Monday, August 29, 2016
Perceptions for the coming Autumn Harvest Moon I
Extreme up-close video of tornado near Wray, CO!
SEE ALSO: 360 Video!
Extreme up-close footage of tornado just north of Wray, CO earlier today! Uploading 360 video from inside the outer circulation next.
Propaganda Bill in Congress Could Give America Its Very Own Ministry Of “Truth”
Claire Bernish - - June 6, 2016
(ANTIMEDIA) United States — In the true Orwellian fashion now typifying 2016, a bill to implement the U.S.’ very own de facto Ministry of Truth has been quietly introduced in Congress — its lack of fanfare appropriate given the bill’s equally subtle language. As with any legislation attempting to dodge the public spotlight, however, the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016 marks a further curtailment of press freedom and another avenue to stultify avenues of accurate information.
Introduced by Congressmen Adam Kinzinger and Ted Lieu, H.R. 5181 seeks a “whole-government approach without the bureaucratic restrictions” to counter “foreign disinformation and manipulation,” which they believe threaten the world’s “security and stability.”
'Wotan’s Plea'
A Folkish poem by Karlotta Imrichova
Posted by renegade - - August 19, 2016
Wotan’s Plea
God of wisdom and of war
Gave us the runes and sired Thor
His ravens o’er Midgard fly
Watching us from Asgard’s skies
Great warriors in death are called
To feast with him in his great hall
The Folk worldwide, his sons and daughters
Give respect our Allfather
But from his eye there falls a tear
For the fate that looms so near
The warriors have lost their might
His children have no will to fight
The Folk have clearly lost their way
And though the threat is clear as day
Our people hide their heads in sand
Lacking courage to take a stand
Where are the genes we did inherit
From the mighty men of merit?
Blood of Vikings in my veins flows
But, in my kinfolk… I do not know
Weakness and cowardice they portray
Their own ancestors they now betray
Perhaps they are in too much shock
To see that this is Ragnarok
We must unite, and we must fight
Or usher in our own twilight
For our children’s sake Wotan implores
The Folk must stand, and we must roar!
Kim Suho
American Hustle
Although she was only
23 when this was
filmed, Jennifer Lawrence
already had a certain
presence. Her name is
English, but she seems
to me a warm Southern
Scottish beauty.
'The Black Sun'
Posted by renegade - - August 18, 2016
by Ron McVan (2007)
Let us look at each other in the face. We are Hyperboreans!” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
The human body in its current state is hardly a fit vehicle for the forces of the vast and mighty mysteries of eternity. Man is ever becoming but very few are those who ever become in life’s all too fleeting physical experience. Our purpose on earth must be more than to merely exist as animals. Every human being born into the living world must at some point recognize that they have obligations to fulfill above their own personal existence. Both Man and the races of the world are equipped to transform the material world of gross matter to higher living standards and culture just as they are equipped to transcend it. There is plenty room on the planet for all the races to raise themselves and their own indigenous culture to the highest possible levels. Animals and insects even within the limits of their capacity and dimension follow the divine plan and nature’s law in perfect accordance while man with all his advantages cannot.
Animals and insects do not mix their species, do not pollute the planet, torture one another or kill each other for personal gain or travel half way around the world to destroy someone else’s nation. Nor would they ever fill their bodies with mind altering substances or partake in such sick perversions that mankind is prone to. Today’s world is spiraling into chaos because man has turned his back on his Gods and divine inheritance, turned his back on nature and the will to be as a species which instills the essential building blocks that are the earmark of a healthy culture and society. Race is the foundation of all culture. A culture is the expression of an ideal and great ideals can change the world and known to have created golden ages in the course of history. Capitalist materialism and consumerism can never produce a culture or advance its people in fact it will ultimately ravage, pollute and destroy all human kind and the planet as well, the results of which we are witnessing now before our very eyes.
Tommy Tutone- 867-5309 / Jenny
Bank of North Dakota
Prairie Public Broadcasting
Chronicles the Bank of North Dakota's fascinating history and reviews its key role in financing the state's economic future.
During the early 1900s, North Dakota's economy was dangerously dependent on a single industry—agriculture, an industry controlled by financial interests outside the state. To diversify the economy and regain control of its financial future, North Dakota created a unique asset: the state-owned Bank of North Dakota. North Dakota is the only state in the union with a state-owned bank. The program documents the rise of the Non-Partisan League and its struggle to overthrow the out of state interests that controlled the North Dakota economy and chronicles the political infighting, the dirty tricks, the back room deals, and the amazing series of events that led to the creation of the bank.
