Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Twilight War: Bird vs. Bat
These large fruit bats, sometimes called "flying foxes" find a big fruit tree to hang out in. But some local crows decide to take charge and get all the fruit for themselves. The bats give up their tree at first, but then strike back with a Vengence. Filmed near Galle in Sri Lanka.
As a child, vacationing with my family at Clearlake in Northern California, I remember seeing all the bats flying around the tops of oak trees at twilight on hot summer nights. I very specifically recall thinking sometimes as to what would happen during twilight when birds retiring for the evening might meet up with awakening nocturnal bats? At some point, I merely dismissed the concept as impossible, since the two are so different beyond the fact that both can fly.... avian and rodent, reptilian and mammal. It just "wouldn't happen," but if it ever did, they would probably just ignore each other. It was just like some weird concept that maybe seemed logical, but was easy to just dismiss.
"Flying foxes" are a type of tropical bat, the largest bats in the world; and who resemble a long-snouted fox more than the common notion of a "flying rodent." Some bats have been compared to primates, as they look somewhat monkey-like. They're a very interesting animal, fascinating to watch.
Crows, on the other hand, are found all over the world in different climates. They're fiercely territorial, as I can personally attest to, living very close to them. They aren't aggressive to humans, but drive other birds away. I saw several attack a sea gull and tear it apart some years ago. Just a few weeks ago I saw a falcon in a raven infested area. It landed on a chimney, and suddenly a raven landed nearby it and stared at it. Then another raven landed and did the same, which prompted the falcon to leave. Ravens are a type of crow.
The battle in this video stemmed from a fight for resources, which was not exactly something that I would have thought would bring them together. These species are so different. It's just a weird combination, but fascinating.
evolutionary struggle,
nature's struggle
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
How Odin Became Santa Claus
How Odin Became Santa Claus: Symbolism and Pagan Origins of a Gift-Giving Saint
Author: Anja Heij
The story begins in the northern regions of Europe where the supreme god Odin, also known as Wodan among the German tribes, reigned. (He still lives among us in Wednesday, which is Wodan’s day).
Odin/Wodan was the god of wisdom, magick and occult knowledge, runes, poetry and war. His name means “the inspired one”. Like a shaman he could travel in other worlds to gather more insight while his two black ravens Huginn (Thought) and Muninn (Memory) kept him informed about the news in the world. Odin was depicted as a tall, old man with a white beard and wearing a cloak. He rode the skies and the seas on his fast white horse Sleipnir with his 8 (the number of transformation) legs, while carrying his never missing spear Gungnir (clear and focused intent) in his hand.
He had one eye, for he had offered the other eye in exchange for gathering wisdom at the well of the head Mimir (Norse representation of the Source) and with that he became a shapeshifter, able of seeing in the outward world with his normal eye and understanding the inward worlds with his black, removed, eye.
He was very beloved among his friends and followers who felt happy and energized in his surroundings (an enlightened being?). His enemies however he could paralyze or kill with his sight (insight, the truth).
Odin trained many men and women as warriors for the final battle against the forces of destruction in the underworld at Ragnarok (the Norse judgement day). His fearless warriors often painted their bodies black and fought in the middle of the night.
The story of Odin/Wodan is the battle between good and evil which will stop when we finally realize that black and white are two sides of the same coin.
Odin is a mythical representation of goodness with his wisdom, white beard and white horse (in New Age terms we would depict him as ‘white divine light’). And he is wise enough to understand that ‘black’ is not similar to ‘dark’ in the sense of ‘evil and taboo’ for his helpers are black ravens and black (spiritual) warriors.
The evil he fights is the underworld dragon of false beliefs, untruth and selfishness (in New Age terms we would call this ‘ego’).
(So now we have a wise, good man performing magick/miracles with a white horse riding the skies, a white beard, a cloak, a spear and black advisors/informers/helpers and he is also god of poetry).
