Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Ancestral Window Ritual and Crafting Intergenerational Continuity - Part 1

Ancestral Room Ritual

We can all think of times when we were alone inside of a house or structure, and we may have sensed that the window held some sort've magical purpose and meaning. Then we soon likely dismissed the notion as silly. Depending on the structure itself, our own connection to it or the general area, the surroundings themselves, the time of the year, the day of the week, the time of the day or night, or other factors of the environment... the possible energetic experience may differ. Still, we most likely censored our feeling, perception, or intuition. Just like planetary bodies, mountains, bodies of water, or mirrors; windows can be energetic portals of or between time and space.

If we are in an area which is dark at night, sitting in say a dimly lit room with a window, we can look at it and see the pure darkness... almost like a portal into the abyss. Varying degrees of light all have certain energies; from total blackness, to some degree of light source(s), to perhaps urban lights or the moon illuminating the landscape. The window at twilight, with no lights on, has a powerful connective energy. Also, of course, the varying degrees of daylight possess the same types of energetic effect upon us. The morning naturally comes to mind, as we can connect to the feeling of the blessing of the rising sun though our ancestral memory.

It doesn't take a lot of imagination to recall some of those various experiences. I think an open window can heighten the energetic connection, but not necessarily always. For me, the more rural the location, the more heightened the experience would tend to be; however, I'm certain others would see an urban setting as more energetic. Just off the top of my head--for me--being alone, in a home in a smaller town, with a lot of hills and open spaces, from a second story open window, on a warm summer evening at twilight, with no lights on... would give me the energetic connectivity. But energetic connectivity to what?

The practical concept of a window has been with the human race for a very long time. When our ancestors were rooted in a place--and ultimately "places"--there was an energetic tie-in with these windows... and of course other things. The window is like an eye, watching history take place from a stationary position. Energy stamps are tied to those places, and they don't just disappear when a particular clan moves on to another place. A window can serve as a symbolic object of focus during a ritual. The spirituality of a diaspora probably has less power and meaning since the advent of air travel; but when the challenges and risks of long voyages to settle in far away places were great, it was much more remarkable.

The DNA-connection is the most powerful energetic connection over time and space, especially a connection of direct bloodline. The "window ritual" has everything to do with ancestral ties! The ritual can consist of whatever heightens its symbolic power. I would think that standing or sitting--not lounging--would be essential. At night, a candle and symbolic object could be used, although I think a powerful environment would be enough. Singing, meditating, or perhaps openly speaking a few trigger words, phrases, or names of favorite ancestors would help make an energetic connection. Holding a crystal or stone might aid in the process, but I think the window as the object of focus is sufficient.

Being alone isn't a necessity, as another person or small group might work. Whether it's personal ancestry or more of a collective ancestry, this objective would seem to determine how you would craft the ritual. I tend to think the night is best, as the darkness symbolizes the abyss of the unknown, the aether of time and space, the Ur. I tend to think that being alone and focusing on a particular favorite ancestor holds special magickal power, perhaps even holding your hand outside the window at a certain point. Even when someone reincarnates, part of their being--the main part--remains at source. Certainly it may be an ancestor whom you never knew; in fact, that may be even more powerful.

This isn't like playing with a Ouija board, and you have no idea what is coming through. You are already energetically tied to your ancestors over time and space. You may trust them... because you are them... and they are you.


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Why I Fear Neopagan "Liberation" II - OUR culture is "none of our business" party line

This is in regards to a lecture given by an individual in modern academia, in California no less, who is involved in neopaganism and folklore in a state-sponsored (itself merely a front) effort to steer society in a certain direction. This person is someone whom I incorrectly--even unfairly--characterized once, but whom I have posted certain works by; therefore I don't want to use their name here, but you can see who they are by clicking onto the link of the lecture in question. I have no animosity against this person, as they are simply another paid system thug put upon us. If it wasn't this person, it would be another. In other words, I'm opposing the sponsored message by those in high places, not this particular passive-aggressive thug.

