Gods of Egypt
Gods of Egypt is a 2016 English-language fantasy film directed by Alex Proyas and featuring ancient Egyptian deities. It stars Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Brenton Thwaites, Chadwick Boseman, Élodie Yung, Courtney Eaton, Rufus Sewell, Gerard Butler and Geoffrey Rush. The film portrays a mortal Egyptian hero who partners with the Egyptian god Horus to save the world from Set and rescue his love.
Filming took place in Australia under the American studio Summit Entertainment. While the film's production budget was $140 million, the parent company Lionsgate's financial exposure was less than $10 million due to tax incentives and pre-sales. The Australian government provided a tax credit for 46% of the film's budget. When Lionsgate began promoting the film in November 2015, it received backlash for its predominantly white cast playing Egyptian deities. In response, Lionsgate and director Proyas apologized for ethnically inaccurate casting.
This is a fantasy film based on Egyptian mythology, with a heavy emphasis on the ancient Egyptian creation myth. There were three planes of existence: the earthly plane, the plane of the "gods," and the afterlife plane. It wasn't like the Greeks gods of film, looking over the affairs of humans; as some of the "gods" (male and female) here lived and ruled among humans. They were taller with superhuman powers, could morph into their individual mythological "stereotype" so to speak (jackal, hawk, etc.), can live a thousand years, and could transcend both the earthly plane and the plane of the gods. They could, however, be killed. Being supermen and superwomen, there was a powerful intended sexual undercurrent despite the film being appropriate for the entire family.
The film begins with a moving overhead shot that looked almost like a modern city with pyramids, temples, and palm trees. It quickly introduces the two protagonists: the youthful god Horus whose father Osiris is the King of Egypt, and the boyish young adult Bek. The god Horus has a slight attitude in the apparent process of finding himself, while the commoner Bek is energetically bouncing off of walls. Horus' love interest is Hather, the goddess of love; while Bek's love interest is young Zaya. Without giving away too much, Osiris' evil brother Set, played by zealous actor Gerard Butler of '300' fame, conducts a coup and takes over the nation.
When Horus attempts to stop Set, Set removes his eyes. However, those "eyes"--looking like glowing blue diamonds, are really more like stealing his high-tech device... they can be "put back." Every god and goddess has one of two such super "devices" specialized more specifically for them as individuals. This movie mixed high technology with an almost futuristic appearance, with the backdrop of ancient Egyptian style (landscape, architecture, dress). Bek steals the eye device, and soon teams up with Horus, and that's basically the gist of the movie. It's very fast paced, with many different computer generated scenes that make this a difficult movie to review if one wanted to sift through every scene and character. It's basically Set vs. Horace. Since I didn't give away anything beyond the first ten of fifteen minutes, I don't think I spoiled anything.
There are many other characters, such as the chief god Ra, which is Horus' grandfather. Set had already killed Osiris. Thoth is prominently featured. This was very much a fantasy movie, not so much because it was "fantasy"... but lets just say that it's very fast paced with many moving parts. The two protagonists grow on you as the movie goes on, and by the end become sort've a mutual-admiration-society.
Two apparently fantasy monuments depicted in this film caught my neopagan eye. One was a very tall proportionately slender obelisk-like temple, maybe darker in color, with a base that curved out wider. I couldn't find an image of it, but it struck me as an impressive design. The other was a relatively small, open, circular, sun symbol monument.... shown up on the first image here. It was depicted on the top a mountain, with the sun's rays blasting upon it from an upward facing angle. That's struck me as impressive.
One touchy issue, which apparently this film was not able to avoid, was the "race and ancient Egypt" thing. Since so many sides want "their way," and because there were different racial/ethnic factions in ancient Egyptian history, this would be a whole posting that I don't want to do. Why was it just sort've okay for Thor's father to be Black in film? Anyway, there were different races shown in the movie, both as gods and humans. The two protagonists were played by men of European ancestry, and their romantic interests were played by mixed European/Asian women who looked like the exotic fantasy perception of "Cleopatra-types."
