Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Military Cult of Mithras

The Military Cult of Mithras - Very Indo-European

Survive the Jive

The Indo-Iranic god Mitra is found in both Indian and Persian religions. His cult was transferred to Rome where it transformed into an initiatic military order for soldiers. The roots of the god are of course in the Eastern branch of the Indo-European religions, but even in his Western form, he took on certain attributes that recall the original Proto-Indo-European religion, namely the sacrifice of a bull. The god was worshipped in a cave or cave like structure called a Mithraeum. The Phrygian cap is also of great antiquity and originates among Indo-European peoples of the Near East (perhaps it is even older).

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Music: Richard Wagner - Das Rheingold Act 1 - performed by US Marine Band.


Cult of Mithras Explained


"The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual's own reason and critical analysis." -- Dalai Lama


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