Sunday, July 29, 2018

Why I Fear Neopagan "Liberation" II - OUR culture is "none of our business" party line

This is in regards to a lecture given by an individual in modern academia, in California no less, who is involved in neopaganism and folklore in a state-sponsored (itself merely a front) effort to steer society in a certain direction. This person is someone whom I incorrectly--even unfairly--characterized once, but whom I have posted certain works by; therefore I don't want to use their name here, but you can see who they are by clicking onto the link of the lecture in question. I have no animosity against this person, as they are simply another paid system thug put upon us. If it wasn't this person, it would be another. In other words, I'm opposing the sponsored message by those in high places, not this particular passive-aggressive thug.

Without going into great detail, as I took no notes while I listened on my iPod yesterday, I wanted to interpret the main theme of this lecture. When our Masonic and Kabbalistic overlords, who plot and finance these movements, liberate an idea.... they want it to go their way! They don't want to go through all of this trouble just to have some opportunistic entity, not down with their whole program, to benefit in any way. In this instance, they probably see folk-Asatru as the greatest threat to this program. Any "neopagan" movement which is of European origin must be monitored very carefully; but any other neopagan movement is of no concern.

In this lecture, this individual made it crystal clear in the exoteric that 1) "We are all of mixed race"; 2) No particular folklore belongs to any one people; 3) People in "the west" should be very careful of "stealing" the traditions of others due to the history of oppression/destruction of those cultures; and 4) The idea that traditions and folklore belong to any one race or ethnicity is "dangerous". The esoteric message is 1) People of European origin are of mixed race and have no business having any traditions of their own; 2) Traditions and folklore of European origin belong to all people; 3) People of European origin should keep their hands off of other people's pagan traditions and should feel inherent guilt and shame (unless they adopt this program of course); and 4) When traditions and folklore are ever thought of as belonging to people of European origin, it's Neo-Naziism.

NONE of this would apply to, for example, Sikhs; whom go about their way without worrying about all of this state-sponsored BS in the slightest! Basically they want people of European origin to adopt all sorts of goofy individual practices, most often revolving around feminism and homosexuality, in a more-or-less non-collective manner and share it with the world (the world being their only collective). Meanwhile, they should be focusing on "cliqueing up" with other pagans in an effort to establish a host of clandestine goals laid out by the invisible string-pulling financiers at the top. The overlords do attack other races in various ways, but it might sound ingenuine if I delved into that.

There could be a manner in which Neopagan folk collectives, of various spiritual folk traditions, could see each other as having common interests across racial lines. In other words, there are other potential allies of other races. There are even some vague expressions of that that exist now. Unfortunately, it would be a difficult endeavor if we are always under attack and are barely able to express our own identity. Still, I think it should be noted as a long-term goal.

"The battleline between good and evil runs though the heart of every man." -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


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