Gods of Egypt Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Gerard Butler, Brenton Thwaites Movie HD
Movieclips Trailers
Friday, March 31, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Jack Parsons Lives!: Parsons, Crowley, Hubbard, JPL, NASA, Occultism, Thelema, DOD, & the OTO underground - Part 2
N A S A and the Occult Project 'Babalon Working'Parsons Crowley Hubbard1
Andreas Gross
Jack Parsons (rocket engineer)
John Whiteside "Jack" Parsons (born Marvel Whiteside Parsons;[nb 1] October 2, 1914 – June 17, 1952) was an American rocket engineer and rocket propulsion researcher, chemist, and Thelemite occultist. Associated with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Parsons was one of the principal founders of both the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Aerojet Engineering Corporation. He invented the first rocket engine to use a castable, composite rocket propellant,[1] and pioneered the advancement of both liquid-fuel and solid-fuel rockets.
Born in Los Angeles, Parsons was raised by a wealthy family on Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena. Inspired by science fiction literature, he developed an interest in rocketry in his childhood and in 1928 began amateur rocket experiments with school friend Ed Forman. He dropped out of Pasadena Junior College and Stanford University due to financial difficulties during the Great Depression, and in 1934 he united with Forman and graduate student Frank Malina to form the Caltech-affiliated Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory (GALCIT) Rocket Research Group, supported by Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory chairman Theodore von Kármán. In 1939 the GALCIT Group gained funding from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to work on Jet-Assisted Take Off (JATO) for the U.S. military. Following American entry into World War II, in 1942 they founded Aerojet to develop and sell their JATO technology; the GALCIT Group became JPL in 1943.
After a brief involvement with Marxism in 1939, Parsons converted to Thelema, the English occultist Aleister Crowley's new religious movement. In 1941, alongside his first wife Helen Northrup, Parsons joined the Agape Lodge, the Californian branch of the Thelemite Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). At Crowley's bidding, he replaced Wilfred Talbot Smith as its leader in 1942 and ran the Lodge from his mansion on Orange Grove Avenue. Parsons was expelled from JPL and Aerojet in 1944 due to the Lodge's infamy and allegedly illicit activities, along with his hazardous workplace conduct.
In 1945 Parsons separated from Helen after having an affair with her sister Sara; when Sara left him for L. Ron Hubbard, he conducted the Babalon Working, a series of rituals designed to invoke the Thelemic goddess Babalon to Earth. He and Hubbard continued the procedure with Marjorie Cameron, whom Parsons married in 1946. After Hubbard and Sara defrauded him of his life savings, Parsons resigned from the O.T.O. and went through various jobs while acting as a consultant for the Israeli rocket program. Amid the climate of McCarthyism, he was accused of espionage and left unable to work in rocketry. In 1952, Parsons died at the age of 37 in a home laboratory explosion that attracted national media attention; the police ruled it an accident, but many associates suspected suicide or assassination.
Parsons' occult and libertarian polemical writings were published posthumously, with Western esoteric and countercultural circles citing him as one of the most significant figures in propagating Thelema across North America. Although academic interest in his scientific career was originally negligible, in subsequent decades historians came to recognize Parsons' contributions to rocket engineering. For these innovations, his advocacy of space exploration and human spaceflight, and his role in the founding of JPL and Aerojet, Parsons is regarded as among the most important figures in the history of the U.S. space program. He has been the subject of several biographies and fictionalized portrayals.
Babalon Working
The Babalon Working was a series of magic ceremonies or rituals performed from January to March, 1946 by author, pioneer rocket-fuel scientist, and occultist Jack Parsons and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. This ritual was essentially designed to manifest an individual incarnation of the archetypal divine feminine called Babalon. The project was based on the ideas of Aleister Crowley, and his description of a similar project in his 1917 novel Moonchild.
BABALON WORKING: Jack Parsons, The Atom Bomb, & the Homunculus [Part II] - YouTube
Creating Babalon, Crowley, Parsons, Hubbard, Sex Rituals, Occult Connections - Paul Green - YouTube
The Babalon Working IS NOW:The Scarlet Woman, Mass Destruction, Science/Magick and Jack Parsons - YouTube
The Babalon Working - YouTube
![]() |
Babalon - Thelemic Goddess of Abominations - "The Scarlet Woman" |
Babalon (also known as the Scarlet Woman, Great Mother or Mother of Abominations) is a goddess found in the mystical system of Thelema, which was established in 1904 with English author and occultist Aleister Crowley's writing of The Book of the Law, her name being later given in other works. In her most abstract form, she represents the female sexual impulse and the liberated woman. In the creed of the Gnostic Mass she is also identified with Mother Earth, in her most fertile sense.
