Post Xmas
I had actually wanted to get this out, with a lot more content, before Xmas.... but I just didn't get to it. On the subject of Krampus.... Krampus is not just from German mythology, but from surrounding countries and regions as well. According to Wikipedia... "Krampus appears in the folklore of Austria, Bavaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Northern Italy, Autonomous Province of Trento and South Tyrol, Slovakia, and Slovenia." [Book: 'Celebrating Life Customs around the World: From Baby Showers to Funerals' by Victoria Williams; 2016]. Although German in origin, it ultimately comes from Norse mythology, and likely traveled within the folklore of Germanic tribes and bands such as Goths, Cimbrians, etc.
It seems strongest in the eastern Alps. However, although it's fun to be able to lay some sort've ancestral tie-in to the Krampus legend, the Italian Alps is ripe with many other mythological legends that I'll cover at some other time. On one video, someone suggested that the Krampus legend "migrated" to Trento, the Dolomites, etc. from the Austrian-Hapsburg Empire. This, of course, is absolute nonsense, as the Austrian occupiers were hated in Trento, Lombardy, and the Tri-Veneto! I didn't want to argue the point since it was just all just in fun. Clearly, this cultural migration was due to several small soft migrations of Germanic peoples over the centuries.

Video Links
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Outsiders & Outcasts (For Those That Don't Belong)
1.69M subscribers
142,303 views - November 12, 2020
From the moment we are born as human beings, the people around us prepare us to fit the herd. We start out as being part of a family, and then we expand our social life with friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and, in many cases, a significant other. People tend to work together and spend time with each other, and thus, they form a well-oiled machine called society.
Living among the herd has many benefits, like safety, security, access to other people including potential mates, and a shared identity that creates a sense of self. But in some cases, the herd doesn’t want you anymore, and you become an outcast. Or you don’t want the herd anymore, and you become a recluse. Or, perhaps, a little bit of both.
No matter what the reason is: some people just don’t seem to belong. And when you don’t belong, you’re an outsider; an outcast. So, how do we handle being an outsider? What about those that don't belong?
This video explores the fate of those outsiders and outcasts that live outside the herd.
"The more I'm surrounded by people the more I feel alone."
-- Hideaki Page
How to Connect with People When You Feel like an Outsider | Eckhart Tolle
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To Anyone Who Feels Like They Don't Belong
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Lets make the public library popular again!
Somebody sure needed to state what's on the above image! Sometimes some closed minded right or left wing ideologue is presented with some fool-proof fact(s) that stops them in their tracks, and they immediately do a cowardly "quick google search" in order to justify their position with some scant counter argument, and they use it as justification for some destructive belief that they just can't exorcise from their minds. A real critical thinker---at least in their own mind!---challenges their beliefs by looking at it from the opposite camp, or a whole assortment of other checks to test it's validity. The main point that I wanted to make is that we all need to start physically going to the library again! Also, in our library systems are special research rooms, where records and other information can be found that we should all know about. Maybe we all need to make note that 2023 would be a good time to start using our library system a lot more!
Top 10 Rammstein Songs
24.9M subscribers - 3.3M views
Massive pyrotechnics and hardcore industrial music. What a show. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Rammstein Songs.
"a top 10 is not enough for rammstein"
-- starforce224
"The beauty of Rammstein, to me as a native English-speaker, is the fact that I have no idea what the hell they are singing. I just love the way it sounds."
-- jeffwads
"Till Lindemann easily has the perfect voice for metal music. Man i love Rammsteins music"
-- TheCarBrothers
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