Gorno - Incontri Tra/Montani
Antenna 2 TV
To try to intervene on the physiological aphasia between the valleys, in 1990 we began to communicate the main cultural associations of our valleys. The meetings between the mountain and the mountains reached this year at the 26th edition and scheduled from Friday afternoon to Gorno.
The title of the meetings this year is "the Mines of the Alps, the future of a Millenary history": And to take part are coming speakers from all over our country. There are also many people who have booked accommodation to follow the work.
We talked to Decoder at ANTENNA2 with the following guests:
Giancarlo Maculotti, Incontri Tra/Montani (Meetings Between Mountains)
Antonio Gonella, Circolo Culturale Baradello (Cultural Circle Baradello)
Giampiero Cabinders, Sindaco di Gorno (Mayor of Gorno)
Fabrizio Scolari, Ecomuseo delle Miniere di Gorno (Gorno Mining Museum)

The Incontri Tra/Montani was born in 1990 from a chance encounter between cultural associations of the Val Camonica and Val Trompia. From the observation of poor communication between the valleys and the reading of the great difficulties in which the mountain lies (exodus, destructive interventions, unemployment etc.), was born the idea of an annual convention that began to create a network of non-institutional relations between groups operating in the Italian, Swiss, Austrian, and French Alps, with the intent to promote mutual understanding, cooperation, exchange, and analysis of possible proposals.
In between there is a double meaning/mountain: the need of the meeting and the consciousness of the sunset of a civilization that was the center of pre-industrial economy as all the energy produced by the medieval machine needed fall of the water.The meetings of study and reflection on issues of common interest in the alpine resorts are organized regularly since 1990 and touch upon topics of various kinds and locations are always different.

ITM Group membership is open to all associations, think-tanks and cultural groups in the Alps.
History of the ITM curated by Giancarlo Maculotti (pdf file)
The following have collaborated to the realization of Incontri Tra/Montani:
• Associazione Comitato Organizzatore Festa di Trate - Gaverina Terme (Bergamo)
• Associazione IVS Inventario delle Vie di Comunicazione Storiche - Milano
• Centro Studi e Ricerche Archivio Bergamasco - Bergamo
• Centro Studi Etnografici Val Imagna S. Omobono Imagna (Bergamo)
• Centro Studi Judicaria – Tione (Trento)
• Centro Studi Val di Sole – Malè (Trento)
• Centro Studi Valchiavennaschi - Chiavenna (Sondrio)
• Circolo Culturale Baradello Clusone (Bergamo)
• Circolo Culturale Ghislandi - Cividate Camuno (Brescia)
• Comune di Montereale Valcellina Montereale Valcellina (Pordenone)
• Cooperativa Arca Gardone Val Trompia (Brescia)
• Cooperativa Il Chiese - Storo (Trento)
• Fondazione Progetto Poschiavo - Poschiavo (Svizzera)
• Fondazione Val Verzasca - Canton Ticino (Svizzera)
• L’Arcilettore, Circolo di Sondrio – Sondrio
• Museo Etnografico S. Caterina Valfurva (Sondrio)
• Museo Etnografico Tiranese - Tirano (Sondrio)
• Pro Vita Alpina - Längenfeld (Austria)
Apparently the group "Valtellina nel Futuro" is no longer active or involved with ITM, as their website has been down for awhile now and their not included on the ITM list.
This shouldn't be confused with the Tyrol-Trento "Euroregion," which was created by EU Globalists to break down national sovereignty. However, this type of socially organic cultural/political meeting group is good.
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