Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Remembering Raven Grimasi 1951 - 2019 - Part III

Tribute to Raven Grimassi - Book & Decks

Esoteric Cosmos & Books

My tribute to author Raven Grimassi , showing one of his books and two of his decks.

The Cauldron Of Memory by Raven Grimassi pub. 2009.
The Well Worn Path by Raven Grimassi  pub. 2005.
The Hidden Path by Raven Grimassi pub. 2007.
All products shown published by Llewellyn Publications.


"We are the possibilities and the unshattered dream, we are what gives life magick."
~~ Raven Grimassi ~~


Raven's websites






Raven Grimassi author site at Amazon.com

Temple of Witchcraft (in Salem; Raven was a member)

Raven Grimassi's official bio

The Fellowship of the Pentacle is no longer or not currently active


Raven Grimassi passed away one year ago today. I've come to believe that we are on this earth, in each of our many lifetimes here, in order to advance the baton in probably a number of areas to the best of our limited abilities. In spite of all of our faults, "the best of us" will usually do this in at least whatever small measure that we can. I think Raven did that very well, however the collective journey continues. "BE the change that you want to see in the world."

If you lose someone from your life--whether family, friend, mentor, or more of a public figure--BE that person in a sense, if you see fit to do so. That is one of the greatest honors that we can bestow upon another person. I think that one of the first spirits which he met after he passed, perhaps right after those to which he was closest here on earth, was Aradia herself. She must have stood tall and beautiful, and she may have said something such as "You have done well my kindred."

This earthly realm, although it often does not feel so, is all about us! Not in a manner of greed, but our experiences are its primary purpose for being. I believe this concept was a part of Raven's quote above. I like to believe that those ancestors of mine who had their true essential culture taken away from them, can look down upon me under the moonlight and be able to say "Even after all of this time, he chose US and our ways over all others." I no longer say "RIP," since Raven will continue on in his own soul journey, and we must continue on as well.

Birth.... Life.... Death and to a New Arising! He is now the Morning and the Spring!


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