"The Bank of North Dakota" features historians, economists, bank staff members and members of the Industrial Commission discussing how the bank came into existence, how it has responded over the years to its mission, and its evolving role in promoting commerce, agriculture and industry.
Bank of North Dakota
President, George Washington, Poses as Baphomet, Magick in Plain Sight
Leak Project
President, George Washington, Poses as Baphomet, Magick in Plain Sight.
Things that make you go What?
How many of you listening to this podcast right now have seen the Statue of President George Washington posing as above so below? The same posture Baphomet represents ? But isn’t Baphomet the Devil? Or the Dark Lord? Isn’t Baphomet Lucifer and or the AntiChirst? Why does the Church of Satan Promote Baphomet as their Representative?
Decoding Baphomet and Symbolism. This is high level knowledge.
Leak Project (official website)
WTF? The Satanic Temple 'Afer School Satan' Clubs Rolling Out
The Kev Baker Show
Published on Aug 1, 2016
The Satanic Temple (official website)
Greenland Sharks Can Live for 400 Years
A new study has found the Greenland shark to be the longest-lived vertebrate known to science. Radiocarbon dating of the eyes of 28 female Greenland sharks revealed one specimen to be almost four centuries old. The research also suggested Greenland sharks do not reproduce until they are around 150 years old. The creatures are among the slowest moving sharks, swimming at only one or two miles per hour.
More at
Human Sacrifice Ritual at CERN - Caught on Tape - FULL
Mark Dice
Illuminati Satanic scientists at CERN conducted a "human sacrifice" ritual in front of a giant statue of Shiva in Geneva, Switzerland, it appears. Watch the disturbing footage here which shows men wearing black robes and appearing to stab a woman. Some believe this is an actual human sacrifice ritual, others believe it is a prank to poke fin at all the "conspiracy theories" about CERN. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.
One very common component within these elitist-occult circles is that they just can't stick to one theme at a time. CERN mixes Shiva, Apollo, Cernunnos, Saturn, etc. It appears that in any endeavor, this willful conflation of what they project as their brand of occultism, is an eclectic mishmash of gods, symbols, and codes to the point of silliness. Also, their expressions are very large and loud. There's a certain unspiritual aggression to it, like someone mad for power. It's very curious if you look up some of these old elitist Transhumanist types and watch them literaly complaining about death, and throwing back at their critics "Don't try to destroy my dreams."
"Death"... the great equalizer.
Francisco Roberto Bertrão
Saturday, August 27, 2016
'Valtellina: A History Lesson on Europe’s Tense North–South Border'
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Valtellina |
Chris Roth - Springtime of Nations - July 24, 2012
Europe’s cultural and even political boundaries have never been more fuzzy and contested. The Euro Zone crisis is intensifying chauvinistic opinions on what it means to be Northern European and Southern European. Padania (northern Italy), Catalonia, and even France’s region of Savoy (see a report on Savoyard separatism from this blog), are itching to secede. Switzerland is content to be a gaping doughnut hole in the European Union (E.U.). And an island in Greece is even trying to join the Republic of Austria (as reported last week in an article in this blog). It’s always an exercise in perspective to take a look at central Europe’s complicated history and figure out how we got here and where we might be headed.
In that spirit, an academic conference held jointly in the nearby border towns of Tirano, Italy, and Poschiavo, Switzerland, on June 22-23 was the occasion for historians to mull the significance of the 500th anniversary of the annexation, in June 1512, of the Italian region of Valtellina by the Free State of the Three Leagues, which is now the Swiss canton of the Grisons (Graubünden in German, and Grigioni in Italian). Today, Valtellina forms more or less the province of Sondrio in the Lombardy region of northern Italy, but in 1512 it was under the control of the Holy Roman Empire’s Duchy of Milan until the Three Leagues annexed it. It remained a Three Leagues dependency without ever being asked to join the Free State’s tripartite confederation (the three leagues were the League of God’s House, the Grey League—Graubünden literally means “Grey League”—and the League of Ten Jurisdictions).
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Flags of Switzerland and the Grisons |
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Chur, capital of the Grisons, in 1803, the year the modern Swiss Confederation was formed |
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A map of “Insubria” |
Since 1995, the Council of Europe has recognized (mostly for touristic and cultural-exchange purposes) a transnational “Euroregion” called Insubria, embracing part of the Italian regions of Piedmont and Lombardy and Switzerland’s Italian-speaking canton, Ticino, to the Grisons’ west—but not, oddly enough, either Valtellina or the Italian-speaking Poschiavo valley in the Grisons. And an Italian linguist named Lorenzo Banfi founded, in 2005, the bioregionalist nationalist political party Domà Nunch (“Only Ours,” in Lombard dialect) with the quixotic idea of one day declaring an independent Insubria.