At the same time, Crowley believed that Babalon had an earthly aspect in the form of a spiritual office, which could be filled by actual women—usually as a counterpart to his own identification as "To Mega Therion" (The Great Beast)—whose duty was then to help manifest the energies of the current Aeon of Horus. He believed in his life the Lady of Babalon was personofied as Lady Leah Hirsig, who, after several portraits, was consecrated, taking the name Alostrael.
Her consort is Chaos, the "Father of Life" and the male form of the Creative Principle. Babalon is often described as being girt with a sword and riding the Beast. She is often referred to as a sacred whore, and her primary symbol is the Chalice or Graal.
As Crowley wrote in his The Book of Thoth, "she rides astride the Beast; in her left hand she holds the reins, representing the passion which unites them. In her right she holds aloft the cup, the Holy Grail aflame with love and death. In this cup are mingled the elements of the sacrament of the Aeon."
Fun Facts
Jack Parsons has been referred to as "the James Dean of occultism."
There is a crater on the dark side of the moon named after Parsons.
"Devil's Gate Dam"
'Exploring Devil's Gate, a portal to hell in Pasadena'
'Some Believe The Devil’s Gate In California Could Be A Portal To Hell'
American Supernatural - Devils Gate Dam
~Jack Parsons, Jet Propelled Anti-Christ~
Dan Williams
Jack Parsons, Jet Propelled Anti-Christ
JPL -- The occult roots of NASA
Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard, Anton LaVey and the Nazi Connection
Jack Parsons: Jet Propelled Antichrist (Amazon.com)
Jack Parsons: Jet Propelled Antichrist (Gaia.com)
dark occult,
secret societies,
Southern California,
space travel,
United States
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Getting down to brass tacks - Great new interview with Stephen McNallen from The Pressure Project Podcast
The Pressure Project
*PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!* A guest I've been trying to get on TPP for a while, our schedules finally aligned for what I found to be both an entertaining talk and a powerful message. Stephen A McNallen has been spreading the power of the Gods for decades and his journey and outlook are well worth a listen!
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Links and Info from This Episode: http://www.thepressureproject.com/tpp-182-the-world-of-asatru-a-talk-with-the-asatru-folk-assemblys-stephen-a-mcnallen/
Master Chim's Facebook Page: http://www.MasterChim.Com
The Pressure Project Store: http://www.thepressureproject.com/the-armory/
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
The Forgotten Gods of Atlantis - Manly P. Hall
[Occult Lecture] The Forgotten Gods of Atlantis (the Dreaming Gods of of Antiquity)
Free Audio Books for Intellectual Exercise
Lecture starts at 10 seconds mark.
[Occult Lecture] The Forgotten Gods of Atlantis (the Dreaming Gods of of Antiquity) by Manly P. Hall
ancient history,
Manly P. Hall,
occult tradition
Monday, March 27, 2017
Jack Parsons Lives!: Parsons, Crowley, Hubbard, JPL, NASA, Occultism, Thelema, DOD, & the OTO underground - Part 1
Sex, Drugs and Rocket Science: The Occult World of Jack Parsons with Adam Parfrey
West of The Rockies
Original Air-Date: July 10, 2016
Adam Parfrey’s fearless publishing style has lead to an invaluable contribution to the modern literary world – he dares to venture where few men dare, releasing information to the world that is absolutely priceless. Known for his risqué and unconventional choice in books, their content and subject-matter provide insight and illumination into topics that the general public, for the most part, has never stumbled upon or even heard of.
Parfrey aside for now though, this West of The Rockies episode focuses on a very particular book, namely, Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons, written by John Carter (alongside a rather insightful and entertaining foreword by Robert Anton Wilson). Jack Parsons was a rocket scientist, inarguably the most significant and influential rocket scientist to have walked this Earth. Though oft overlooked in history and popular media, his works and inventions are essentially the entire basis for NASA's successful rocket program. He was an eccentric, daring and fearless man, co-founder of Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and an absolute genius whose experimentations lead to the invention of rocket fuel, helping the allies to win WWII.
