Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Classic Hegelianism - A Call For An Uprising vs. Hellbound Heathen

A Call For An Uprising is a very popular Christian-based YouTube channel which focuses on what I would call the "Cult of Saturn" in high places, chiefly in the sports and entertainment industry. Hellbound Heathen is a Satanic/Pagan (I'll explain later) YouTube channel, which is actually very similar in it's approach to the former.... the classic "Hegelian Dialectic" in the sense of what they both represent. They're not opposites, they're "opposames!" A.C.F.A.U. has 190 thousand subscribers; while H.H. isn't nearly as popular yet, but he's every bit as good at what he does as the former.

I love "commentary" on YouTube, even if it's from a source that I may disagree with in large part.. unless they throw their support to politicians and political parties... so I guess one could say I'm not opposed to various specific "interest groups" up to a point. ACFAU and HH are correct 80% of the time, but they will kill you with the 20% untruths! It's not Clintonesque or Trumpian "bait and switch"... but more like "bait and stab!"... like mouse traps.

ACFAU is entirely correct about Hollywood, pedophiles, Satanic ritual, and the incessant attack on Christianity. However, he ties the ancient Cult of Saturn with ancient earth traditions which have nothing inherent to do with Satanism. The ancient Saturnian cults were largely from the pre-Islamic Middle East; the earth-based spiritual traditions are from the northern hemisphere and go back 40,000 years. The eight seasonal Sabbats are based on the seasons, the harvests... while places like Egypt or Saudi Arabia don't even have seasons or agriculture! The word"sabbat" isn't of European or northern origin, but it's was still the latter given name for the ancient northern seasonal festivals.

In other words, Christianity and Satanism have both projected this connection with the earth traditions. The "big secret" is that we once had two stars in our sky... the Sun and Saturn. It's very possible, based on some degree of evidence, that the earth was once in a small solar system with Saturn as our only star (our "sun"), before coming into our current solar system. Therefore, the dinosaurs probably only existed under the rays of a bright Saturn.... now a dwarf star.

This "history turned legend" led to the formation of "Sun cults" and "Saturn cults." Christianity came right out've the ancient Solar cults... literally right out've the ancient Egyptian system. Islam and Judaism came out've the old Saturnian cults. Catholicism has strong elements of both. The Christian inquisitions literally created modern "Satanism" by projecting that pagans/heathens and various particularly perverted Christian cults were forms of "Satanism." That conflated everything! "Satanism" was a projection from the Bible, denigrating the ancient hated "Saturn cult" enemy from it's former Solar cult days; while the heretical Christian sex and beastiality cults were an expression of Christianity.... both have a Christian origin! The folk pagans and heathens were just forced unwillingly into a Christian (and later Satanic) paradigm that they had nothing to do with!!

ACFAU plays to the false Satanic/Witchcraft construct, even to the point of stating that when Witches and Satanists (actually Christian heretics and folk pagans) were murdered... that it was a good thing. There are now, unfortunately, many people from his opposing side which do indeed make that tie-in and express it. The fact that so many people were murdered in this manner in the Middle Ages, mostly women, further enforces the false connection... as well as forming a mostly false basis for their socio-political actions. A lot of Masculo-Feminist "Witches" like Z Budapest don't even like their European heritage anyway, so why do they pimp a European folk tradition? Why not glom onto something else from somewhere else? Christianity did destroy the true Divine Feminine; and the modern Cult of Saturn formed what I call Masculo-Feminism to do the same damn thing.

HH is more reasonable on the surface, allowing for "good Christians," but I think it's a deception on his part. On one hand, he has produced some funny parodies and commentary on the likes of the eccentric Bill Schoebelen and many others, but on the other side he publicly wrote in response to a woman whom he disagreed with... claiming that she doesn't know her mouth from her anus, but in a much more explicit and foul manner... and with exclamations. He denies any wrongdoing by Satanists, and keeps harkening back to the "Satanic panic" of the 80s as proof. He obviously is a Satanist. He, exactly like ACFAU, conflates Satanism with very ancient earth traditions. He engages in "protecting" Wiccans and Neo-Pagans over and over like a kiss of death. He also defends Freemasonry and anything non-Christian or non-Abrahanic. HH and ACFAU aren't even much different from one-another... just like two soldiers who just happened to be wearing different uniforms on the field of battle.

Both have a great gift of gab, are intelligent, but with an agenda to meet. HH falsely believes that he represents the little guy against the system; ACFAU much the same. They both do comment on some unreasonable and unfair actions against "their side." Both also deny any wrongdoing from "their side" despite clear evidence to the contrary. To be honest, I think both would probably support lining up who they believe are their enemies and just machine gunning them down... despite their efforts to play up their personal virtue and the inherent benevolence of their side.

[I apologize to non-evangelical or non-political Christians, Maternalist Christians, positive-energy Christians, or original-intent Christians (Gnostics, Cathars); to non-political, non-agenda-driven Atheists and/or Satanists, nature/philosophical Satanists/Luciferians, and original-intent "Saturnists" who might adhere to and older form of Sumerian or Phoenician style of "Saturnism"; to non-politically-aligning Wiccans and like-paths or to folk Neo-Pagans; to those who adhere to the Divine Feminine and the need for energetic balance; and to others who all may suffer from some form of common perceptive ignorance and/or "guilt by association."]

