Saturday, September 16, 2017
9-23-17 - The Final Prophesy
The Sign - Trailer
Audience Network
Will an unprecedented planetary alignment bring forth biblical prophecies of the apocalypse? Major scientific discoveries, rising geopolitical tensions and significant astronomical events are pointing to a potentially catastrophic world event. AT&T original documentary, The Sign, explores intersections of science, religion, and history to uncover the truth behind prophecies of the apocalypse.
The Final Prophesy
Just this morning I viewed the documentary 'The Sign' on the Audience Channel. We keep being informed that a new end times prophesy is upon us every couple of months going back quite a few years now. A few have made more noise than the others, and one such date is now upon us... again!: September 23, 2017. I bit on the September 23, 2015 date because it was clearly encoded in movies and other aspects of popular culture for many years. I think actually the straw that broke the camels back for me was John Lithgow's character, from the TV program '3rd Rock from the Sun' in 1996, who exclaimed that a meteor will hit the earth in 2015! Clearly there was enough evidence--particularly the flashing of the 9-23-15 date in so many films--to conclude that there was a long concerted effort to play up that date and concept... which is probably stranger than if it actually had occurred.
Now we have a new date, with Biblical prophesies, God's covenant with Israel, planetary alignments, and Planet X finally showing itself by blocking out the sun. I'm only certain now of three things. 1) This will not be the last end times date; 2) Any natural earth catastrophe which occurs--whenever it is to occur--will be an act of fate; and 3) Any man-made catastrophe will only be due to the actions of men. Although I wouldn't rule out the possibility of powerful political forces--Christian or Satanic--attempting to artificially engineer the Book of Revelation to happen... as it already seems to be occurring in some forms. I would call September 23, 2017 the Final Prophesy, because the ones which will follow should be a very hard sell.
solar system
Friday, September 15, 2017
The Military Cult of Mithras 2
Bloomberg Builds Temple To Roman God Mithras
The Alex Jones Channel
Alex Jones and an Infowars Caller discuss Bloomberg's move to build their new London facility on an ancient archaeological site formerly dedicated to the Roman God Mithras.
The Roman cult of Mithras
I don't agree--intrinsically speaking--that the construction of a Temple of Mithras is at all a bad thing. However, all too often it's by the wrong people and for the wrong reasons. For example, recently images of the Indian goddess Kali were flashed upon the Empire State Building (Bizarre Images of "Satan" Appear on Empire State Building); while newly discovered Viking artifacts apparently are to be destroyed in Sweden (Globalist Usurpers in Sweden Destroy Priceless Viking Artifacts). To the global elite crowd, almost any powerful deity can be "Satan," often despite clear evidence to the contrary.
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Mithraeum in Latium, Italy |
I could not really confirm that the Viking artifacts were slated for destruction based on the links which were provided at that link. It's sounds so insane to the point of disbelief. It's curious within this elitist politic the god Odin (or other Teutonic gods and traditions) is devalued, while other European gods are not (the Satanically-projected gods Cernunnos, Apolyon, Pan, Diana, etc.). They don't see any of these gods or traditions as having a thing to do with any particular folk. Other than the people and politics, I wouldn't mind visiting one of the temples to Ba'el (actually the Phoenician god "EL") which are being erected in big cities around the country. I don't see it as "Satanic" from either a Christian, Islamic, or "cult of Saturn" perspective. It was a highly historically-influential ancient Phoenician/Saturnian cult, and that's all.
ancient deities,
ancient Rome,
ancient spirituality,
Cult of Saturn,
United Kingdom
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
The Military Cult of Mithras
The Military Cult of Mithras - Very Indo-European
Survive the Jive
The Indo-Iranic god Mitra is found in both Indian and Persian religions. His cult was transferred to Rome where it transformed into an initiatic military order for soldiers. The roots of the god are of course in the Eastern branch of the Indo-European religions, but even in his Western form, he took on certain attributes that recall the original Proto-Indo-European religion, namely the sacrifice of a bull. The god was worshipped in a cave or cave like structure called a Mithraeum. The Phrygian cap is also of great antiquity and originates among Indo-European peoples of the Near East (perhaps it is even older).
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Music: Richard Wagner - Das Rheingold Act 1 - performed by US Marine Band.