When not engaging with rockets and explosives, however, Parsons lead a secret life of underground occultism, associating with the likes of Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard, engaging in sex-magick rituals, and, most incredibly, signing an oath asserting himself to be the Antichrist (and in fact genuinely believing so). Interesting, or perhaps more frighteningly, Parsons decided to invoke the Devil at the mere age of thirteen, performing a ritual in his bedroom (which is commonly believed to have been successful), and rather unsurprisingly frightening himself to such an extent, that he ceased to pursue his bizarre occult interests for quite some time.
Link | http://www.wotrradio.com/blog/2016/7/18/sex-drugs-rocket-science-the-occult-world-of-jack-parsons-with-adam-parfrey-of-feral-house
West of The Rockies | http://wotrradio.com
WoTRradio Twitter | http://twitter.com/WoTRradio
WoTRradio FB | http://facebook.com/WestofTheRockies
Adam Parfrey/Feral House | http://feralhouse.com
Real Science includes Metaphysics!!
Sometimes rabbit trails go deep, and this is one such subject. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is still located in Pasadena, California; right where Jack Parsons grew up, conducted his early experiments, conducted long complex Thelemic rites with L. Ron Hubbard, headed the local OTO, held sex magic parties in a mansion, was a major figure in the founding of JPL, and ultimately also where he was killed during an experiment... all in Pasadena! He didn't need to move to California... he hosted this big party in his own backyard. Some have speculated that JPL really stands for "Jack Parsons Laboratory".... or perhaps "Jack Parsons Lives." He was Aleister Crowley's hand picked OTO successor, but died young.
Lots of good and bad things have been said about Parsons, so you may decide for yourself... or not at all, and just connect the many interesting dots of this little known maze that ties mainstream science, metaphysics, occultism, well known figures, a wild lifestyle, and much more. From clear facts, connected dots, and occult symbolism... one can easily extrapolate from Crowley to Parsons, JPL to NASA, to the present day... and even from the OTO to the military if you want to just keep digging. Sometimes the best kept secrets are the ones right out in the open.. because few would ever believe it!
Jack Parsons--for better or for worse--must have correctly concluded that Metaphysics was very much a part of science. CERN is on the cusp of fully proving that right now! It's a whole new frontier, with both positive and negative energies, spirits, and even laws. He was right on the cutting edge of science in his time. In many of these mainstream endeavors, especially within the scientific community (then and now), there are certain milieus who would both embrace and shun someone like Parsons. While most are Atheists, there are probably many more occultists than there are Christians or mainstream religious people.
After Jack Parsons was blown up during an experiment in his home, he was still alive. He reportedly said: "I wasn't finished"... which was somewhat of a haunting statement since he very likely would have gone on to much greater success and fame... although he likely was disoriented and was referring to that particular experiment. If I were to guess, I would say that the recent interest in this largely unknown important figure is due in part to the end of an unofficial "gag order." Those within these secret societies probably long to be "known".. and release information from their mainstream fronts.. even while officially pretending to be silent on the issue. I'm certain members of occultic societies despise "Atheists," but support them as "useful idiots."
Floating Lodge
Jack Parsons [Crowley, O.T.O, L. Ron Hubbard]
John Whiteside Parsons (born Marvel Whiteside Parsons October 2, 1914 – June 17, 1952), better known as Jack Parsons, was an American rocket engineer and rocket propulsion researcher, chemist, inventor, businessman, expert witness, writer, socialite, and Thelemite occultist. Parsons was associated with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and was one of the principal founders of both the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Aerojet Engineering Corporation. He invented the first castable, composite solid rocket propellant, and pioneered the advancement of both liquid-fuel and solid-fuel rockets.
Born in Los Angeles, California, Parsons was raised by a wealthy family on Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena. Inspired by science fiction literature, he developed an interest in rocketry in his childhood and in 1928 began amateur rocket experiments with school friend Ed Forman. He was forced to drop out of Pasadena Junior College and Stanford University due to financial difficulties during the Great Depression, but in 1934 he united with Forman and graduate student Frank Malina to form the Caltech-affiliated GALCIT Rocket Research Group, supported by Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory chairman Theodore von Kármán. In 1939 the Group gained funding from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to work on Jet-Assisted Take Off (JATO) for the U.S. military. In 1942 they founded Aerojet to develop and sell their JATO technology in response to American involvement in World War II; the Group became JPL in 1943.