Next we go to the Roman empire where between December 17 and 24 the pagan Saturnalia were celebrated, big feasts with a lot of merrymaking, dancing, gambling, sensuality and the exchange of gifts. This festival was meant to celebrate the return of the sun on the shortest days of the year and to counteract the depression due to lack of sunlight.
(Here we find December celebrations with gifts.)
Time goes by. Christianity develops itself.
In the 4th century in Myra, Turkey, a Christian bishop named Nicholas lived with a great reputation for goodness, benevolence and performing miracles for the poor and unhappy. He miraculously supplied gold to three (number of manifestation) girls as marriage dowries so they did not have to become prostitutes and he brought three children back to life who had been chopped by a butcher. It is not difficult to understand that during the poverty of the Middle Ages (also called Dark Ages) this bishop became extremely popular as Saint Nicholas in all parts of Europe. His feastday, it was said to be his birthday, was December 5 or 6, nobody knows. There is no historical evidence however for the true existence of this saint.
(So now we see a benevolent, miracle performing bishop with a white dress and a red cloak.)
After the Reformation Saint Nicholas became forgotten in all the protestant countries of Europe except Holland.
There he became Sinterklaas; a kind and wise old man with a white beard, white dress, red cloak, a crosier and riding the skies and roofs of the houses on his white horse, accompanied by his Black Jacks.
Sinterklaas will visit you on his birthday December 5 or 6 and donate gifts. His Black Jacks have miraculously gathered information about your behavior during the last year; if it were good you will now be rewarded with presents, if it were bad you will be punished by the Black Jacks who will beat you with their rods or even worse: put you in a big bag and take you with to Spain, said to be the residence of Sinterklaas. The last thing seems to be a Christian influence: punishment by a severe father if you don’t behave morally just. On the other hand: if you do behave nice you will be rewarded with sweets and gifts accompanied by humoristic poems that give insight in your weaknesses.
(Here the mix becomes clear between Odin the good magician god and the miracles of the benevolent Sinterklaas. They both ride a white horse in the skies, wear a white beard, a cloak and a spear/cosier. They both have black helpers. They try to support goodness and dispel evil through knowledge. And remember the poetry part?
And the blend with Roman influences shows itself in a December feast with gaiety and presents.)
In the 17th century Dutchmen emigrated to Northern America and brought their tradition of Sinterklaas with. In the new English speaking world the name changed into Santa Claus.
In 1930 a designer for the Coca-Cola Company was asked to draw attractive advertisements for this drink that did not sell well in wintertime. He had to use the company colors red and white and create some cosy type. He remembered the Dutch Santa Claus with his white dress, red cloak, long white beard, kindness and benevolence. The eight-legged horse was replaced for eight flying reindeer. A punishing Black Jack was inappropriate in this concept, so he disappeared.
This new Santa Claus became a big hit. He became so popular that right now in Europe he is serious competition for Sinterklaas. That’s understandable: no more fear for punishing Black Jacks, and you no longer have to sweat on suitable poetry for your gifts.
And the search for human perfection of Odin?
Well, can’t we just have that as a Christmas present from Santa Claus?
[See article link for further related reading]
The Origins of Santa Claus
By Patti Wigington
Early Christian Influence:
Although Santa Claus is originally based upon St. Nicholas, a 4th-century Christian bishop from Lycia (now in Turkey), the figure is also strongly influenced by early Norse religion. Saint Nicholas was known for giving gifts to the poor. In one notable story, he met a pious but impoverished man who had three daughters. He presented them with dowries to save them from a life of prostitution. In most European countries, St. Nicholas is still portrayed as a bearded bishop, wearing clerical robes. He became a patron saint of many groups, particularly children, the poor, and prostitutes.
Odin and His Mighty Horse:
Among early Germanic tribes, one of the major deities was Odin, the ruler of Asgard. A number of similarities exist between some of Odin's escapades and those of the figure who would become Santa Claus. Odin was often depicted as leading a hunting party through the skies, during which he rode his eight-legged horse, Sleipnir. In the 13th-century Poetic Edda, Sleipnir is described as being able to leap great distances, which some scholars have compared to the legends of Santa's reindeer. Odin was typically portrayed as an old man with a long, white beard -- much like St. Nicholas himself.
