Monday, March 23, 2015
"Cat Princess"
Snow Angel
Apparently this is a recent photo of a likely wild cat from Siberia. Click for the full image! Wild eyes, pure heart.
In case the image doesn't hold, here's the link.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
The Cult of Saturn: Part VI
Roman Temple of Saturn |
Filmmaker, author, and scholar Jay Weidner is a good name to search on YouTube.. as he has been a guest on many truthseeking programs, and is a good source of information on Stanley Kubrick. Two other good links are 'The Saturn Myth' and 'Saturn, Satan, and 666'. Another name to search is author Troy D. McLachlan. His website is, and he authored the book 'The Saturn Death Cult'.
The electric universe
Immanuel Velikovsky is credited as the chief pioneer of this theory, and many related ideas. He authored the book 'Worlds in Collision' in 1950. The two other names in this subject are David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill. They co-authored the book and DVD 'Thunderbolts of the Gods'. Their great website is The Thunderbolts Project - "A voice for the Electric Universe." Their excellent accompanying YouTube channel is ThunderboltsProject. David Talbott also authored 'The Saturn Myth'. If this theory is ever proven true, the smug mainstream so-called "universe experts" should be run out've town on a rail.
The Giza Death Star
The concept of ancient interplanetary warfare and a "Giza death star" seem far fetched until you start to examine it. The similarities between the 2.8 billion year old "Klerksdorp spheres," the Saturnian moon Iapetus, and the "Death Star" from the movie 'Star Wars' is incredible. One could say that George Lucas merely used Iapetus as a model, except for the fact that the features of Iapetus were not photographed until 2004. Just the fact that the Klerksdorp spheres are 2.8 billion years old should be enough to consider some revisionist ideas. 'Mysterious similarities of Klerksdorp spheres and Iapetus/Deathstar'. There must be an answer to all of this somewhere. [Just in case I lose the image link to the visual comparison of the three]
The main person in this area of study is Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, and that would be another good name to look up on YouTube. He has authored numerous popular books, including 'The Giza Death Star' and 'The Cosmic War', and his website is The video The Ancient Cosmic War is based on a recent Joseph P. Farrell interview on Red Ice Radio.
I just wanted to drop a few more names who have researched these subjects, and would be great to search on YouTube along with "Saturn." Jordan Maxwell, Santos Bonacci, David Icke, David Wilcock, William Cooper, James McCanney, Norman Bergrun, and Chuck Missler.
I mainly took the time to put this series together because it was on-subject in that it ties so closely with old pagan traditions, ancient spirituality, and folk traditions. It's just a part that cannot be left out. A person could have a blog entirely devoted to this and related subjects; and just continue to comb through the facts, history, theories, connections, coincidences, and the ultimate breadth of it all. It's the missing puzzle piece of human history.
'Symbols of an Alien Sky' by the Thunderbolts Project (full documentary)
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
The Cult of Saturn: Part V
The rays of electrical discharge surrounding the Mars-Venus configuration was to have created the appearance of “horns” as like a bull or an owl. This would explain the archetypes from, for example, Babylon (“bull worhip") and Phoenicia-Canna (“owl worship”). Also, the obsession with “the horns” within the Cult of Saturn. Instead of being privy to this as part of our fascinating collective history, we are forced to endure adult infants in popular mainstream culture using these symbols in an unhealthy way.. while at the same time this history is being kept hidden from us. Also, the ancient worldwide symbol of the dragon or serpent was to have originated from the appearance of the electrical interaction between Mars and Venus.
According to Arthur C. Clarke, who was a part of this milieu, the “monolith” from the 1968 film ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ was actually a representative of the pyramid. However, the pyramid would have been too overt a symbol to use. The filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, who produced and directed ‘2001’, has been described as either an insider of this milieu.. or someone who tried to “expose” this systemic underworld. He was a person commissioned, through his work, to facilitate the ancient Saturnian code of allowing the information to become available for “those who wish to know.”