5-23-18 ADDITION: I just wanted to add one more item. HH has made a couple of videos attacking Mark Passio, an ex-Satanic priest, in which he was particularly defensive. Of course he was defensive; Mark Passio is letting the bobcat out've the bag! Unlike the comical Bill Schnoebelen, Passio is the real deal. Again, although HH's channel really doesn't have all that many views, he still is one of many examples of those who would tie in Satanism with what should be national and regional spiritual traditions which go back tens of thousands of years. Those who incessantly deny genuine "spiritual wickedness," to use a Christian term, in high places aka "the cult of Saturn." He's a Satanist who's pimping terms like "heathen or pagan." Also, who the hell gave them a monopoly on Saturn in the first place!? ACFAU is much more honest; if the cult of Saturn disappeared today, we would still have to deal with people like him. At least he is who he says he is. The above disclaimer still applies.

[7-19-18 UPDATE: Unbeknownst to me at the time I authored this piece, these two have in fact had a little history together; both having posted videos about each other. I don't watch a lot of them, but I catch a few of their videos because I like the commentary much of the time. Still, ACFAU lies about the essence of the Old Religion... tying it to Satanism, and only to Satanism; while HH is in total denial of Satanic circles in high places, and their evil actions. Although curious, there's not much more to say about them. I won't reject any of their material if I think it's truthful. "Satanism" started out though a medieval church misidentification of perverted Christian heretics who were caught conducting orgies, sex with animals, etc.... and soon it was projected onto adherents of the ancient traditions.. and a new literal Satanic movement was born from the antagonist character in the Bible (not to be confused with the Old Religion or ancient Saturnian traditions that they steal from). "A Call For An Uprising"... may this elusive fact reach you!]



  1. That's very diplomatic of you, but Christianity really is an evolution of Judaism. I am not theologian, I admit. I name a good one in here, though. Jesus came to fulfill the law; not to destroy it. He also fulfilled prophecy of the OT that described him in advance in books like Isaiah. The "My God, My God! Why have you forsaken me?" was quoting Scripture and his bones not being broken was written by another. The other was probably a type and those things also might have happened to that writer, as well. Any case, as a divine being with a bonded human and divine nature, Jesus didn't really need the baptism, but it showed him as a link between the old covenant to a new relationship with man. He read from,Scripture at the temple, but identified himself as God incarnate with "I Am". His last supper with the Apostles was like the other, except for excluding the fourth cup of wine, which he would finish in Heaven. I forgot all the details, but he became the ram that replaced Isaac and provides the blood that replaced the blood that protected the Hebrews's first-borne during the last plague (I believe any first-borne could have sought shelter there if they had wanted) as they are the lamb's meat. He would be the unblemished sacrificial lamb, but also the goat the sins of all were placed upon.
    Well, read Scott Hahn's "The Lamb'Supper" for a better description. Any case, they were only different because the Jews would not let them banned them from their temple. That was merely inconvenient, but Jesus made a new ministerial priesthood, anyway. The Jews had their calendar by moons, while Jesus's resurrection on Sundays was celebrated. He was comparable to the sun on bringing new life, but was no pagan solar deity. Besides, what pre-Christian religion or what average Jew would believe in loving your enemies and forgiving those who hurt you (Catholici
    teaching was original intent, as Jesus was not a brother of Satan, but the creator of that powerful and good Angel gone bitter over his plans for man and lost to probably a lesser powerful angel that had the power on,loan from God to defeat him, because he was not afraid to ask)? I don't know about the HH guy, but it might be that he knows who really made the nature religions and was claiming ownership of them for their religions' real master. It wasn't God, but not usually intentionally a powerful Loki-esque deceiver demons' either. After a while of being away from the temple, they didn't hear original sources, anymore, and corruptions of their theological beliefs and knowledge of what earliest man knew set in, but some of that came from a dark source, like human sacrifice. It's likely the prophecies of the old testament about Jesus became Mithras and the Aztecs' Coaxequetal (sp?) and deities with a belief in their deity having a God as a father and a human as a mother. In Christianity, the son already existed as the Second Person of The Trinity, but needed a human nature, the union of natures making Mary the Mother of God.

    1. Greetings..

      With Judaism being so eclectic, I don't know that anyone really knows exactly how everything unfolded and evolved. For example, the Jewish black-cube box-head is clearly a symbol of Saturnian religious origin. Perhaps they adopted some of these features at a later point.

      It appears true that many critics don't take into account the earlier prophesies of the coming Messiah. The fact that the current world elite abhor Christianity so much, makes me take notice even though I'm not a Christian. I suspect that the real answer(s) to their never-ending sardonic actions is an ugly one.

      I don't believe in "Satan," but that there are numerous demonic spirits such as Pazuzu which was featured in the film 'The Exorcist'. I believe that the reptilian-like appearance of Pazuzu or the alien from 'Childhood's End' are due to a demonic spiritual manifestation.

      Somehow at some time, we probably picked up an energetic parasite from somewhere in the aether or from another dimension, which feeds off of large-scale negative actions and overt delights of the senses ("impure" only in its impracticality and meaninglessness; almost to the point of eliminating free-will).

      I still can't help but ask the question, if the Christian God is real and is all-powerful, why doesn't he snap his fingers and make Satan and followers disappear? Also, if he is all-knowing, then he must have known what this entity was to become at some later point.