Without going into great detail, as I took no notes while I listened on my iPod yesterday, I wanted to interpret the main theme of this lecture. When our Masonic and Kabbalistic overlords, who plot and finance these movements, liberate an idea.... they want it to go their way! They don't want to go through all of this trouble just to have some opportunistic entity, not down with their whole program, to benefit in any way. In this instance, they probably see folk-Asatru as the greatest threat to this program. Any "neopagan" movement which is of European origin must be monitored very carefully; but any other neopagan movement is of no concern.

In this lecture, this individual made it crystal clear in the exoteric that 1) "We are all of mixed race"; 2) No particular folklore belongs to any one people; 3) People in "the west" should be very careful of "stealing" the traditions of others due to the history of oppression/destruction of those cultures; and 4) The idea that traditions and folklore belong to any one race or ethnicity is "dangerous". The esoteric message is 1) People of European origin are of mixed race and have no business having any traditions of their own; 2) Traditions and folklore of European origin belong to all people; 3) People of European origin should keep their hands off of other people's pagan traditions and should feel inherent guilt and shame (unless they adopt this program of course); and 4) When traditions and folklore are ever thought of as belonging to people of European origin, it's Neo-Naziism.

NONE of this would apply to, for example, Sikhs; whom go about their way without worrying about all of this state-sponsored BS in the slightest! Basically they want people of European origin to adopt all sorts of goofy individual practices, most often revolving around feminism and homosexuality, in a more-or-less non-collective manner and share it with the world (the world being their only collective). Meanwhile, they should be focusing on "cliqueing up" with other pagans in an effort to establish a host of clandestine goals laid out by the invisible string-pulling financiers at the top. The overlords do attack other races in various ways, but it might sound ingenuine if I delved into that.

There could be a manner in which Neopagan folk collectives, of various spiritual folk traditions, could see each other as having common interests across racial lines. In other words, there are other potential allies of other races. There are even some vague expressions of that that exist now. Unfortunately, it would be a difficult endeavor if we are always under attack and are barely able to express our own identity. Still, I think it should be noted as a long-term goal.

"The battleline between good and evil runs though the heart of every man." -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Rediscovering people's Swiss-Italian roots (Australia, California)

Rediscovering people's Swiss-Italian roots

SWI swissinfo.ch - English

Many people with Swiss-Italian roots who responded to a swissinfo survey last year, recalled their first visit to the land of their ancestors. (Production, photograph/old postcard selection: Christoph Balsiger)


Thursday, July 26, 2018

'Blood Moon 2018: Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of Century Occurs July 27' - Part 2

Something BIG Happening!-Planetary Alignment-Rare Blood Moon Eclipse-Sun Darkens in the Arctic

Skywatch Media News

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Mars Approaches as the moon turns blood red in a rare total lunar eclipse.
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✏️ Skywatch Media News Site: http://earthfrenzyradio.com

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A Call For An Uprising


'Energies and Rituals'

By Hariulf CG - Odinic Rite - July 1, 2018

It may be that we are not aware, but as individuals, we have a great importance in the Multiverse and in Creation. As stated in a previous article (Our Personal Energy), each of us as has certain amount of personal energy. It is also important to remember that each of our actions, words and thoughts are energy. So we have all a role to play and we can all bring changes into the great Wyrd’s Web.

To better explain my idea, I will take an example. I’m sure that you all know about acupuncture. The therapist pushes a needle into a tiny skin point and the result appears in a distant and larger organ. The needle serves as a kind of “interface” to create an energy connection.

As individuals we also can, like the acupuncturist’s needle, serve as interface for the cosmic, multiversal energies.

We should imagine our Folk as a great organism and each of its members as a cell of this great body. I think that we are all aware that this body (our own Folk) is becoming ever more sick due to the degeneration of a lot of its cells.