The Black Sun |
I should have been more clear earlier that the “black sun” symbol, associated with the National Socialists, apparently originated with the early Saturnian religious expression of Teutonic peoples when they lived in the northern part of west/central Asia during the last glacial movement. Other possible Saturnian symbols from this expression were the more circular forms of both the swastika and the triskelion. Often it’s not clear whether or not a symbol represents the Sun or Saturn. I think that it’s at least very likely that the black sun wheel is Saturnian. There is a lot more evidence of a very ancient Teutonic/Hyperborean homeland in the far north during The Golden Age, than there is evidence of any super Teutonic civilization. Those are two different ideas. However, the ancient Persian/Aryan civilization was of a true-Mediterranean and Teutonic mix.
Here is one amazing image of the hexagram on the north pole of Saturn, with the "ring of fire" at the center; which could also form another symbolic perception of an "eye." In the Johnny Cash song entitled "Ring of Fire," the lyrics clearly reflect someone "going to Hell." However, that negative idea originated from a Christian (Solar cult) point of view. Since the word "Hell" originated from the Saturnian God "El," and since the "ring of fire" is located on Saturn's north pole, a person visiting the "ring of fire" would literally be "going to El" in a benign sense.
ancient history,
ancient solar system,
Cult of Saturn,
Golden Age,
Saturn worship,
Teutonic origins
Monday, March 16, 2015
The Cult of Saturn: Part IV
has thirty-three moons. “33” is an extremely important number in Freemasonry
and other Saturnian occultic groups. Some of these various symbols can just be
passed on by tradition, and not necessarily be connected to anything overtly Saturnian. However, the origin is Saturnian. The Saturnian hexagram
(Star of David) has six sides, six corners, and six triangles… “666.” When
Jewish leaders latched onto this very ancient symbol a thousand or fifteen
hundred years ago, they didn’t do it because they had anything to do with the
Christian Devil or any type of evil. They took it because it was Saturnian.
Saturn’s Day (“Saturday”) is the sixth day of the week, and Saturn is the sixth
planet from the Sun. Each triangle of the Saturnian hexagram has three
60-degree angles. It fits right inside of the six-sided polygon, such as the
one on Saturn’s north pole.
Getting back to the north pole of Saturn, within the six-sided hexagram is a clearfive-pointed pentagram-like shape. This “hexagram and pentagram” combination seemed to be popular during the time of the Sumerians. For example, the two-sided “Talisman of Saturn” coin. The seven solid inner geometric shapes of the Saturnian hexagram, plus the six solid inner geometric shapes of the pentagon, equal thirteen. In the same way that “the Sabbath” is Sunday (“Sun Day”) to Christians (Sun cult); Saturday (“Saturn’s Day”) was “the Sabbath” to Saturn cults in ancient times. I suppose it’s just too damn bad if you happen to like Saturday and Sunday. The ancients pitted star vs star, and we haven’t gotten over it yet.
pyramid structures are to have represented the north pole of Saturn as well,
which then leads to the “pyramid and the all-seeing eye” found on the back of
the U.S. one dollar bill… clearly a major fetish to Saturnians, usually
Freemasons. What is most interesting is that one of these thirteen-layered symbols was discovered some years ago in Ecuador. This artifact glows under black light. It’s not known who
constructed it many centuries ago, but it shows that this Saturnian culture was
worldwide. Thirteen is the other sacred number in the Saturnian occult. The “leader”
representing wisdom, and twelve “lieutenants,” is a very common symbolic theme. It also
represents the theory of “compartmentalization.”