Treats for the Tots:
During the winter, children placed their boots near the chimney, filling them with carrots or straw as a gift for Sleipnir. When Odin flew by, he rewarded the little ones by leaving gifts in their boots. In several Germanic countries, this practice survived despite the adoption of Christianity. As a result, the gift-giving became associated with St. Nicholas -- only nowadays, we hang stockings rather than leaving boots by the chimney!
Santa Comes to the New World:
When Dutch settlers arrived in New Amsterdam, they brought with them their practice of leaving shoes out for St. Nicholas to fill with gifts. They also brought the name Sinterklaas, which later morphed into Santa Claus. Although the Dutch version of St. Nicholas was written about by author Washington Irving around 1809, it was about 15 years later that the figure of Santa as we know it today was introduced. This came in the form of a narrative poem by a man named Clement C. Moore.
The Night Before Christmas:
Moore's poem, originally titled 'A Visit from St. Nicholas' is commonly known today as 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'. Moore went as far as to elaborate on the names of Santa's reindeer, and provide a rather Americanized, secular description of the "jolly old elf."
[See article link for further related reading]
Author: Anja Heij
The story begins in the northern regions of Europe where the supreme god Odin, also known as Wodan among the German tribes, reigned. (He still lives among us in Wednesday, which is Wodan’s day).
Odin/Wodan was the god of wisdom, magick and occult knowledge, runes, poetry and war. His name means “the inspired one”. Like a shaman he could travel in other worlds to gather more insight while his two black ravens Huginn (Thought) and Muninn (Memory) kept him informed about the news in the world. Odin was depicted as a tall, old man with a white beard and wearing a cloak. He rode the skies and the seas on his fast white horse Sleipnir with his 8 (the number of transformation) legs, while carrying his never missing spear Gungnir (clear and focused intent) in his hand.
He had one eye, for he had offered the other eye in exchange for gathering wisdom at the well of the head Mimir (Norse representation of the Source) and with that he became a shapeshifter, able of seeing in the outward world with his normal eye and understanding the inward worlds with his black, removed, eye.
He was very beloved among his friends and followers who felt happy and energized in his surroundings (an enlightened being?). His enemies however he could paralyze or kill with his sight (insight, the truth).
Odin trained many men and women as warriors for the final battle against the forces of destruction in the underworld at Ragnarok (the Norse judgement day). His fearless warriors often painted their bodies black and fought in the middle of the night.
The story of Odin/Wodan is the battle between good and evil which will stop when we finally realize that black and white are two sides of the same coin.
Odin is a mythical representation of goodness with his wisdom, white beard and white horse (in New Age terms we would depict him as ‘white divine light’). And he is wise enough to understand that ‘black’ is not similar to ‘dark’ in the sense of ‘evil and taboo’ for his helpers are black ravens and black (spiritual) warriors.
The evil he fights is the underworld dragon of false beliefs, untruth and selfishness (in New Age terms we would call this ‘ego’).
(So now we have a wise, good man performing magick/miracles with a white horse riding the skies, a white beard, a cloak, a spear and black advisors/informers/helpers and he is also god of poetry).
Next we go to the Roman empire where between December 17 and 24 the pagan Saturnalia were celebrated, big feasts with a lot of merrymaking, dancing, gambling, sensuality and the exchange of gifts. This festival was meant to celebrate the return of the sun on the shortest days of the year and to counteract the depression due to lack of sunlight.
(Here we find December celebrations with gifts.)
Time goes by. Christianity develops itself.