Cult of Mithras Explained
"The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual's own reason and critical analysis." -- Dalai Lama
ancient Greece,
ancient Persia,
ancient Rome,
ancient spirituality,
Indo-European history,
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Stephen E. Flowers - Restoring the Indo-European Religion; ""
Stephen E. Flowers - Restoring the Indo-European Religion: Zoroastrianism, Germanic Paganism...
Red Ice TV
Stephen E. Flowers - Restoring the Indo-European Religion: Zoroastrianism, Germanic Paganism, & Rune Magic - Hour 1 Stephen Edred Flowers, also known by the pen-name Edred Thorsson, is an American Runologist and proponent of occultism, Germanic mysticism, Odinism, esoteric runosophy, Asatru, and Mazdaism. He is known for being instrumental in the early establishment of the Germanic Neopagan movement in North America and has been involved in Left-Hand Path organizations. Flowers has hundreds of published papers and over three dozen books, including “The Good Religion” and the forthcoming release, “Original Magic”.
Flowers is currently director of the Woodharrow Institute of Germanic Studies and the owner and operator of Runa-Raven Press. Stephen begins by discussing his vision for rejuvenating the Indo-European way through a revival of well-founded Germanic traditions and the restoration of traditional areas of study that are being eliminated from academia. He explains the foundations of the Mazdan tradition and its ultimate goal of attaining happiness in the here and now, and he speaks to the importance of preserving the heroic myths that our ancestors would evoke to organize and motivate societies.
We talk about the centuries-long, coercive Christianization process that eroded away the ancient organic values of Indo-European folk-groups and flipped the true position of humanity on its head with the idea of original sin. Stephen highlights his understanding of the connection between the formation of the Germanic religion and the Zoroastrian way, and he emphasizes how the absence of culturally conditioned images allowed different cultural spheres to develop according to a veneration for their own symbols, myths and rituals.
In the members’ segment, Flowers talks about ancient horse domestication and the profoundness of the great myth of the American frontier. Then, Stephen explains the history of the Germanic writing system called the Runes and the relationship between the theory of magic and the mystical study of runes. We discuss rune magic, the use of artistic, mythical components in conveying messages, and the function of rune stones in immortalizing the dead and instilling motivation for group survival.
We also touch on the application of runes in self-transformation, which Stephen says can be used to facilitate communications between one’s conscious and unconscious mind and in activating the spirit. Additionally, Stephen gives recommendations for inspiring a sense of spirituality and purpose through self-exploration and bonding with other like-minded individuals in real life. At the end, we consider the Persian Empire’s role in spreading the Aryan traditions of community and rights for all living things.
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While on the general subject of ancestry...
...the epitaph on the entrance of the cemetery in the movie 'Shutter Island':
"Remember us for we too have lived, loved and laughed."
Monday, September 4, 2017
Meetings Between Mountains - The Bergamo Alps
Gorno - Incontri Tra/Montani
Antenna 2 TV
To try to intervene on the physiological aphasia between the valleys, in 1990 we began to communicate the main cultural associations of our valleys. The meetings between the mountain and the mountains reached this year at the 26th edition and scheduled from Friday afternoon to Gorno.
The title of the meetings this year is "the Mines of the Alps, the future of a Millenary history": And to take part are coming speakers from all over our country. There are also many people who have booked accommodation to follow the work.
We talked to Decoder at ANTENNA2 with the following guests:
Giancarlo Maculotti, Incontri Tra/Montani (Meetings Between Mountains)
Antonio Gonella, Circolo Culturale Baradello (Cultural Circle Baradello)
Giampiero Cabinders, Sindaco di Gorno (Mayor of Gorno)
Fabrizio Scolari, Ecomuseo delle Miniere di Gorno (Gorno Mining Museum)

The Incontri Tra/Montani was born in 1990 from a chance encounter between cultural associations of the Val Camonica and Val Trompia. From the observation of poor communication between the valleys and the reading of the great difficulties in which the mountain lies (exodus, destructive interventions, unemployment etc.), was born the idea of an annual convention that began to create a network of non-institutional relations between groups operating in the Italian, Swiss, Austrian, and French Alps, with the intent to promote mutual understanding, cooperation, exchange, and analysis of possible proposals.
In between there is a double meaning/mountain: the need of the meeting and the consciousness of the sunset of a civilization that was the center of pre-industrial economy as all the energy produced by the medieval machine needed fall of the water.The meetings of study and reflection on issues of common interest in the alpine resorts are organized regularly since 1990 and touch upon topics of various kinds and locations are always different.