The Knights Templars |
all-seeing “eye” is also based on a feature on Saturn’s surface. On the southpole of Saturn is an endless circular storm in the shape of a human eye…
eyelids and all. This is also a major, major fetish to Saturnians. When stupid
little “pop stars” who don’t know their rear end from a hole in the ground,
flash a “pyramid” using both hands, the “Devil horns” hand signal, or an “ok sign” in the form of a hand gesture over their eye… this represents the “Cult
of Saturn.” In other words, in historical essence, Saturnian rule over the
rival Solar cults. To be clear, the “ok sign” is three sixes hooked together.
The horns actually were a feature in the sky during The Golden Age, which I’ll
get to. The big question is how did the ancients know about specific features on Saturn’s surface? Because these features would have existed, apparently, only
after the star Saturn fizzled out and civilization went through a long dark
period. Even if an advanced species came to the Earth, why would they bother
with Saturn?
Getting back to the north pole of Saturn, within the six-sided hexagram is a clearfive-pointed pentagram-like shape. This “hexagram and pentagram” combination seemed to be popular during the time of the Sumerians. For example, the two-sided “Talisman of Saturn” coin. The seven solid inner geometric shapes of the Saturnian hexagram, plus the six solid inner geometric shapes of the pentagon, equal thirteen. In the same way that “the Sabbath” is Sunday (“Sun Day”) to Christians (Sun cult); Saturday (“Saturn’s Day”) was “the Sabbath” to Saturn cults in ancient times. I suppose it’s just too damn bad if you happen to like Saturday and Sunday. The ancients pitted star vs star, and we haven’t gotten over it yet.
Inverted "Unicursal Hexagram" |
the Satanic Baphomet, three fingers are faced upward, and three fingers are faced downward. This symbolized the two parts (three-corners each) of the
Saturnian hexagram (sacred masculine faced up/sacred feminine faced down).
However, this was a later expression of Saturnian culture. It must have been
quite a shock to the Saturnians when Saturn became a dwarf star and “died.” I
think this evil manifestation was part of an immature reaction to their God “losing”
to the God of the Solar cults.
are hundreds of Saturn symbols present in Roman Catholicism, Islam, and
Judaism; as well as thousands of them on corporate logos, government
institutions, and international and supernational organizations. Searching YouTube
for people like David Icke, Mark Passio, or Michael Tsarion would be a
good source for that and other connections. When delving into the deep and dark
caverns of Saturnian thought, eventually you come to the concept of Saturn as the
clock of our solar system. To the Saturnians, a clock that creates time;
whatever that means. Could it be something beyond our understanding? Perhaps
part of the process of the human soul? Maybe Saturn is a benign system, but
certain people want to control it or attach negativity onto it? Perhaps this
may be why these people are so into transhumanism.
ancient civilizations,
ancient solar system,
Cult of Saturn,
Golden Age,
Sunday, March 15, 2015
The Cult of Saturn: Part III
Variations of this Saturnian-based culture may have migrated from a possible Atlantean group of civilizations which gave way to some type of cataclysm, to Sumeria, to Phoencia, and to the early “Mystery Schools” of occult and Alchemic knowledge. This was to have included Egypt, Greece, Rome, to India and China, and to the Druidic cultures of northern Europe. Saturn worship was to have replaced the pre-Olympian Goddess Hecate in ancient Greece. Hinduism, Shintoism, Nepalese and Tibetan Buddhism all apparently have Saturnian symbolism. Apparently the Etruscans referred to Saturn as the “Wheel of Heaven,” the Gaels as Satarn, and the Bantus as Isateni. The mystery schools developed into the Templars, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and similar systems.
