Monday, November 26, 2012

Guido von List: Part 22

Vehmic Court: Part 3

I didn't put the name and description of the above video because the creator of it obviously thought that the Vehmic Courts were, hands down, a good thing. With the German countryside broken up into maybe 300 different states, the Vatican gave the courts borderless authority to administer justice in their name. "The Vehm mostly judged in cases of witchcraft, sorcery, rape, theft, robbery, manslaughter, and murder" --The History of Medieval Europe, Lynn Thorndike, 1917.  So, for example, the crime of "being an Odinist" seemed to have been considered worse than murder, and the person was hanged for having the wrong religion. Also from the book: "The only penalty of these criminal courts was death. If three or more members of the Vehm caught a criminal redhanded in the act, they killed him on the spot without further trial." So if they caught someone "in the act" practicing a different religion, those people would be killed on the spot.

"This impressive method of intimidating the criminal classes, which reminds us of lynchings and vigilance committees, but whose self-help and summary procedure were to a large extent a survival of primitive German custom, was favorably received by the society of the time as the Vehm was better than any other court at controlling crime, no matter who did the crime." --Lynn Thorndike

"The pentads: The holy Fem (five), the five known elements (fire, water, air, earth, ether or aether), the five recognized senses, the pentagram, the five brother, the five maidens, the five men, the five nights, the five sons, the five winters, etc." --Guido von List, page 31 of the 2005 translation of 'The History of the Aryo-Germanic Folk, 1909 or 1910

From pages 33 and 34 of the book:

"Five (5, V) fem, fim, fimf, funf, fünf. Fem means that which is homogeneous, therefore even today it indicates the guild or corporation in the Dutch word veem. It had its origin in the five correlated fingers of the hand, in the correlated five senses that form man and it signified the elven cross or the witches' foot (Drudenfuss) also signified by the pentagram (femsteor). The homogeneity also belongs to the Feme, that part of the Armanenschaft devoted to the cultivation of the law. It was the Femanen who, after the forceable Christianization under Karl, King of the Franks--or the Saxon-slayer (Slactenaere)--came more into the forefront in the defense of everything that was indigenous (homologous) in opposition to that which was foreign; asserting indigenous law against Roman (in)justice in the high secret tribunal (Acht). The symbolic holy-sign of the homologies was this very five-pointed star and it remains so in the secret script even today, just like all other things grouped by fives (fem), from which the numerical value was derived. Just as One was born frm itself, Two from One, Three and Four also from One, five--which grows out of 1 + 4--is the second odd number. From the One (Ginnungagap) grows the Four (Muspellsheim, Adhumbla, Ymir and Niflheim) which then form the Five--the homogeneous One. When we consider the Feme as a court of law we find numerous examples, e.g. the so-called Fünfe ("fives") at Nuremberg, in the Council of Five in Venice, and in our contemporary Five-Judge Colleges which have come down to us as a compilation of single courts of law. The frequent occurrence of the number five in symbolism, as well as mysticism, makes this highly meaningful."

One more time, from 'History of the Aryo-Germanic Folk':

In the administration of justice, too, the old Aryan tripartition is naturally found again as (1) arising or law (Rita), (2) the existing, ruling (justice), and (3) the passing away to renewed arising (the court). Because law and justice culminate in the decisive pronouncement of the court (and consequently, as the third level, this provided the final result) the holy sign of the court was the ruoth-cross, rod-cross, or rowel- (wheel) cross which was therefore also known as the Vehme cross, consisting of a fyrfos whose hooks were bent in the circular shape of a wheel rim. As the Vehme cross it appears engraved on the blade of the great Vehme-sword as an equilateral cross enclosed by a circle. At the cross point the letter "V" appears and furthermore in the quadrants between the arms and letters "S.S.G.G." were engraved. These letters probably displaced the formerly used runes [Fehu symbol] and [Sol and Gebo symbols] (doubled), which signified: "Vehme" and the old passwords: "Strick (string), "Stein" (stone), "Gras" (grass), "Grein" (branch?), i.e., "wyd" ("white") = law; "brick" = secret; "rage" = thunder = doing = ar = right-doing; greyen = to uphold; that is: "Through law and secrecy (heimliche Acht) right-doing is upheld." In abbreviated form this is: tue gege (two s's and two g's).

Now from the 'The History of Medieval Europe':

It was the duty of the first member of the Vehm who met him to hang him to the nearest tree, leaving by his side a knife marked with the cryptic symbols, "S.S.G.G.," to show that the Vehm had done its work.

The Vehm, or Fehm, were murdering Heathens for four or five hundred years for the crime of practicing the wrong religion--while operating as Vatican-proxies--and operating under the very symbolism which was developed by the Heathen Skalds in their secret meetings many centuries earlier. Even the secret initiation rites of the Vehm are drowning in Heathen symbolism: "They were then initiated into the secret signs by which members recognized each other, and were presented with a rope and with a knife on which were engraved the mystic letters S.S.G.G., supposed to mean Stein, Strick, Gras, grün (stone, rope, grass, green)." 

It's the same irony as American patriots being persecuted by our justice system---which legally operates today as a branch of International Maritime-Admiralty Law or International Corporate Banking Law---all the while pretending that their sole loyalty is to the United States and the Constitution. It would be my guess that the members of the Vehm, or its leadership, were not aware of the irony of the symbol of the court.


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