Saturday, July 21, 2018

Tonight on 'Coast to Coast AM' - Salem Witch Hunt

I would like to have posted this a week ago, but sometimes the Coast to Coast AM schedule is late in developing. In the Bay Area, our local affiliate only airs the program live on Saturday and Sunday evenings (10:05 PM to 2:00 AM)... otherwise it's aired from 1:00 to 5:00 AM. It should be interesting. Even if you miss it, you can always look up the guest on YouTube, and there are other interviews. There's something of a guerrilla broadcasters called "Conflict" or with some form of that word in this name as his or her channel is removed from time to time. They post copyrighted audio material from Coast and other programs, usually the next day, which last for awhile.

We have received a tremendous amount of fog along the coast here, but it will likely be clear tonight. I'm going to take a short hike to my favorite spot in a little valley amid a mountain range with a chair and radio and listen under the moon and stars. It's close to an area called "Owl Canyon," and their is indeed a lot of owl hooting, coyote howls; with raccoons, skunks, and wildcats about, so this will be something almost like a ritual for me. Everything is about ritual and symbolism for me. The location looks surprisingly similar to the below image, when the coastal fog comes over the mountains. I love being there. It's the only time for me when everything seems to just make sense.


Salem Witch Hunt

Date Saturday - July 21, 2018
Host Ian Punnett
Guests Tony FelsRandy Sutton

Tony Fels, associate professor of history at the University of San Francisco, joins Ian Punnett to discuss the Salem witch hunt. Surprsingly, modern interpretations, dominant in the academic world, encourage readers to sympathize with the perpetrators of the witch hunt, while at the same time showing indifference or even hostility toward the accused. First hour guest, retired police lieutenant Randy Sutton talks about law enforcement and American heroes who inspire.
From 6-10pm PT, Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returns to 8/8/01, when remote viewer Stephan Schwartz discussed how we can create massive social positive change in the world through time/space mass consciousness.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

'Valley of Lights: Val Trompia, in the Province of Brescia'

'Valley of Lights: Val Trompia, in the Province of Brescia'

Jerry Finzi - Grand Voyage Italy - March 19, 2017

The Trompia Valley is one of three main valleys in the province of Brescia in the Lombardy region with the Mella River winding through the territory for more than 20 miles. The presence of a large amount of raw materials, such as iron, made mining such a large part of this region's industry and success ever since Roman times... in fact, the Valtrompia was a center for weapons production throughout history.

The valley lies at the foot of the Brescia Alps and extends from the first mountain peaks to the north, to the lands of the Po Valley to the south. The valley can be explored along 70 miles of roads along with all levels of hiking and biking trails. There are also many other extreme sports available... mountain climbing, mountain-boarding, skiing and snow-boarding.

There are also many sagre, fairs and festivals which take place throughout the year showcasing the most typical dishes of the local cuisine.  Falling in between two of the most beautiful Italian lakes--Lake Iseo and Lake Garda--makes the region a fantastic destination for an extended stay in any season of the year.



On-topic TV lineup

'Strange Evidence' (Tuesdays; Science Channel; 284 on DirecTV)
Presents and attempts to explain strange video footage. Most of the time they are able to explain the presented phenomena... often of some of YouTube's paranormal favorites.

'The Dead Files' (Fridays, Travel Channel; 277 on DireTV)
The paranormal favorite is currently airing new episodes.

'Ancient Aliens' (Fridays; History Channel; 269 on DirecTV)
All new season.

'In Search Of' (Fridays; History Channel; 269 on DirecTV)
The third incarnation of the Leonard Nimoy narrated, late 70s/early 80s, grand daddy of them all when it comes to paranormal/mystery documentaries.

'Ghost Adventures' (Saturdays; Travel Channel; 277 on DirecTV)
New episodes.

'These Woods Are Haunted' (Sundays; Travel Channel; 277 on DirecTV)
Strange true encounters in the woods.