ITM Group membership is open to all associations, think-tanks and cultural groups in the Alps.
History of the ITM curated by Giancarlo Maculotti (pdf file)
The following have collaborated to the realization of Incontri Tra/Montani:
• Associazione Comitato Organizzatore Festa di Trate - Gaverina Terme (Bergamo)
• Associazione IVS Inventario delle Vie di Comunicazione Storiche - Milano
• Centro Studi e Ricerche Archivio Bergamasco - Bergamo
• Centro Studi Etnografici Val Imagna S. Omobono Imagna (Bergamo)
• Centro Studi Judicaria – Tione (Trento)
• Centro Studi Val di Sole – Malè (Trento)
• Centro Studi Valchiavennaschi - Chiavenna (Sondrio)
• Circolo Culturale Baradello Clusone (Bergamo)
• Circolo Culturale Ghislandi - Cividate Camuno (Brescia)
• Comune di Montereale Valcellina Montereale Valcellina (Pordenone)
• Cooperativa Arca Gardone Val Trompia (Brescia)
• Cooperativa Il Chiese - Storo (Trento)
• Fondazione Progetto Poschiavo - Poschiavo (Svizzera)
• Fondazione Val Verzasca - Canton Ticino (Svizzera)
• L’Arcilettore, Circolo di Sondrio – Sondrio
• Museo Etnografico S. Caterina Valfurva (Sondrio)
• Museo Etnografico Tiranese - Tirano (Sondrio)
• Pro Vita Alpina - Längenfeld (Austria)
Apparently the group "Valtellina nel Futuro" is no longer active or involved with ITM, as their website has been down for awhile now and their not included on the ITM list.
This shouldn't be confused with the Tyrol-Trento "Euroregion," which was created by EU Globalists to break down national sovereignty. However, this type of socially organic cultural/political meeting group is good.
Incontri Tra/Montani,
Italian Alps,
the Alps,
Val Camonica,
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Full Corn Moon 2017 - Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning
September Full Moon 2017: The 'Corn Moon' Cozies Up to Neptune
Guess who just moved into your attic?
Scientology Crazy Followers
Interesting video I came across of some wacko Scientologists harassing some camera guy (Mark Bunker) who disagrees with Scientology. They even tried to follow him home and they've picketed his actual home.
More at
Oh, and Enturbulation was made up by Scientology and is not part of the English Language.
Also, if you're bored and want to discuss Scientology, go to and start a conversation about it. We frequently discuss Scientology and other religions in the General Discussion section and the Safe for Work / Political section. ;)
Also, XenuTV and Mark Bunker are on Check out his Myspace where he blogs about Scientology.
Also check out
Funny video; almost like a parody.
10 Strange Mysteries Connected To The Church Of Scientology
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Marilyn Monroe |
Just plain bizarre! - 124 year old books with VERY weird parallels to 2016-17
August 9, 2017: Books surface from over 124 years ago, entered at the Library of Congress with many uncanny references pertaining to todays world. At first, I didn't believe it either...links below...
Christopher Cross - Ride Like The Wind
"Ride Like The Wind" from the classic album of 1980.
David Paulides
David Paulides is a former law enforcement officer from northern California who has become a very sought-after interview, as well as a favorite on Coast to Coast AM, due to his books and research into missing people in the national park system. The particulars and patterns of so many of the cases are extremely bizarre; and also the very strange actions of the upper administration of the U.S. National Park Service.
Canam Missing Project
Canam Missing Project - YouTube
Missing 411: The Movie
EXCLUSIVE Interview With David Paulides Of The Missing 411!
Dave's Website:
Missing 411 is now available on all digital platforms worldwide:
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Follow Him On Twitter: @canammissing
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'The Meanings Behind the Symbols on 20 Beer Labels'
Nick Greene - - December 4, 2015
Breweries are some of the oldest companies in the world, and beer labels are full of little symbols and phrases that point to their storied histories. That, or they just load up the bottles and cans with weird crap so you have something to talk about as you're downing your fifth cold one. Either way, let's decipher some.
5. Dos Equis
Dos Equis was first brewed by Wilhelm Hasse in 1897, and was called "Siglo XX" to celebrate the arrival of the 20th century. This was eventually shortened to "XX," or "Dos Equis." Between the two x's on the label is the face of Aztec ruler Moctezuma II, who was killed in 1520 during the Spanish invasion of Mexico.