Even if one were to examine the ancient Roman knowledge of the planets, one could ask how they were so familiar with Saturn, Mars, or Venus? They didn’t have telescopes. Planets appear to us as just stars when observing the night sky with our eyes, binocular, or telescope. In fact, the archaic name for the Italian peninsula was “Saturnia.” The Roman festival “Saturnalia” is said to be a return to “Saturn’s reign”… aka The Golden Age. The Catholic Church took on after the Roman Empire fell, and the institution features much Saturn symbolism, as well as a mixture of other ancient symbols. The Catholic Church once engaged in a bitter rivalry with the Templar/Freemasonic groups, despite the fact that both are obsessed with Saturn; and it could be said that this is another constant within these Saturn societies… blood feuds between them.
should have mentioned, along with the many Biblical words which originate with
the Phoenician God “El” rootword... the word “Hell.” An obvious attempt by the Sun cult to
project negativity onto the Saturn cult, and the other side has caught up quite
a bit in recent years. Also confusing is that there can be opposing camps
within certain cultures and regions. For example, the ancient Egyptian word
“Set” means Saturn. The Satanist Aleister Crowley appears to have delved into
the Saturnian magical aspect of ancient Egypt. In other words, there seems to
have been both Sun and Saturn cults in Egypt. There is a modern Satanic society
called the Temple of Set.
According to the Christian Bible, the Earth is six-thousand years old; or, perhaps that really meant that the star Saturn fizzled out six thousand years ago, and ushered in the “Sun only era” from a Sun cult point of view? The modern Bohemian Club is very likely Saturnian, and uses an amalgamation of symbols from the ancient Middle East. For example, they worship a forty-foot stone owl deity called “Molech” (mo-EL-ech) in ancient Babylon. Black and purple are Saturnian colors, and the priesthood of ancient Phoenicia-Canna wore black and purple robes. This is why judges and Catholic priests always wear black robes. There are probably non-Saturnians who wear black robes, but this is why the Saturnian societies wear them… because of, at the very least, the Saturnian traditional aspect.
black and white checkered pattern, usually a floor pattern, is obviously a Saturnian
symbol. This black cubed pattern is featured on the floor of Masonic lodges, and other Saturnian societies. I noticed while watching the recent horror movie 'Annabelle', a terrifying scene in a basement of an apartment building where the floor was this black and white checkerboard pattern. A basement floor would very unlikely be of this pattern. The filmmakers had a definite point to make. The black square or cube is a reflection of the hexagram located on the
north pole of Saturn. When you graduate, you must wear a Saturnian square
marter board on your head, with a matching robe. At the very least, this is a
remnant of the Saturnian tradition, if not something more. The dollar bill has
a little owl up in the right corner. The ancient symbol of a snake eating its own
tail is Saturnian, and was present in many different cultures. The snake or
serpent represents wisdom, and the Sun cults were always trying to wipe it out
for the sake of piety.. often with eagle symbolism representing male energy over female wisdom. I can’t truly say that I am convinced that either side
is “good.” Why can’t someone just like both the Sun and Saturn?
black cube symbol is big in Islam. When hundreds of thousands of Muslims circle the giant black cube in
Mecca, this is a reenactment of the storm which circles the hexagram or “cube”
on the north pole of Saturn. Although Islam is overwhelmingly Saturnian in
origin, the Islamic color is green. Green is the color associated with the
planet Venus, and Islam uses a “Venusian crescent” as its chief symbol. This is
not the Moon, but it’s how Venus usually appeared in the sky ten or fifteen thousand
years ago during The Golden Age. The geometric “storm” on the north pole of
Saturn is red, and the “ring of fire” or “rings” are a part of Saturnian
symbolism. Rings may also represent the rings of Saturn. The symbols of ear
rings, wedding rings, and crowns originate from the Saturnian tradition. I’m
generalizing, since there are probably circles and rings which may not be
ancient Greece,
ancient history,
ancient Rome,
ancient spirituality,
Cult of Saturn,
Golden Age,
sun worship
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
The Cult of Saturn: Part II
With two “competing” stars in the sky, a rivalry seems to have formed between the Sun cults and the Saturn cults. The Egyptian Sun cult was the basis for Christianity, with “The Son” (Sun) Jesus as its “risen savior” and “the light of the world”; who symbolically "dies" and is "reborn" every year. Part of Christianity pits “The Son” against “Satan” (Saturn). However, the Roman Emperor Constantine—as well as the early Catholic Church—took the Christian doctrine and “Saturnized” it so to speak. They didn’t do this because they were somehow evil, but because they were dedicated to Saturn… then a dwarf star. In other words, the Sun rises every day, and is the light of our world; while Saturn no longer emitted any light, and was now symbolically “dark”… “light vs. dark.” Another thought, perhaps a nova-like reaction from the dying Saturn could have melted the glaciers and caused a great flood. This could have sunk Atlantis and other civilizations, and put an end to The Golden Age?
