Held at "Beverly Hall" and the "Grove of Osiris" - "Tohickon Valley" (near Quakertown, PA) on June 1-19 (or longer), 1916.
"...from all parts of the world, high Masons, and members of the Eastern Star, physicians, teachers, authors, and members of all denominations inclusive of the Hebrew, all these assembled at the call of the Grand Master of the Rose Cross Order for the sixty-eighth Convocation."
"...the presence of the delegates of the Rose Cross Order, some of whom were natives of Germany, England and Russia."
"Under the authority of the Rose Cross Order founded in America in 1858 prominent delegates of the Order were gathered in the most remarkable conclave held during the last 5000 years, the publication of whose records now opens to the world, the connection to Egypt in her ages of true religion, power and glory, with the Mystic Seal of the United States, whose Heraldric symbolism declaring the mighty destiny of America, has, until now only been known to a limited number." (from page 10)
I didn't always agree with William Cooper, but I think he was spot on with this. It wouldn't even matter if the Alchemists were scientifically, metaphysically, and historically "correct." Their actions over time should speak the loudest. Unlike the unprovable "protocols," these people came right out and admitted their stated goals. Although they used the word "Illuminati," I still believe that this is more of a nickname from one of their defunct front groups... the Bavarian Illuminati.
From page 25:
"And thus it would appear that the Unseen Hierarchies which shamed the foundation of the great Republic which must some day rule the world, are the same Hierarchies which gave us the Soul Science Philosophy as taught by the Illuminati."
The "Unseen Hierarchies" are obviously the secret Alchemical societies who designed the nation's "seal" (the Egyptian Phoenix) as well as its hidden reverse side (the Pyramid and the all-seeing eye of Horus). The "Great Republic" is obviously the "united states of America"... until they incorporated it as the "UNITED STATES." There's a virtual Mount Everest of evidence tying them to nefarious and treasonous activities, but they most often hold some degree of "plausible deniability."

I keep thinking of their own depictions of themselves on film. The scene from 'Eyes Wide Shut' where Dr. Harford (Tom Cruise) is meeting with an acquaintance, a member of the "Hellfire Club," regarding the death of the woman who interacted with him the previous evening. He lied right to his face knowing that Harford was aware that he's lying through his teeth.. and he does it anyway!
Another example that pops into my head is from the film 'from hell'. Throughout the film, Freemasons are shown as a nefarious shadowy presence; not just "The Ripper." How about the disturbing scene where the young woman became troubled and was sent to an asylum, possibly a temporary condition, but had her frontal lobes purposely damaged beyond repair by a barbaric medical tool. It did not actually show that "a Freemason" did it, but they were all about the institutions. Then at the end, the killer is exposed as a "bad Mason" by the order, and all was well again.
Often the message shows guilt, but then somehow all is made well. How about this book as one such example!? They're just putting it out there again, in our faces. Who's going to do anything about it anyway? I think America's Founding Fathers were basically a breakaway Masonic/Deist crowd, as George Washington wrote critically about the Illuminated Freemasonry which had taken root in Europe. When the Illuminated Masons finally took over, they immediately created the occult "seals," and began the process of reversing what the Founding "Deists" had created.
Republished on the 100th anniversary in 2016:
'Fundamental Laws: A Report of the 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order'
The book in pdf:
'Fundamental Laws: A Report of the 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order'
The full audio on one video, without the good images from above, in case anyone wants to save it or make an mp3:
William Cooper Mystery Babylon Hour 20 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order
Not long ago I visited a mausoleum within a memorial park, and there were quite a few black upside down pentagram markers (along with the compass symbols) on the tombs of Freemasons. I know, they would say that it symbolizes something other than what it would suggest. There's always an excuse...
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Presentation of William Cooper's Hour of the Time Radio Broadcast - Mystery Babylon Series. Consists of a reading from a book entitled "Fundamental Laws: 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order" published in 1916 as a summary of their annual meeting. The first part (1) is about the the 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order, the symbolism of the Ancient Egyptian/Babylonian Rosicrucian Order, the Theosophical views of the Rosicrucians, the initiation rituals the outer-circle and inner-circle.
The second part (2) continue on the same subjects, explaining further the secrets of the Ancient Egyptian/Babylonian Rose Cross Order, the Mystery Schools, the Freemasonry degrees , Beverly Hall Symbolic Relation with the Rose Cross, the Education Indoctrination, the US Great Seal and the REAL Sacred Seal of Solomon.
The third part (3) explore the illumination symbolic legends, the Mystery Schools, the visual clues of symbolism, the "Great Work" of the New World Order from all secret societies, the US Great Seal, the Sacred Seal of Solomon, the Magi, the ritual initiation ceremonies, the Freemason, Knight of Malta and Knight Templar Harry Truman, the United Nations, the CIA and other groups in control.
In the last part (4) comes the SHOCKER where it is in print in 1916 that the United States of America and Mexico (and Canada) would be UNITED. Any such union (such as the North American Union) would create a new country that would have a new Constitution and would certainly lack any viable Bill Of Rights. Uphold the Constitution. Defend the Bill of Rights. Preserve the Republic.
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