Parsons' occult and libertarian polemical writings were published posthumously, reigniting intrigue in his status as a Thelemite among Western esoteric and countercultural circles, with occultists citing him as one of the most significant figures in propagating Thelema across North America. Although academic interest in his scientific career was negligible following his death, in subsequent decades scientific historians came to recognize Parsons' contributions to rocket propulsion chemistry and design. For these innovations, his advocacy of space exploration and human spaceflight, and his role in the founding of JPL and Aerojet, Parsons is regarded as among the most important figures in the history of the U.S. space program. He has been the subject of several biographies and fictionalized portrayals.
dark occult,
secret societies,
Southern California,
space travel,
United States
Monday, March 20, 2017
Mystery of the Planetary Gods
Mystery of the Planetary Gods
Atlantean Gardens
Keep in mind that many of these symbols have double or multiple (hidden) meanings. Robert Sepehr is an author, producer and anthropologist specializing in linguistics, archeology, and paleobiology (archeogenetics). https://www.amazon.com/Robert-Sepehr/e/B00XTAB1YC/
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Venonetes, Camunni, Trumpilini, and the Roman victory monument of the Alps
Tropaeum Alpium
The Tropaeum Alpium (Latin for "Victory Monument of the Alps", French: Trophée des Alpes), was built by the Romans for the emperor Augustus to celebrate his decisive victory over the ancient tribes who populated the Alps. The monument's remains are in the commune of La Turbie (France), a few kilometers from the Principality of Monaco (Latin: tropaeum from Greek: tropaion whence English: "trophy").
Just like a master hunter's trophy room, inscribed within the remaining remnant of this ancient monument are forty-five Alpine tribes who engaged in war with the Roman army. There were others; some too small to mention, others elected not to fight. The clan factions from the movie 'Braveheart' come to mind. These Alpine and Celto-Gaulish tribes were the primary combatants resisting the Roman invasion in this particular war. Three out of the first four tribes inscribed were from the Brescian Tri-Valley (Camunni and Trumpilini) and the Valtellina/Valchiavenna (Vennonetes). These three tribes where not specifically Celto-Gaulish, but of the original Alpine tribes of pre-history. The overall forty-fives tribes were a mixture of Alpine and the historically more recent Celto-Gaulish.

The Greek historian Strabo (63/64 BC–ca. 24 AD) described the Camunni as part of the Rhaetian peoples and related to the Celtic Leponti, while the Roman historian Pliny the Elder (23–79 AD), citing the Origines of Cato the Elder (234–149 BC), spoke instead of the Camunni as one of several tribes of the Euganei. The Rhaeti were originally a regional Alpine language grouping north of the Venonetes and Camunni, in what later became German-speaking regions. The Euganei were also Alpine people of what later became Italian-speaking regions. Later Celtic and Etruscan influence has, at times, created some confusion as to specific origins. It seems clear to me that the Venonetes, Camunni, and Trumpilini were basically Alpine tribal groups who all spoke the ancient Camunic language.
The Roman conquest
Val Camonica was subjected to Rome during the campaigns of Augustus to conquer Raetia and the Alpine arc, conducted by his generals Nero Claudius Drusus and Tiberius (the future emperor) against the mountain peoples in 16–15 BC. Publius Silius Nerva, governor of Illyricum, was to complete the conquest of the eastern Alpine front, which reached from the valley of Como to Lake Garda (therefore including the Valcamonica), in addition to the Vennoneti of Vinschgau.
The Camunni and Vennoni, Alpine tribes, took up arms against the Romans, but were conquered and subdued by Publius Silius.
— Tropaeum Alpium, La Turbie
After the Roman conquest, the Camunni were annexed to the nearest cities in a condition of semi-subjection through the practice of adtributio, which allowed them to maintain their own tribal constitution while the dominant city became the administrative, judicial, and fiscal center. The city that the Camunni were assigned to was probably Brixia. At first they were assigned the status of peregrinus, and then they obtained Roman citizenship; in the Flavian Age they were assigned to the Quirina tribe, while they maintained a certain self-government; in fact, a Res Publica Camunnorum has been recorded.
Romanization proceeded from Civitas Camunnorum (Cividate Camuno), a city founded by the Romans around 23 BC, during the principate of Tiberius. Beginning in the 1st century, the Camunni were included in stable Roman political and social structures, as evidenced by the numerous legionaries, artisans, and even gladiators of Camunian origins in several areas of the Roman Empire. Camunian religion went through the process of interpretatio Romana, forming a syncretic combination with Roman religion.