In the 4th century in Myra, Turkey, a Christian bishop named Nicholas lived with a great reputation for goodness, benevolence and performing miracles for the poor and unhappy. He miraculously supplied gold to three (number of manifestation) girls as marriage dowries so they did not have to become prostitutes and he brought three children back to life who had been chopped by a butcher. It is not difficult to understand that during the poverty of the Middle Ages (also called Dark Ages) this bishop became extremely popular as Saint Nicholas in all parts of Europe. His feastday, it was said to be his birthday, was December 5 or 6, nobody knows. There is no historical evidence however for the true existence of this saint.
(So now we see a benevolent, miracle performing bishop with a white dress and a red cloak.)
After the Reformation Saint Nicholas became forgotten in all the protestant countries of Europe except Holland.
There he became Sinterklaas; a kind and wise old man with a white beard, white dress, red cloak, a crosier and riding the skies and roofs of the houses on his white horse, accompanied by his Black Jacks.
Sinterklaas will visit you on his birthday December 5 or 6 and donate gifts. His Black Jacks have miraculously gathered information about your behavior during the last year; if it were good you will now be rewarded with presents, if it were bad you will be punished by the Black Jacks who will beat you with their rods or even worse: put you in a big bag and take you with to Spain, said to be the residence of Sinterklaas. The last thing seems to be a Christian influence: punishment by a severe father if you don’t behave morally just. On the other hand: if you do behave nice you will be rewarded with sweets and gifts accompanied by humoristic poems that give insight in your weaknesses.
(Here the mix becomes clear between Odin the good magician god and the miracles of the benevolent Sinterklaas. They both ride a white horse in the skies, wear a white beard, a cloak and a spear/cosier. They both have black helpers. They try to support goodness and dispel evil through knowledge. And remember the poetry part?
And the blend with Roman influences shows itself in a December feast with gaiety and presents.)
In the 17th century Dutchmen emigrated to Northern America and brought their tradition of Sinterklaas with. In the new English speaking world the name changed into Santa Claus.
In 1930 a designer for the Coca-Cola Company was asked to draw attractive advertisements for this drink that did not sell well in wintertime. He had to use the company colors red and white and create some cosy type. He remembered the Dutch Santa Claus with his white dress, red cloak, long white beard, kindness and benevolence. The eight-legged horse was replaced for eight flying reindeer. A punishing Black Jack was inappropriate in this concept, so he disappeared.
This new Santa Claus became a big hit. He became so popular that right now in Europe he is serious competition for Sinterklaas. That’s understandable: no more fear for punishing Black Jacks, and you no longer have to sweat on suitable poetry for your gifts.
And the search for human perfection of Odin?
Well, can’t we just have that as a Christmas present from Santa Claus?
[See article link for further related reading]
By Patti Wigington
Early Christian Influence:
Although Santa Claus is originally based upon St. Nicholas, a 4th-century Christian bishop from Lycia (now in Turkey), the figure is also strongly influenced by early Norse religion. Saint Nicholas was known for giving gifts to the poor. In one notable story, he met a pious but impoverished man who had three daughters. He presented them with dowries to save them from a life of prostitution. In most European countries, St. Nicholas is still portrayed as a bearded bishop, wearing clerical robes. He became a patron saint of many groups, particularly children, the poor, and prostitutes.
Odin and His Mighty Horse:
Among early Germanic tribes, one of the major deities was Odin, the ruler of Asgard. A number of similarities exist between some of Odin's escapades and those of the figure who would become Santa Claus. Odin was often depicted as leading a hunting party through the skies, during which he rode his eight-legged horse, Sleipnir. In the 13th-century Poetic Edda, Sleipnir is described as being able to leap great distances, which some scholars have compared to the legends of Santa's reindeer. Odin was typically portrayed as an old man with a long, white beard -- much like St. Nicholas himself.
Treats for the Tots:
During the winter, children placed their boots near the chimney, filling them with carrots or straw as a gift for Sleipnir. When Odin flew by, he rewarded the little ones by leaving gifts in their boots. In several Germanic countries, this practice survived despite the adoption of Christianity. As a result, the gift-giving became associated with St. Nicholas -- only nowadays, we hang stockings rather than leaving boots by the chimney!