'Better Call Saul' (Season 4; Aug. 6; Mondays; AMC Channel; 254 on DirecTV)
This program, just like 'Breaking Bad', is like a modern day wild west scenario.... set in New Mexico. Despite modern scenery, cell phones, suites and ties, and such; it's basically about southwest outlaws, and will become more so as the series progresses.

The intelligent and beautiful Rhea Seahorn aka "Kim Wexler"


I saw one of these the other day in San Francisco; a Porche 911 Carrera classic. They were in production from 1964 to 1989. They look so 60s European, which is probably why they discontinued it at a certain point. In person it really catches your eye. The one I saw was in perfect condition, marvelous dark grey. Nearby where I live in Brisbane is an interesting company called Star City Motors, which is an independent automotive dealer who apparently can hook a customer up with anything.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Why I Fear Neopagan "Liberation"


A Call For An Uprising


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There's absolutely no question in my mind that the day is coming soon where every aspect of our controlled aka "mainstream" society will come out blazing with "Witchcraft!!" Just as they did with the transgender movement (a Masonic "Alchemical Marriage" ritual for the masses), our Masonic/Kabbalist overlords, in their special unique sardonic style, will blast what they will present as Witchcraft into the mainstream. In an instant, Hollywood and the entertainment industry, the mainstream media, education, government, the corporatocracy, the advertising agencies, etc. will all attack at once to present a false "liberation" of Neopagans and shove it down everyone's throats with a metaphoric toilet bowl plunger! Although it's being presented consistently now, it will be propagated to a higher level.

The main problem will be that what they will present will have little to do with the ancient European magical cultures, spirituality, or traditions... or for that matter even ancient Amerindian, African, or Asian traditions. It won't be the quiet charm of a folk, nature, and earth-based wisdom. It will be the sickening, loud, hypersexualized, masculo-femenist, transgender, transhumanist, pedo-baiting Ba'el worship that they have peddled for some years now. They're just laying in wait, ready for this major move. Even though we will see a Madonna or a Miley Cyrus as the front... in the background will be the usual Masonic/Kabbalist wealthy/privileged MALE suspects.

These are the same people who have placed very young children in hypersexualized advertisements, and peddled "art" in the form of Miley Cyrus' porn act to young impressionable children. These are the guys who, in many well-docemented  cases, have been responsible for genociding whole societies in the third-world in order to prep them for exploitation of resources, financial slavery, etc with one hand.... while with the other hand calling anyone who opposes them a "racist!" In short, they will make a major attempt to essentially destroy.... certainly any folk aspect to the magical traditions. That's why they have grappled with the small but growing Odinic folk community... attacking them, financing controlled opposition groups using the Odinic/Asatru name, and all the usual time-honored tricks that the wealthy politically-minded elites have engaged in.

Ironically, these male elites actually fear the true divine feminine; so they have propped up a false feminine in the form of what I call "masculo-feminism." The true divine feminine hasn't existed in Western societies for a very long time, and now we have this false liberation to deal with. At least the Christians and Muslims of past centuries were up front about what they were seeking. Can you see how obscene this is? For example, we have a blood-crazed Kabbalist like Hillary Clinton doing the bidding for these male global elitists--who financed and promoted her--in war after war so that Wall Street and the war profiteers can make more endless billions while waving the "feminist" flag! There have been covens of feminist black witches ("black magic") who have put curses on Trump..... why not both!!?

They will promote this false witchcraft for the masses, just like the Freemason Gerald Gardner crafted his fake witchcraft decades ago to get this thing started. "Liberation" can come in many forms. Sometimes even a two-faced scoundrel can liberate people on a certain level. Even feminism, to a certain extent, liberated women... even in hardcore Christian communities, where some of their strongest pundits are women. However of course, they would claim that feminism had nothing to do with it. Well, it probably did in a roundabout manner; just as Gerald Gardner, in a similar roundabout manner, did liberate Neopagans up to a point. The problem is that the intended long-term goals are hidden, dishonest, unethical, and sneaky. There's no proof that I know of that would show Gardner as a trained agent in the way that there is proof of someone like Timothy Leary was. My guess is that he was, although he did attempt to promote some type of folk aspect to it.