The "Aprica Pass" was an ancient mountain pass, now a road, which was the primary mountain trail connecting the Valtellina and the Val Camonica. In ancient times, the two regions once shared the same language, culture, and spiritual tradition apparently.
Le Trophée des Alpes (Trophée d'Auguste) La Turbie HD / Trophy of the Alps
I wanted to add one more clue from the free e-book 'Republic of Augustus' (Guglielmo Ferrero; 1909). An important fact to consider is that after Caesar conquered Gaul, they still had not even conquered all of what is now modern Italy. Cisalpine Gaul was still free and sovereign. From the Roman perspective, the mountainous, wooded, dark, and foreboding Alps was filled with fearsome tribal groups in a hostile and difficult to navigate environment. I guess you could compare it to tribes in the Amazon or the Congo... only instead of thick, humid jungle, this was an ominous highlands of stone and wood.

The sons of the Almother Mona fell with their faces to the enemy on that day.
Birth... Life... Death and to a New Arising.
Alpine tribes,
ancient Camunni,
ancient history,
Roman Empire,
Val Camonica,
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Aradia: Gospel of the Witches
Aradia: Gospel of the Witches
The Sea Priestess
A brief video about the text known as "Aradia" or "The Gospel of the Witches" by Charles Godfrey Leland. Music: Elegia Luna (Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock)
European Witchcraft,
the Old Religion,
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Swiss Louis Italian & Seafood Restaurant (San Francisco)
Swiss Louis Italian and Seafood Restaurant
Swiss Louis Italian and Seafood Restaurant
A tradition in San Francisco since 1936, our waterfront dining rooms, provides a magnificent view of the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz and the always entertaining Sea Lions. We offer a casual dining experience that includes delicious Traditional Italian fare and fresh seafood at reasonable prices.
Swiss Louis Italian and Seafood Restaurant
Pier 39 Suite #204 San Francisco, CA 94133
(415) 421-2913
It's been a good while since I visited Swiss Louis', so I can't really review it now. I can say--at least--that parking is excellent, as you can just park in the Fisherman's Wharf parking garage and just take the walking-bridge over and you're right there.
Northern California,
San Francisco,
Swiss Italian
Monday, March 6, 2017
Ghost programs and the metaphysical issue: Part 23
Veritas Radio - John Mennella - John Mennella The Afterlife and the True Nature of Reality
Veritas Radio
Veritas Radio - John Mennella - John Mennella The Afterlife and the True Nature of Reality: The Quest for Answers to the Great Questions of Existence
Where do we go after we die? Where do we come from before we are born? Why are we here? What is the true nature of reality? What role do we play in the formation and process of reality? These are the Great Questions that have intrigued and mystified the human race for millennia. Unbeknownst to most people, pioneering researchers and scientists have developed detailed models of the afterlife and the nature of reality that provide a tantalizing degree of illumination in these areas. Join us for a discussion with John Mennella to discuss his quest to find the answers to the great questions of existence, and learn how this knowledge affords us the opportunity to "hack reality" in ways that can improve and enrich our life experience
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This portion is being provided as a courtesy from Veritas Radio. To listen to more of this exclusive interview proceed to http://www.veritasradio.com
Afterlife Communication
Afterlife Communication
A lecture by Matt McKay, Ph.D.
Presented by the Foundation for Mind Being-Research
Eight years ago (2008) in San Francisco, Jordan McKay was murdered riding home from work on his bicycle. He was 23 years old. Jordan's father, Dr. Matthew McKay, was determined to make contact after his death. He sought reconnection through mediums, shamanistic rituals, meditation, past life and between lives regressions, as well as techniques such as "Induced After Death Communication" and channeled writing. Eventually, Dr. McKay found channeled writing to be the most effective and reliable way to converse with Jordan. He took these conversations and put them in a book "Seeking Jordan".
Dr. McKay's presentation will begin with the story of how he established contact with Jordan after death and some of the important things Jordan has to say. He leads participants through an experiential exercise doing actual channeled writing. During his talk he cover such subjects as:
* Why we reincarnate and the purpose of life.
* The role of psychological and physical pain in soul development.
* The relationship between individual souls and collective consciousness
* The transition between life and afterlife.
* What souls do in the spirit world.
* How our lives change when we know where home is.
* The nature of Karma (and irrelevance of ideas like sin, punishment, good and evil).