and Judaism were clearly formed from earlier Saturn cults. The Saturnian
hexagram, known today as the Star of David, is a symbol of Saturn. It also
represents the divine masculine (upward triangle) and the divine feminine
(downward triangle). Even some mosques feature Saturnian hexagrams on the
front. The geometric properties of this symbol equal 666. However, this
initially wasn’t intended to be “evil” at all. Only later, after Saturn had
fizzled out, were these symbols presented as being dark or evil by the church.
This nitpicking went both ways as shown in the above link. There were people
who in modern times did take on Satanism in a negative form. I’m generalizing,
since there are competing camps even within all of these religions. To try to
sift through the “good guys vs. bad guys” within these religions would perhaps
take me down a rabbit hole that I don’t wish to go down right now.
Unfortunately, the positive energy elements tend to cover for the negative
energy elements within their own religion. That’s part of human nature.
people of the pre-Abrahamic Middle East were primarily Mediterranean, not
Semitic. So in other words, Indo-European. Also, north of the Himalayas was the
original Teutonic homeland. With some of these people migrating southward in
ancient times, they were also part of this Sun-Saturn cultural and religious interaction. Their spirituality revolved around the "Black Sun," which could have either been the Sun, or
it perhaps could have really meant Saturn. It’s not clear to me. Saturn
seemingly would have been their star, long shining in the northern sky, and now
“a black sun.” Saturn people always have to be the bad guys, right?; or is this
some kind of grand global theater of occultic history? The Germanenorden
(Teutonic Order) apparently had great knowledge of at least this early Teutonic
history. It’s possible that the two-star system of The Golden Age made it
possible for people to live on the North Pole, or part of it. Therefore the
mythical Hyperborea could have existed, perhaps without seasons, and possibly illuminated twenty-four hours a day (day and dim). The ancient city of Arkaim likely was a Teutonic settlement. Also
apparently there was a Saturnian Society in Germany, which later influenced
the National Socialists, and eventually migrated to the United States and helped form
NASA. We could probably at least say that it’s very likely that the early
Teutonic religion was Saturnian.
can only speculate on Atlantean civilizations, but Saturnian culture can at
least be traced back to Sumeria. Another highly influential culture was the
Phoenician civilization. The Phoenician-Caanenite religion and culture was most
certainly over-the-top Saturnian! The God Saturn was called “El.” Apparently,
during The Golden Age, Saturn emitted a certain subtle “purple haze” of light.
The Phoenician priesthood (“the Elders”) wore purple robes. They used the Saturnian
hexagram, the Star of Saturn. They were, in fact, “Satanists” using the ancient
meaning of the word. The original Hebrew language has a common origin with the
Phoenician-Caanenite language. That doesn’t mean they were the same people, but
the powerful nation of Phoenicia-Caanen occupied a large area in the Near East.
