Sunday, November 12, 2017

Longing for the Darkness

For tens of thousands of years, our ancestors feared the night. Half or more of their lives were spent in the darkness. More often than not, a fire was the only separation between dangerous nocturnal predators (including humans) and their vulnerable sleep state. When morning finally arrived, their beloved "risen savior" the Sun was there. Also, the Moon was a guiding light amid the darkness.

Most people today, despite occasional reminders, are more-or-less unaware of how dark the night really is. Around the time of the new moon, it's complete darkness. When hiking at night, one becomes aware of the sources of light; either direct nearby lights, the moonlight, or the clouds which are illuminated by the nearby city lights. Within our ancestral/DNA memory, we actually miss the darkness. We naturally crave it because it was once so much a part of our lives within this ancestral memory. Fighting against the night was an organizing principle of society. There was a tremendous spirituality attached to the daytime (Sun) and nighttime (Moon). There's a part of us which is addicted to the darkness, in the same way that an individual came become addicted to alcohol, narcotics, love, attention, revenge, or jealousy. However, predators aside, the darkness is not a negative. Intrinsically, it's beautiful.

There's an old saying among police that says "nothing good happens after midnight." That's probably a good rule of thumb. The darkness can be a predators paradise; however, so can the daytime. During the day, a human predator can size up their victim; whereas during the night, it's much more difficult as a person could be carrying a weapon of defense. Regardless of the danger factor, the darkness completely changes the atmosphere; although in a very urbanized area, not as much. It stands to reason that in our remote ancestral past, a type of "culture" developed within both predatory human groups and harmonious human groups. Both are part of our DNA memory, because our ancestors consisted of predators, prey, and everything in between; and all ultimately existing by nature's law: "evolutionary struggle."

The predatory humans developed a spirituality based on violence and spirits of blood lust, while those who lived by honest sustainable toil developed a spirituality based on defense and protective spirits. Rituals occurred during the hours of darkness from both sides. In recent years, numerous films have come out based on "vampires and werewolves"; in other words, "human predator cults." On the opposite spiritual side are the "Sun and Moon cults," whose emphasis was on protection, safety, and the defense of the "eternal verities." Varity: a true principle or belief, especially one of fundamental importance. They weren't entirely pacifists, but more-or-less embraced some degree of idealism for their society.

Last night I watched a program on the popular Investigation Discovery channel called 'Devil in Disguise'. From the program description: Devil in Disguise (Documentary, Mystery/Crime) - Troubled 16-year old Rod Ferrell forms a vampire cult, then his fascination with blood turns deadly. In short, he formed a coven of "vampires" which ended up committing murders of innocent people, mutilating animals, and engaged in bizarre rituals such as cutting and drinking each others blood. A person could commit crimes based on greed; but more particularly when predatory groups are formed, it's probably driven by some compulsion from their DNA memory that affects certain individuals. This may be inborn and/or "reawakened" from bad life experiences. This takes form on every level of human society; banking cartels, war profiteers, religious cults, gangs, etc. Within these societies---even if they're achieving their end, even if it's not necessary!---they still partake in blood lust rituals.

Aside from the predatory element, there's nothing wrong with embracing the night or darkness. Embracing it in the tradition of the defensive and positive energy minded Moon cults of the distant past. I feel sorry for those kids who followed Rod Ferrell and ruined their lives. They could have shifted their mindset. Even if they were "misfits," there's always a  practical way to follow the positive energy without betraying your natural instincts. The dark imagery of Halloween often resonates something within people. Much more often it's based on positive energy, but not always. Wiccans and those of the Goth subculture have produced some beautiful dark artwork. "Dark" not meaning negative energy. A dash of it is okay, as it reminds us of that aspect of our past.


"Vampire Resurgence"

In the comments following a article entitled 'The Great New England Vampire Panic' (1830s), I found an interesting glimpse into the minds of a few people. I'm not judging them; I just found the comments interesting. The article itself is like something out've the film 'Dark Shadows', so it obviously attracted a few "vampires."


"We have caused such panic and folklore over the years, haven't we?"

-- Juliet Morlet, Vampire Goddess


I am Davies Lytton from the united state, a strong supporter of the vampire race, how i was being transformed to a vampire through the help of a vampire spell caster, was just as easy as posible, at first i was skpetical it was going to take a while for my ( D.N.A.) to responed to the spell, all i did was just to follow the procedures that i was given, and i bet you that these procedures i took changed my life entirely to something i ever desired; freedom,extraordinary powers, fame, influence, connections and even more than i can ever think of.Thanks to my dear friend Mr Jorge who directed me to Mystic vampire spell home. Please if you`re a lover of vampires or wish to be like me contact the vampire mystic spell caster :

cell#:+17692872356[text only].

-- davies


I believe that real spiritual traditions, those which are ancestral and Earth-based, should not be conflated with fantasy role-playing.


"Feast to the Gods"

Now this is our kinda thing! Apparently the "Feast to the Gods" was an ancient tradition of the Gauls, and likely other ancient nations, which took place every first of June on a midnight. I'm guessing that this was a combination of a spiritual rite to the gods, sort've a followup of the April and May celebrations, celebrating the start of the warmest four months, a way of "taking charge of the night," and of having a great feast and social gathering. They worked hard and played hard! It took place outdoors, under the stars, big fire going, lots of food, a big roast, lots of mead, and lots of laughter and dancing! It probably even scared off the nocturnal predators a bit, at least on that night. Maybe this is a tradition that we should revive. A fire pit and roast wouldn't be necessary; a few lanterns, fold up chairs, and pizzas may do. Alcohols? That's up to you. I think being outdoors would be a must however. Under the stars; the gods! Even just saying their names, and the names of ancestors, out loud would be important.


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