There's always a cover story for origins of symbols, and perhaps it can be true, but many times not. There could be a hidden exoteric second meaning.
"We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.”
-- Chris Hedges
'South Central'
This is a good movie. It's essentially about a young man who was pretty much led around by the forces around him in life... never really thinking for himself. By the last approximately third of the film, he had undergone such a spiritual awakening that he was almost on a different plane. As the character struggled against the wicked forces around him, these antagonists appeared almost like spiritual infants in comparison. Unlike 'American History X', which had a similar theme, this didn't appear forced or shallow. Then there's that ending scene...
South Central - Full Movie Version (1992)
Toba TV Video
Full Movie Ding
White Lion
Best Video of Mount St Helens Volcano Eruption footage
May 18th 1980 Mount St Helens Volcano Eruption footage
The large eruption on Mount St Helens began at 8:32 am
The earthquake shook loose the upper northern flank of the volcano. About 3.2 cubic km of of the mountain slid down in a massive avalanche at 250 km/h toward the base of Mount St Helens. The avalanche released extreme pressure on the volcano which began a huge explosion. A 500 km/hr blast of hot gases and fractured rock covered 600 sq km in minutes. 30 seconds after the initial blast the Mount St Helens volcano released a Plinian eruption column of ash which rose to a height of 25 km in 15 minutes.
The ash reaches Spokane 430 km away in 3½ hours. From noon until 5:30 pm a burning cloud swept 8 km down the northern slopes of the volcano at 300 km/hr. Mudflows raged down the side of the volcano and were caused by melting of the snow on the mountain. Hope you enjoyed this Mount St Helens video footage hd Best Video of Mount St Helens Volcano Eruption footage HD
Wernher von Braun: Officially a "bad guy" and no longer "the father of rocket science"
Yes, it's just been made "official." Von Braun has been stripped of his title of "the father of rocket science." A story was concocted, and he's out. Those in power love the technology though. It's just like with Nikola Tesla, they took what they could from his work... and left the greatest scientist of all time with a perception in the public mind as something of a quack. His crime: Promoted free energy.
Freyr's Pagan Temple at Uppsala
Survive the Jive
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Uppsala was perhaps the most important site for the Norse pagans. They used to hold an assembly called the Thing of all Swedes and a sacrifice called Dísablót in honour of the disir.
The 12th century Danish chronicler Saxo Grammaticus thought that Odin himself had lived here, but the site was more widely associated with Ingvi Frey, who was known as the Lord of the Swedes. Christian accounts of Ingvi Frey sometimes call him the king of Turkey or a son of Odin, but he was in fact a far older deity and one of the most important. The Icelandic chief and author of the Eddas, Snorri Sturlusson wrote that Ingvi-Frey had lived at Uppsalla.
He was associated with sacral kingship and divine blood, he founded the Yngling dynasty.
The 11th century German chronicler, Adam of Bremen also wrote of the importance of Uppsalla to the pagans. He said that the temple there was covered in gold and that it contained statues of Odin, Thor and Ingvi-Frey.
Adam said that the people offered animal and human sacrifices to these idols and also to a nearby tree and a sping, both of which were sacred. They also worshipped heroic ancestors who had attained divinity in death by virtue of their great deeds in life.
He said that a great ceremony was held there every 9 years at the time of the spring equinox and that non-heathens also had to attend unless they paid a fee. 9 male animals of various species were sacrificed by hanging at this ceremony as well as 9 men. The heathens were said to chant during these sacrifices.
The Ynglinga saga relates that a man named Frey had been buried in a barrow at Uppsalla and continued to bring good harvests even after his death and people thought this would carry on for as long as Frey remained in Sweden. The Swedes then called him the god of this world and offered blood-sacrifices to him for peace and harvest.
Music used with permission: Faunus Amadeus Loki - Uuodan
Ritual for Freyr
Alabama hunter shoots down 820-pound wild hog in front yard
Navratilova vs Conners 1992
An interesting overlooked event. Competitive.
[HD] Martina Navratilova vs Jimmy Connors - Highlights
The Battles of Sexes or Battle of Champions!
