On a posting from last October 25 entitled '"The Plague of Three" upon Folkish Neopaganism', I stated that Anthropology Professor Sabina Magliocco was not involved in the.. lets just say "Neopagan movement" and was a negative force. This was not accurate. She is strongly involved and sees herself as a very well-placed asset. Additionally, the study of folklore is important; and should compliment technology and other areas of human endeavor, even if there are disagreements in certain conflated or relevant areas. I will place this link above the article and below the paragraph in question. There are some other older postings where I may have changed my mind, expanded my knowledge regarding some issues, facts, or opinions, or where there was a small factual error; but I never thought the need to retract them before this, and also since each posting here is now receiving an average of 600 views within 2 weeks. I think that we probably all take ourselves a bit too seriously from time to time. I only retract that one paragraph however.
Joseph Cominini - Brisbane, CA
'You Call It Groundhog Day, We Call It Imbolc'
Peg Aloi - WitchVox - February 3, 2000
I trudge over the snow-covered lawn to my backdoor, ignoring my earlier tracks and breaking new ones. I enter the house this way each night, initially because I misplaced my keys, but now because I like to use this roundabout path. It allows me to look up at the huge bare trees silhoetted against the blue night sky, and to check the birdfeeders, to see if the starlings, bluejays, cardinals, chickadees, and sparrows (not to mention the marauding squirrels) need more food. Crunching through the white crust, made glassy and sugary from a recent sleet storm on top of a foot of powdery snow, the sound is enormous: crunch, crunch, CRUNCH...I am a kid again, smashing my boots onto frozen puddles and frost-rimed grass, whacking at icicles with a stick, just to hear the sound of frozen water breaking.
As I usually do, I look up to gaze upon the moon...but I can't see it. She is shrouded in greyish, opaque mist...her light gives the clouds form but not brightness. She wears the frozen fog like a gossamer cloak, through which she may peek at any moment...for now, I can see the surface of the snow reflecting the lights of neighboring houses, lamps, televisions, throwing gleaming color across the white expanse of snow-lawn, shimmering now blue, now orange, now pale green...
I think of the approaching festival of Imbolc, the midwinter fire festival honoring Brigid, and I picture the beautiful Irish goddess up there beside her sister the Moon, also wrapped in a white gossamer cloak, both of them aglow from the cold air...offering us their gifts of healing and hope as we wait for a brief respite from the single-digit temperatures, a thaw, a day or two when the snows melt away, the buds tremble with incipient growth and all living creatures feel a small, fiery flutter deep within our beings, as we whisper, gladly, "Spring will come again! Spring will come again!"
5 Ways to Celebrate Imbolc * Wheel of the Year ~ The White Witch Parlour
The White Witch Parlour
Thank you for your likes, comments & shares! SUBSCRIBE for more! Handmade potions, candles & incense available on my website: http://www.whitewitchparlour.com
Brightest Blessings,
~ Jenna
'How to Make An Attention-Grabbing, Festive Culinary Wreath'
Jacki Andre - OffTheGridNews.com
You’ve worked hard growing herbs and vegetables. Why not show off your bounty as a beautiful wreath? Culinary wreaths can be created in a variety of ways. Most start with a base of herbs and may include other small produce — like garlic bulbs or small peppers — for visual interest. Culinary wreaths smell amazing and offer a unique way to access your herbs while cooking.
If you use fresh herbs, they will start to dry fairly quickly on the wreath form. The best fresh herbs for this project are those with woody stems and small leaves, like rosemary, thyme, tarragon, marjoram and oregano. They will be easier to attach to the wreath form and will keep the wreath shape better than those with soft stems and larger leaves, which will droop as they dry. If you’re fortunate enough to live in a zone where bay laurel is hardy, or if you have a bay laurel tree growing indoors, bay leaves work great, too.
Yarn of the color of your choosing could be tied and fashioned into many symbols (pentacle, othala, etc.). I like to place them outdoors.
'This stunning 'hotel room' in the Swiss Alps has no walls'
Leanna Garfield, Business Insider - Independent.co.uk - January 23, 2017
From a lodge sculpted from ice to one made from metal sheets, there are an infinite number of offbeat hotels that re-think the traditional B&B.
One open-air hotel, called Null Stern, eliminates walls and a roof altogether. Located in the middle of the Swiss Alps, it only features a bed with linens.
In German, the hotel's name translates to "zero stars."
"The star is not the hotel but each guest," the hotel's co-founder, Daniel Charbonnier, tells Business Insider. "We got rid of all the walls, and the only thing left is you and your experience."
This would be something of a fantasy for me; just pushing a roll away bed into the yard on a warm evening. I wouldn't want anyone to see me though. Also, there are a lot of raccoons and skunks around here.

This video is funny..
Jim Bakker is on to Us!
Hellbound Heathen
JIm Bakker was innocent of al cahrges of fraud and buying his mistresses silence with $350,000.00 dollars of his congregation's money.
It was all the work of Witches!!
Giant Celtic Cross Found Hidden in Irish Forest
October 2016
Initially spotted by puzzled airline passengers flying over a forest in Ireland, drone footage has revealed a massive Celtic Cross that had been hidden until now.
The enormous arboreal wonder, which was seemingly first noticed this autumn, measures over 300 feet long and more than 200 feet wide.
Although the source of the incredible design was deemed a mystery at first, a subsequent investigation determined who was responsible for the epic artwork.
According to the television network ITV, a man named Liam Emmery produced the breathtaking visual by planting different species of trees to form the shape of the iconic symbol.
Unfortunately, Emmery passed away in 2010 and, incredibly, his family had actually forgotten about the project until they were contacted by the media about it.
"If he was here, we'd all have heard about it, because he would have been so proud," his wife told the news station.
While we wish that Emmery had been able to take credit for his creation now that the world knows about it, we're guessing that, much like the drone that captured it on film, he's looking down and smiling over a job well done.
Source: ITV
Emmery Celtic Cross Donegal Ireland
Eye In The Sky
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