Matthew McKay is a clinical psychologist and professor at The Wright Institute in Berkeley. He is the director of the Berkeley Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Clinic, and co-director of the Bay Area Trauma Recovery Clinic. Dr. McKay is the co-author of more than 30 books on psychology – both professional and self-help titles. His books have sold more than 3 million copies. His books on spirituality include “Why?,” “Your Life on Purpose,” and “Seeking Jordan.” In his spiritual work, Dr. McKay specializes in teaching channeled writing and doing past life and between-lives regressions. Dr. McKay is also co-founder and publisher of New Harbinger Publications, a major Bay Area publishing house.
Dr. McKay's website is, www.seekingjordan.com
'Seeking Jordan: How I Learned the Truth about Death and the Invisible Universe' (Hardcover; Matthew McKay Ph.D.; 2016)
Matthew McKay has been covered here before. I believe that his actual "purpose"--being a Psychologist, and having these experiences--was to interpret what he learned for those of us "who wish to know." As far as I can tell, he has absolutely nailed this subject like perhaps no one has in modern history. The message that we are here to suffer to learn lessons can be a downer; with the upside being that goodbyes are not permanent.
The Melissa Galka case is another one to search out. Through devices, she answers questions with relevant answers in her own voice in life. Phrases like "beyond the grave" only reflects an entirely material view of consciousness. Her spirit is present, until she decides to move on. Melissa Galka and Jordan McKay are not "ghosts," but free spirits... free to come and go. They're not "dead" in the way that we would interpret it.
Steve Huff's "Wonder Box" - A meta-electrical work of art!
Buy a Wonder Box 2017 Edition
GhostStop.com (paranormal equipment)
Huff Paranormal
I do not care if you love me or hate me, this is ground breaking yet serious and scary stuff. Watch for yourself and know it is all 100% real. If you are still pushing the 'Huff is fake" conspiracy theory based on lies started by two jealous men, then there is nothing I can do and you probably should not watch my videos. The ones who push me being fake are the biggest ego heads and do nothing for the field of ITC. Oh, besides create lies and drama. To those with me, know that you are witnessing, before anyone, the furthering of the itc filed, first hand. Thank you for your support.
Ok guys, this is an intense session. I focused like I have never focused before. I used my new "Human Antenna" and my newest Wonder Box. This is not an Antenna in the traditional sense but it allows my energy to be used by the spirits for better more cinsise communication.
THIS IS 100% REAL, as always. THIS IS ALSO A 100% MUST SEE. No hype, no joke. I received more answers than ever, Billy spoke, angels came with validations, they showed me what their world looked like, and validated what I saw. This is the most incredible spirit communication EVER recorded.
please share, thumbs up and subscribe if you want to follow what I do. There is so much more to come. Thank you all for your years of support with my research. Always 100% real, always.

Julian Cheatie - MonstersAndCritics.com - January 28, 2017
Steve Huff is one of the most renowned paranormal researchers out there, and has experienced huge success communicating with spirits over the years.
His creation the Portal, modified over time into the Wonder Box, has been so effective that Paranormal Lockdown’s Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman even agreed to use it on their show — with huge success.
But how does it work, how did Steve make it, and how did he get involved in the paranormal realm in the first place?
We spoke to Steve, the man behind the popular Huff Paranormal website and YouTube channel, to find out more…We spoke to Steve, the man behind the popular Huff Paranormal website and YouTube channel, to find out more.
'Creepy video shows 'woman's soul leaving her body and staying at the scene of fatal motorbike accident' [Video Reporter (Thailand) - Daily Mail (UK) - October 4, 2016]
I wasn't able to embed this, but it's worth a look.
30 Mysterious Photos That Should Not Exist
5 Angels Caught On Camera Flying 2016
Angel Or Demon Spotted In Phoenix, Arizona?
Demonic Humanoid Figure Appears In Clouds
metaphysical science,
Sunday, March 5, 2017
'Libera Me' - 'Interview with the Vampire' (soundtrack)
Dark Choir Music Enchantingly Beautiful!
Baoban Shee
Uploaded on Aug 29, 2009
DOWNLOAD: http://depositfiles.com/files/c1gw0ge3h
Libera me
Soundtrack de Entrevista con el vampiro.
Category: Music
License: Standard YouTube License
Movie: Interview with the Vampire
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