One time I read an article that referenced the 60s comedy TV program 'Gilligan's Island'. In the article, the author said--I think truthfully--that if people were really fighting to survive, and a person among them was subverting their efforts at every turn.... that they probably would get together, grab that person, drag him down to the beach, and drown him. In that vain, our Pagan/Heathen ancestors would probably see someone like Z Budapest in a similar manner. Why the hell is Z Budapest a "witch" anyway? She hates anything European, maturnalist, the true divine feminine, folk, family, ancient or otherwise. A lot of men were also put to death during the burning times, including those of an Odinic/Asatru culture. In fact, it was mostly men who resisted Christianity with force.

I am a folk Neopagan, and I do not want my enemies to "liberate" me.... at all... AT ALL. Don't represent me.... just go away.

[DISCLAIMER: I think that Wicca, mainly the people involved in it, have done a lot of good things; and also a few things not so good. I was mainly focusing on what I would call this Masonic-Kabbalist alliance/"cult of Saturn" milieu that runs our world; their deceptions and outright lies. It's a free choice that we all have, to either see though their Hegalian dialectics and "order of of chaos" dirty tricks... to oppose it or go along with it.... even if we may even marginally agree with some of its short-term directions. We're not fish; we can resist the bait and go in our own direction.]


Sunday, July 1, 2018

'Blood Moon 2018: Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of Century Occurs July 27'

'Blood Moon 2018: Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of Century Occurs July 27'

 Elizabeth Howell - Space.com - June 26, 2018

 The longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century is just a month away.

The total phase of the "blood moon" eclipse of July 27 will last 1 hour and 43 minutes, during which Earth's natural satellite will turn a spectacular red or ruddy-brown color. From start to finish, the entire celestial event will last nearly 4 hours.

The eclipse won't be visible to viewers in North America, except via webcasts. But observers in much of Africa, the Middle East, southern Asia and the Indian Ocean region will get an eyeful, given cooperative weather, according to lunar scientist Noah Petro, of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. [In Photos: The Rare Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse of 2018]

 Unlike with solar eclipses, you need no special equipment to observe lunar eclipses. These latter events, which occur when the moon passes into Earth's shadow, are safe to view directly with the naked eye, telescopes or binoculars.

The moon turns deep red or reddish brown during eclipses, instead of going completely dark. That's because some of the sunlight going through Earth's atmosphere is bent around the edge of our planet and falls onto the moon's surface. Earth's air also scatters more shorter-wavelength light (in colors such as green or blue); what's left is the longer-wavelength, redder end of the spectrum.

Where and when will it be visible?

The timing if this total lunar eclipse means it won't be visible from North America, though much of the Eastern Hemisphere of Earth will see part or all of the eclipse. The entire eclipse will be visible from Africa, the Middle East and countries in central Asia. The eclipse will be visible from eastern South America as it is ending, and from Australia as it is beginning.

The time of greatest eclipse will be 4:21 p.m. EDT (2021 GMT) on July 27, according to EarthSky.org. The total eclipse will last from 3:30 p.m. to 5:13 p.m. EDT (1930 to 2113 GMT). There will also be some time before and after when the moon is in the lighter part of Earth's shadow, which is called the penumbra. Including that penumbral time, the eclipse will last for 3 hours and 55 minutes.



People Magazine Investigates: Cults

The untold stories of cult leaders who use mind control, sex and violence to manipulate and dominate their followers.

This program premiered on Monday, June 4 on Investigation Discovery, although I was unaware of it. The previous four episodes are available on the ID website. This is not the same as 'Cults and Extreme Beliefs' currently airing on AandE.