Santa Comes to the New World:
When Dutch settlers arrived in New Amsterdam, they brought with them their practice of leaving shoes out for St. Nicholas to fill with gifts. They also brought the name Sinterklaas, which later morphed into Santa Claus. Although the Dutch version of St. Nicholas was written about by author Washington Irving around 1809, it was about 15 years later that the figure of Santa as we know it today was introduced. This came in the form of a narrative poem by a man named Clement C. Moore.
The Night Before Christmas:
Moore's poem, originally titled 'A Visit from St. Nicholas' is commonly known today as 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'. Moore went as far as to elaborate on the names of Santa's reindeer, and provide a rather Americanized, secular description of the "jolly old elf."
[See article link for further related reading]
God Saturn,
Greek Othodox,
Norse mythology,
Roman mythology,
Santa Claus,
St. Nicholas,
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Northern Italy Genealogy Discussion List (Yahoo group) is closing
Regina, the founder of the "Northern Italy Genealogy Discussion List," is closing the group; apparently due to it slowing down quite a bit this year. It was particularly popular between mid-2000 through 2007. There were 1,694 members prior to her closing down. Actually it's open for members to search it until it actually is deleted.
I think Regina is from San Francisco. Anyway, it's sad to see it go. There were members from all over the world. The membership was always very tactful, which is rarely the case in forums or discussion groups now. I sent e-mails and direct messages to a few members, including the following, to try to interest them in networking in the future. The searchable membership lists are closed. It's a shame.
The following is the last post in October:
ItalyNW Yahoo! Group is now closed
The ItalyNW Yahoo! Group has reached the end of its useful life. It provided a welcoming forum to genealogy researchers for twelve years, but current Group activity indicates that the Group is no longer needed.
The ItalyNW Yahoo! Group is now closed to new members and to new posts. Message archives will still be available to current members for a few months.
The following are several old posts regarding the Val Camonica:
Hallo there,
The "Val Camonica" or "Valle Camonica" is the biggest of the three valleys which comprise the Alpine portion of the Province of Brescia, in the Region of Lombardy. The river that follows the whole valley is the river Oglio: where the valley closes this river forms the Lake of Iseo, which the Romans in antiquity called Lake Sebino. The area around the Lake is still called the Sebino area. The Val Camonica has been part of the territory of Brescia since the 15th century, but it is now trying to became a province in its own right, with Breno as its capital city. I know the area very well (I am a native Bresciano), as I worked there for several years, before moving to Canada. It is a very beautiful corner of Lombardy, with a rich History and a very active community, proud of its identity. Hope this helps.
Vigilio Salvoni
i'm happy to read about mu edolo,in valle camonica,provincia brescia and regione lombardia also my parents came from edolo work in lorraine france , siderurgy 1952 for my father and 1953 form my mother with tree children in may and i came sept 53!!!!
I go to edolo many holidays during l long time of years
I know very well edolo and mu..... i will send to you fotos and others informations I understand your grand father during the war because when i was young talk too many italie was a "few"
to days many people assert his italianity memory
I "make" ma tree genealogy
My great grandfather left Mu, near Edolo, Lombardia in 1900 for Australia. He never returned and our family has known very little about Mu as he could not talk to his children about Italy when they were young as he was regarded as an alien in Australia during the First World War. He had to prove he was loyal to Australia and so his children learned no Italian. I was interested to join this group to learn more about life in the mountains north of Brescia.
Jan Smith
I think Regina is from San Francisco. Anyway, it's sad to see it go. There were members from all over the world. The membership was always very tactful, which is rarely the case in forums or discussion groups now. I sent e-mails and direct messages to a few members, including the following, to try to interest them in networking in the future. The searchable membership lists are closed. It's a shame.
The following is the last post in October:
ItalyNW Yahoo! Group is now closed
The ItalyNW Yahoo! Group has reached the end of its useful life. It provided a welcoming forum to genealogy researchers for twelve years, but current Group activity indicates that the Group is no longer needed.