Saturnian God “El” as a rootword, is present in many languages, including
English. It’s especially present in words dealing with aspects of authority,
government, and education. For example, elder, elect, elected, elite, elevator,
elevate, temple (tem-pel), bible (bi-bel), bell, steeple (ste-pel), cathedral
(cathe-drel), electricity, element, elementary, etc. Phoenician temples
featured “two towers” apparently, and are likely related to the Egyptian obelisk
(o-bel-isk). The owl (ow-el) was a powerful symbol in the Babylonian
(Ba-bel-on) culture, symbolized by their God Molech (Mo-el-ech); and they went
on to construct the Tower of Babel (Ba-bel). Along with the Tower of Babel,
there were many Biblical words which can be traced back to “El.” Israel
(Is-ra-el), Elohim, Eli, Emanuel, Mary Magdalene (Mag-del-ene), etc. The Hebrew-originated Christian name Rachel comes to mind as well. I’m not certain if the
Near Eastern God Baal (Ba-el) is another manifestation or name of the God El or
not. Then there’s the word for God in Islam… Allah (A-el-ah). The Phoenicians traveled and traded far and wide, including England, so I wouldn't underestimate many other words as well.
ancient hisoty,
ancient Middle East,
Cult of Saturn,
Golden Age,
sun worship
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
The Cult of Saturn: Part 1
Years ago, while attending a lecture by Jordan Maxwell, I recall him saying right from the get-go that everything today revolves around “Saturn worship.” Of course we always hear people saying that “this or that” is the main point, but I kept it in the back of my mind afterwards. I can say now that he was correct. Months ago I had wanted to make a series on Saturn, but I quickly found out that the more I learned.. the more I realized there was to learn. It would be a massive undertaking. It’s simply something that one must discover on their own, or not.
other words, I’m going to make something of a half–hearted attempt at
scratching the surface. The subject is so intertwined with other subjects that
it’s difficult to cut those connections off; also, facts and unsupported
speculation are eerily merged in a way that I have never seen before. Each
building block of truth requires much effort to prove just in themselves, which
is why this is really more of a personal journey for anyone interested.
recognize that there are two expressions of interest in Saturn. One facilitated
by elites, and one of merely seeking the historical truth about Saturn and
Earth interaction.. and accepting whatever findings as part of our collective
history. Unfortunately, the loud expressions of the former stands out greatly
and form a major distraction from the truthseeking process. Certainly ancient occult
Saturn symbolism is overwhelmingly part of popular culture, corporate logos,
governments, the court systems, art, and architecture.
Saturnian doctrine apparently idealizes something called “The Golden Age.” Not
a golden age, but The Golden Age. It’s not entirely clear of even what this
really is, but it may be the time of Atlantis, Lemuria, and perhaps other
highly advances cultures which could have existed from 11,000 to 15,000 years
ago. They were to have been destroyed by natural disasters, an asteroid, sudden
Earth changes, or warfare. It must have been something substantial since this
was clearly a type of “world culture” due to the common artifacts found all
over the world.
was seemingly a big part of the Golden Age, which could have existed under a
completely different sky. There’s a growing segment of the scientific community—especially
as a result of recent plasma research—which is accepting the “electric
universe” theory over the mainstream “gravity universe.” Electricity being the
force, and plasma the conductor. In this ancient sky, there were probably “two
Suns.” Saturn was a star in the northern sky, closer than today. Many of the
planets were to have been closer, and dramatic interactive electrical charges
between them were to have been visible from the Earth… forming “Cosmic wheels.”
These visual patterns could be the basis for many of the powerful ancient
symbols. For example, symbols of stick men with two dots originate from ancient
plasma discharges in the ancient solar system.

Venus, Mars… these planets were very well known to the ancient civilizations.
Some of the theory of the electric universe could explain this, with many of
these planets having been much closer than they are today. This gathering of
planets so close to the earth, and the electric charges from planet to planet
may have been the source of much of the global mythologies. In other words… the
planets where the “gods and goddesses.” For example, the ancient goddess Inanna
was based on the planet Venus, and likely the “cosmic thunderbolts” which
surrounded it. "The Golden Age was when Heaven was close to the Earth.” At a
much later point, Islam adopted—not the Moon—but Venus as the bottom rocker “crescent”..
as this is how Venus was to have appeared in the ancient sky during The Golden Age, due to the
electrical interaction between Mars and Venus. Christianity and Islam were
built upon many earlier religions.
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