs. hardcore Satanic-Saturnians). It can be confusing in that certain aspects of Hermeticism seem to be from ancient Egyptian... in other words "Solar."

In actual ancient Judaism, there is a particular distain for Jesus (see the 'Talmud') even though he was a Jew. Why? The Jesus allegory was based on the above-mentioned Saturnian leader from long, long ago who was seen as a traitor to his Satanic-Saturnian roots when he allied with the Solar civilization(s). Yet the Superman story was created by two Jewish guys. There has always been an element of religiously "Solar Jews" (Messianic Jews; part of the larger "Saturnian-Solar alliance). Even Islam has an element of this, but the hardcore Saturnians seems to always win out. There are tens of millions of people who almost pathologically wear all-back, every day of their lives! Could this be an ancestral memory of a long ago cultural past? Their reasoning is strange, often hinting that they actually feel uncomfortable wearing other colors, and that they don't want to "give in" to being forced to wear different colors. More than a few are quoted as saying "I'll stop wearing black when I find a darker color." Luke Skywalker was also likely based on this historical Saturnian man of peace, probably from Mars; opposing Darth Vader the ruler of of the hardcore Satanic-Saturnian culture from Saturn's moons, dressed entirely in Saturnian black, wearing almost an exact replica of a World War II army helmet from National Socialist Germany which was born from the Brotherhood of Saturn. Darth Vader finally informing Luke that he was his son; in other words, that he was a Saturnian. On a side note, the "Hobbit" books, animated films, and movies from the early 80s to today are apparently based on a real history of the very ancient British Isles, with possible Atlantean connections. This is out of my league, but something to look into. Michael Tsarion has done a lot of work in this area.
"The world is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine." -- J. B. S. Haldane
Superman turning back time from the 1978 film, reflecting clear Saturnian symbolism. Given all of the other symbols and clues, there's no way this is mere coincidence. In ancient Saturnian folklore, Saturn--or more specifically the god of Saturn: EL, Kronos, etc.--is the god of time itself. Bingo! The song is 'Turning Back the World' by John Williams. Lastly, Saturn is the symbol of marriage in ancient tradition, with the obvious symbolism being the "wedding ring" of commitment.... the ring from the rings of Saturn. In the scene Kal-El aka Superman, forms rings to turn back time to be with his true love. Frantically forming rings of commitment; using his immense power to breach one of the laws of nature of which only EL/Kronos can do. "The Good Saturnian" historical figure from pre-history; helping the people of Earth by defying death itself... just like Jesus who was based on that same historical figure.
Superman Turning Back Time
835,134 views - May 20, 2011
One of the most iconic scenes of all time. Rest in Peace Christopher Reeve.
Superman : The Movie (1978) directed by Richard Donner starring Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder, Marlon Brando
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