The ItalyNW Yahoo! Group is now closed to new members and to new posts. Message archives will still be available to current members for a few months.
The following are several old posts regarding the Val Camonica:
Hallo there,
The "Val Camonica" or "Valle Camonica" is the biggest of the three valleys which comprise the Alpine portion of the Province of Brescia, in the Region of Lombardy. The river that follows the whole valley is the river Oglio: where the valley closes this river forms the Lake of Iseo, which the Romans in antiquity called Lake Sebino. The area around the Lake is still called the Sebino area. The Val Camonica has been part of the territory of Brescia since the 15th century, but it is now trying to became a province in its own right, with Breno as its capital city. I know the area very well (I am a native Bresciano), as I worked there for several years, before moving to Canada. It is a very beautiful corner of Lombardy, with a rich History and a very active community, proud of its identity. Hope this helps.
Vigilio Salvoni
i'm happy to read about mu edolo,in valle camonica,provincia brescia and regione lombardia also my parents came from edolo work in lorraine france , siderurgy 1952 for my father and 1953 form my mother with tree children in may and i came sept 53!!!!
I go to edolo many holidays during l long time of years
I know very well edolo and mu..... i will send to you fotos and others informations I understand your grand father during the war because when i was young talk too many italie was a "few"
to days many people assert his italianity memory
I "make" ma tree genealogy
My great grandfather left Mu, near Edolo, Lombardia in 1900 for Australia. He never returned and our family has known very little about Mu as he could not talk to his children about Italy when they were young as he was regarded as an alien in Australia during the First World War. He had to prove he was loyal to Australia and so his children learned no Italian. I was interested to join this group to learn more about life in the mountains north of Brescia.
Jan Smith
Camuni nel Mondo,
Val Camonica
Monday, December 17, 2012
Guido von List: Part 23 - "The Cult Of Saturn"
Video from YouTube channel SkyRifter
This is possibly the most thought provoking video that I have ever seen on YouTube. I say that even though I disagree with a few associations and interpretations that he made. However, I highly recommend it. It represents possibly the greatest mystery in the history of humanity. On south pole of Saturn exists a massive continuous storm in the form of vortex which retains its "eye of the storm" shape (seen here). When photographed by Voyager in the early 1980s, it eerily appears in the shape and dimensions of a human eye. Voyager also photographed Saturn's north pole, and there exists a surface feature in the shape of a perfect six-pointed hexagram. Within that hexagram shape is a close-to-perfect five-pointed vehme star (both seen here).
To the ancient Sumerians and Akkadians, symbols which clearly pertain to the features of Saturn were used and explicitly associated to Saturn. Chiefly the "Star of David," which was only adopted by Judaism about one thousand years ago. Also, often, this six-pointed star was featured along with the five-pointed pentagram (vehme); and it is a symbol geometrically associated with the hexagram (in the middle of it). In addition, there are many geometric elements to all of this which mathmatically equate to "triple six." I don't want to write it, because I associate it with marginal bad luck. Now how could the Sumerians and others in the ancient world have possibly known about these surface features of Saturn? The "Star of David," the eye, the pentagram, and all the triangle shapes which are featured together and explicitly associated with Saturn... how? Is this proof of extraterrestrial contact?
The hexagram also is a shape which geometrically is associated with a three-dimensional cube or box shape as seen here. Now the north pole of Saturn--just like the south pole--is continuously circling. Not circling merely due to the planet spinning, but due to the weather as it is a mostly gas planet. This "gas storm" is continuously revolving counter-clockwise in and around the hexagram "cube." This will be very difficult to believe, but if you watch this following video here, you will see in Mecca, Muslim pilgrims circling the "black box" counter-clockwise as it is suggested to them to circle the box seven times. We all have our own way to calculate the odds of something, and of ALL of this being merely coincidence. I say the odds are too long on coincidence here. What do you think? Here is the second part of that video.