'The Last Witch Hunter' (2015)
I saw this film two or three months ago, and had wanted to comment on it. It was a fantasy film with a more-or-less similar theme to 'Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters' (2013) in that it was about saving the world from evil witches via stalking and murder by self-appointed saviors. Of course, since there were a few "good witches, and it was a just "fantasy".."all for fun"... it's considered okay.
Phantom Blue - Time To Run with lyrics
Phantom Blue is an all-female Los Angeles based heavy metal quintet formed in 1988. This song is from their 1993 album called Built to Perform.
This video is dedicated to the memory of Michelle Meldrum (September 28 1968 - May 21 2008) and Rana Ross (R.I.P. 3rd May 2003)
Phantom Blue - Gigi Hangach interview
Phantom Blue was set to become the next big heavy metal band, but the big record companies started to divest from this genre in the early 90s. Then the band fell apart, with members leaving and being replaced. The original lead singer Gigi Hangach was dynamite; a female equivalent to Axl Rose.
Phantom Blue - Bad Repulation
Phantom Blue - Going Mad
Phantom Blue - Walking Away
Tennessee fireflies: A summertime light show
CBS Sunday Morning
There's one forest in Tennessee where fireflies put on a show unlike anywhere else. It's no wonder thousands of tourists camp out each year to witness the spectacle of nature's nightlife: a species of synchronous fireflies. Lee Cowan gives us a front row seat.
Total Solar Eclipse March 29, 2006 Anatalya, Turkey
David Ice
I was in Turkey when this eclipse happened. It was an awe inspiring experience, which I tried to capture on video. What amazed me was how FAST it got dark when it neared totality. And about halfway through totality, a frigid breeze swept over us. Now bear in mind it was near 90F at the time, so where did this ice cold breeze come from? It was truly spooky. I can see how, in past centuries, people would die of fright!
At the end of the video, I show the moon's shadow leaving. While you can't see a cone of darkness, you can see how rapidly the light returns. In just seconds, from darkness to near daylight.
To actually see an eclipse:
Alaska Airlines Solar Eclipse Flight #870
Styxhexenhammer666 did a long live stream that was interesting:
Solar Eclipse Occult Live Stream
A solar eclipse, along it's main geographical route, actually tricks the human eye into thinking that it's okay to look.... which is why it's so dangerous to look at it:
Did You Look At The Sun? So Did Galileo
I never wanted to look at the eclipse, but wanted to experience the day going dark, such as in the above video. I just assumed that if we were in the "75% eclipse zone," that it would be 75% dark. I drove to a location where it was very sunny, but experienced only a very mild dim. Barely noticeable.
The Blue Max owl
A couple of days ago I watched the 1966 British film 'The Blue Max'. It stared American actor George Peppard as a World War II German fighter pilot. The "Blue Max" is not like the "Red Baron," but is a medal awarded those who bring down twenty enemy planes. Early in the film, just as the main character (Bruno Stachel) was approaching the squadron headquarters which he had just been elevated to, one of the crack pilots who was in the air made almost a beeline towards him before curtailing off as Stachel ducked!
It was like "welcome to the big leagues." It was sort've like marking one's territory. Later that evening as I was hiking some trails near an industrial area in the dark, I stopped to admire the view. Just then an owl flew up on a telephone pole above me. Being so large, it really got my attention. After a couple of minutes, as I started off again, that damn owl made a beeline for me! I ducked as he curtailed off. He was sending a little message, marking his territory.
Manly P. Hall - Magic - White, Gray and Black
Promienie Gwiazd
Esoteric and Metaphysical
"Magic - White, Gray and Black"
— Lectures by Manly P. Hall
Actually, I think Conor McGregor did a good job. He paced himself well, scored with jabs and combinations, and won at least four of the ten rounds before gassing out. I can tell that he has untapped potential in jab effectiveness and punching power. It was a perfectly good win for Floyd Mayweather as far as I can see.
Paulie Malignaggi did a good job of promoting his own possible big money grudge match encounter with McGregor, of which he would probably make close to as much as he's made over an entire career in just one bout. Many decades ago, all of these big talkers wouldn't have been respected by boxing fans or the public at large. At least Mayweather could back up what he said over the years. However, with Malignaggi, even a limited boxer with little punch can sort've be a tough guy.
Northern Lights over Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Akash Wadhwani of Daffodil Media captured this scene over Lake Superior near Eagle Harbor, Michigan the evening of August 2 , 2016
Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) Over Upper Michigan
Neil Diamond - Sweet Caroline (Stereo!)
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