Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Was the "Black Sun" actually the German shadow government of Fraternitas Saturni? - Part 1


Was the "Black Sun" actually the German shadow government of Fraternitas Saturni?

Above: The black sun mosaic in the Obergruppenführersaal, or General's Hall at Wewelsburg Castle, often dubbed "the Nazi Camelot" or "the real Castle Wolfenstein". Wewelsburg is a 17th century castle that was heavily remodelled by Heinrich Himmler during the Nazi era.

I believe that the Black Sun was quite likely a Saturnian symbol, and that includes other "black suns." The National Socialists came right out've the dark occult, including the Thule Society, and some believe that even the Thule Society itself was a Brotherhood of Saturn (Fraternitas Saturni) front group. It's a time honored method; create a group designed to merely act as an organizing principle... a springboard to a larger group(s) to attain power, while always conveniently leaving your own leaders or group out of the ensuing political melee. Bring in a front guy, and everyone (for or against) says "He's the guy!." hmmm.... no.... IT'S YOU!! The public falls for it every time. However, like is so often the case with dark occult groups, they placed a new exoteric symbol in the background; stating in the esoteric "Yes, it is really us." Saturn was the Black Sun!

Certain Odinists love the Black Sun symbol, and associate it with their tradition. There's some grain of truth to that, as some of the symbolism went back to Teutonic sky gods, lightening, life symbols, death symbols, etc. While not specifically part of the Odinic pantheon, the exoteric National Socialists (esoteric Brotherhood of Saturn) actually were promoting a revival of the traditions of the Teutonic people when they lived in the vast territory north the the Himalayas thousands of years ago; a Saturnian tradition! There were swastikas, triskelions, and other symbols of National Socialism found up there in places like Tibet. Arkaim was a highly complex ancient city which was absolutely leveled at some point. There's evidence of certain areas which were destroyed by nuclear-like explosions. That most Germans were probably more Proto-European in ancestry than Teutonic, didn't deter them. They felt certain that they could return themselves to that essence from deep back into the ancient world.

I often post videos even if I'm not in total agreement with the message. However, the recent video below--although I watched and considered it--is simply taken from elements of the mainstream cover story. As Saturn fizzled out thousands of years ago and became a dwarf star, it then became "the black sun." I think that is the first level of the actual answer, and it goes much deeper.

The Black Sun Historical Truth






The official seal of the Jesuit Order

The Jesuits started in the sixteenth century, but these Saturnian secret societies go back much further. Over the course of history, these secret societies dissolve themselves and come back under a different name with a whole new look. Just as when the Templars went on the run from persecution, and went up and hid out in Scotland. They dissolved themselves, and came back as the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Catholicism uses Sun symbolism in the exoteric, and Saturnian symbolism as the esoteric.






Black Sun club

At top, the official symbol of the Brotherhood of Saturn. In middle, the official symbol of the Jesuit Order. Below, the Black Sun. Since the actual relationship between the Jesuits and the Nazis has been scrubbed and cleverly rewritten, facts are hard to come by. Somehow National Socialist Germany went from being on their knees to having the most powerful army in the world in a mere blip of history. How? Where did the money come from? The Vatican is a bank; almost unrivaled in terms of wealth.



Saturn: Our Northern Sun

Saturn when it was a star, during "The Golden Age," was to have been visible in the northern sky. It is said to have emitted a purplish light. I suppose that someone could intellectually say that they were "Black Sun," but that would tend to disclude the Odinist pantheon as the two are different. It probably should be stated again, as I've covered a lot of this prior, that the vast territories north of the Himalayas was temperate when the North Pole was approximately where the Great Lakes are located today. The Great Lakes were formed from the mile or more high mountains of ice! However, after the pole shift, the land of the Teutons became more and more inhospitable. They migrated west and intermingled with the Proto-Europeans which created the Celtic cultures, and they migrated south and intermingled with the pure Mediterraneans of that time period which created the Aryan civilization. Lastly, a whole massive number migrated into Europe and created the Germanic cultures. Saturn was gone; new traditions were formed.



The Color Purple

I can't see where National Socialist Germany ever used purple symbolism. They used black and grey for uniforms, and the common German colors of black, white, and red. I would think they would have mixed in a bit of purple somewhere. Maybe that's not for exoteric groups? However the Brotherhood of Saturn apparently was known for using purple, which is not at all surprising. Black and purple are the common Saturnian colors. Of course, the Jesuits aren't the least bit shy about Saturnian symbolism; see image to the left, taken from a Jesuit website.


Apparently, the Cassini-Huygens Mission confirmed that the north pole of Saturn is purple. If so, like so many other things, that would further confirm the old legends However, mainstream "Masonic science" is not prepared to divulge that Saturn is a dwarf star.


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