Saturn symbology:
Ring of Saturn (circle)
The eye (south pole)
The hexagram (north pole)
The Vehme star (north pole)
"Star of David" (geometric hexagram association)
Inverted "Star of David"
Sun of the Alps (geometric hexagram association; European in origin)
The cube or black square (Islamic, Masonic)
The Life Rune (Norse; geometric hexagram association)
Even if you don't want to sit through the entire hour, at least take a look from about 28 to 32.30 minutes.
The Listian connection
From 'Secret of the Runes', pages 86 and 87:
The five-angled star, the Vehme star, the Truthenfuss (truth = turn, fuss = foot) is the hieroglyph of "revolving or turning generation," of "rebirth"--one of the most important articles of faith in the Aryan religion. In its exoteric interpretation this sign simply says "return"....
"The five-angled star" ...... "revolving or turning generation" ...... now combine this concept with the Muslims "revolving or turning" around the black box ...... literally the Saturnian Vehme, which in this case was via the earlier Sumerians and other civilizations. It should be pointed out that although on the surface, we're comparing Germanic to Semitic, the conceptual stem from the ancient world was probably a comparison of Alpine European and true-Mediterranean.
Also.... In its exoteric interpretation this sign simply says "return"..... were the Voyager and the Cassini-Huygens Missions to Saturn "returning?" Returning to the Vehme sign. Perhaps I'm reaching, but there is literally a clear Vehme star on the north pole of Saturn which is in the direct center of an ever "revolving or turning generation" of storm gases. I would normally say impossible, except for ALL of the other connections! Guido von List would not have known this as he was merely interpreting his archeological, scientific, mathmatical, geometrical, and mystic findings.
The ancient Alpines may have had some of this "forbidden knowledge." In Bulgaria today--even though it is almost entirely ignored by the mainstream media--there is an archeological dig which appears to be fifteen or twenty thousand year old pyramids buried underneath large hills of earth. That would make this civilization much older than the Sumerians! Now List was only thinking of the ancient Teutonic connections, as in his time there wasn't the evidential connection to the earlier Celts and Alpines. Certainly not the Celts, so he could only assume that it was Teutonic via the clear Odinic tie-ins to the ancient Heathenry of the Transalpine region.
On the other hand, regarding Saturn, there is a clear tie-in to the Nordic Life Rune as you can see here. Ultimately though, it is from the Sumerian connections that we see the more shocking connections to Saturn. How could they have possibly known about the surface features of Saturn? Saturn, at best, would have appeared as just a star to them. The Sumerians do have a written history which points to visitors from another world, as you may already know. That has been attributed to mere mythology. The Sumerians did, however, know the positions of all of the planets in our solar system. That cannot simply be dismissed either.
While I'm on this subject.... we're going to find out in a few days if anything will happen on that most interesting date of December 21, 2012. So many cultures have pointed to that date. I'm not especially worried about it, as there is so much evil on this planet now. I'm not even suggesting one thing, but it's a lot deeper than that. We actually may need a positive "intervention" on this planet, and one that is not from our self-serving global mis-leaders.
Alpine race,
ancient history,
ancient symbolism,
Guido von List,
Vehme star
Saturday, December 1, 2012
The Mystic Druids
The Mystic Druids Part 1
From YouTube channel RealmOfDestiny
One question is whether or not there was a Druidic culture in Cisalpine Gaul, as there was in Gaul and the British Isles. I still don't have the answer to this. From the incongruent information which I have looked at, my guess would be that there was some, more in the area of ancient Piedmont. For the most part, the more native spiritual traditions predominated.
My theory is that Druidism--and generally the Celts themselves--came about, over a long period of time, as a result of more paternally-oriented Teutonic-Odinic people merging with more maternally-oriented native Alpine and some Alpinized-Mediterranean people and their magical traditions. The sun people and the moon people.
The Mystic Druids Part 2
ancient British Isles,
spiritual traditions,
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