Neopagan Revival
In the film 'Field of Dreams', the symbolic approximately one-third "circle altar" was the baseball field. The phantom baseball player came and went from different realms from the vast ominous cornfield. Since we know that the unusually geometric game of baseball was invented by a Freemason, is it a stretch to ponder whether or not this film from hyper-occultic Hollywood was a further take on the game's likely occult roots? It would seem to play upon many ancient spiritual traditions, including perhaps a Proto-European one. It's ironic, from my own intrinsic point of view, that I got part of this inspiration from literally a baseball field.... a "mountain baseball field" no less!
As stated in the previous posting to this, baseball is unique in that the field of play can extend beyond the fencing. In theory, an outfielder can run into the stands to catch the ball... or out to the parking lot! That "one-third circle" fans out wider and wider, longer and longer, symbolically... forever. As long as the ball doesn't actually bounce off of any object, the outfielder may catch it for an "out." Was the cornfield a way of expressing that ominous "forever" concept? Also, the game of baseball is set up in such a manner that it simply does not change. Football is constantly evolving. The three-point line in basketball has obviously changed that game. Therefore there is a somewhat ghostly aspect to baseball and it's unusual geometry.
I feel that I discovered something on that clean and warm night last September. I wasn't in any way trying to discover anything. I was just walking out onto the dark outfield to gaze at the high mountains on the other side of the valley while sipping a sweet iced tea. I felt a powerful sensation as the characteristics of the field, mountains, hills, valley, and sky slowly came into focus as something from my ancestral memory was jogged and recognized. I have stated on here many times of the folly that many people have made over the years of mixing synchronicity--even enhanced and complex synchronicity--with a mystical experience. Synchronicity is simply a connection to the universe, and it does not make anyone special. Synchronicity is an affirmation from universal consciousness that "you're on the right track." A mystical experience is usually something more than that.
As late as four centuries ago, groups of "native believers"--from what I could call "the six clans" of the east Lombard Alps--would travel eight times during the year to a particular mountain pass near where the Orobi Alps meet with the northern Val Camonica and the southern Valtellina. Of course, everyone didn't all go each time. Perhaps they would make the trek one of those times during the year. At least some folk pagans from each of the six valleys--the Valtellinesi, Camuni, Chiavennaschi, Orobianesi, Triumplini, and Sabbini--were present for each seasonal ritual. It was like a larger family coming together on what we now know was the last days of their traditional way of life. It was passed down to them from their Proto-European ancestors from clear back into prehistory. However, don't allow this one good example keep anyone from seeing expressions from their own Proto-European ancestors. There are examples of this from anywhere in ancient Europe; for example the Basque Country in the Pyrenees. Even in flat country, there were foothills and small mountains, for example in Poland there's a particular small mountain in a flatland region which is a central location for paganism... going back centuries. We don't know how long.
Vehmic Mountain Altar

Any time of the day or night is fine. I think of the night a little more. The night is magical when the weather allows. The valley below represents "water," as it is where the rainfall naturally gravitates towards. There may even be a river, stream, creek, or small body of water down there anyway. Hopefully many trees and animals as well. The "high point of the foothills," behind the altar," represents "earth." It symbolizes the ground beneath your feet; the "earth" where half of the altar symbolically is rooted. The mountain peak(s) on the other side of the valley represent "spirit," as they are earth's marvelous sculptures. They are the spiritual antennas which may interact with the moon, which in turn allows a connection with the other side.... the great vast Ur where our ancestors exist.
The sky above represents "air," as it is the wonderful ethereal glue that holds the universe together. That sky where we may humbly observe the Almother Moon, Alfather Sun, the planets of our solar system, and of course all the stars. In conclusion, there are five levels to this configuration. From top to bottom: 1) Sky and universe; 2) Tall peak(s); 3) High point(s) of the foothills; 4) Half-circle altar at the midway point of the foothills; and 5) Valley below.
Five = The Sacred Vehme (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit)
Earth - High point(s) of the Foothills, behind the altar
Air - Sky and universe
Fire - Half-circle altar
Water - Valley below
Spirit - Tall peak(s) at which the altar faces
While becoming, we discover, we already are
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