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The flag of Raetia, as used by the region’s resolutely unofficial football team.
Note the use of grey, as in the “Grey League”—otherwise a rather unusual color in flags.
More relevant here, to the east, is the Euroregion of Raetia Nova—or, if you want to get pedantic about it, Rætia Nova—which as far as I can tell seems to embrace the historically Romansh-speaking areas of: Graubünden; adjoining areas of the Austrian Alps (including Vorarlberg, which after the carnage of the First World War voted overwhelmingly in a referendum to join Switzerland, but without effect); Valtellina; and the Italian autonomous region of Trentino–Alto Adige/Südtirol, where hundreds of thousands of speakers of Friulian and Tyrolean German constitute Italy’s highest concentration of linguistic minorities. It is hard to get reliable maps of Raetia Nova, suggesting that as a Euroregion it hasn’t really gotten up and running yet, though there was a Raetian football (soccer) team that competed in this year’s VIVA World Cup competition for unrecognized states, held June 9th in Arbil, in Iraqi Kurdistan (as reported on in this blog at the time). (Since you ask: Zanzibar, Western Sahara, and Tamil Eelam massacred them out of the top ranks with 6-0, 4-0, and 3-0 wins, respectively.)
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A Lega Nord–produced map of a sort of European-mini-empires fantasy league,
Hitz says that Valtellina would theoretically make a fine Swiss canton: “Ticino was conquered territory, too, so that would fit,” he says, adding, “The country would just have been bigger and more beautiful!” (Ah, yes, I like my countries Rubenesque myself.) In fact, in March of this year Switzerland’s minister of defense, Ueli Maurer (ironic onomastic synchronicity: Maurer means wall-builder, but never mind), quipped that Switzerland would be economically capable of annexing Lombardy. He was not serious, but several tens of thousands of Lombards were when, over the next few weeks, they signed a petition supporting the idea. Under Swiss rule, Lombards would have more autonomy, a better infrastructure, an automatic exemption from foreign military adventurism, and even lower taxes—since, in this Lega Nord way of thinking, there won’t be millions of lazy, jobless Sicilians and Neapolitans to subsidize.
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Switzerland’s minister of defense, Ueli Maurer (right), posing with a compatriot |
But all of these jokes and quips and petitions should be a wake-up call. Many in central Europe are unhappy with the way the borders are drawn. They don’t feel the lines and colors on the map reflect their histories, identities, and allegiances. Sooner or later, something has to give.
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The flag of Insubria is a mighty wicked flag, in my opinion.
Yes, that’s Jonah being eaten by a (rather serpent-like) whale. Twice.
’Cause that’s how Insubria rolls. |
Lega Nord,
Friday, August 26, 2016
The Return of the Vehmic rune
Blair Witch (film)
Blair Witch (formerly marketed under the faux-title, The Woods) is an upcoming American found footage psychological horror film directed by Adam Wingard and written by Simon Barrett. It is a direct sequel to The Blair Witch Project (1999). The film follows a group of college students who venture into the Black Hills Forest in Maryland to uncover the mysteries surrounding the disappearance of James’ sister Heather in 1994 who many believe is connected to the legend of the Blair Witch.
It premiered at San Diego Comic-Con on July 22, 2016 and is scheduled for release in the United States on September 16, 2016.
I often have very mixed feelings regarding films like this. Something loosely tied to what had been an ancient spiritual tradition, now projected as like a milieu of... "monsters." No other tradition is treated this way. However, that's not what interests me here. The now recognizable symbol of the "Blair Witch" is described as A five-pointed compound symbol with a center triangel pointing down. The five lines resemble the microcosmic man with arms and legs outstretched inside a circle (with a pentagram in the background)-- a magic symbol or charm among medieval alchemists and wizards. It may be an ancient European vehmic symbol, although I have found no direct evidence of that. Even Guido von List's "Vehme star rose" was basically just a Pentacle star within a circle of nature. He hinted at an ancient European origin, and offered the Barnstar in relation to that idea.
I refer to this symbol as the Vehmic rune, or a Vehme star rose if within a circle. The five-pointed sign symbolizes Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit..... or basically.. "Science!" (including Metaphysical science). The popularity of 'The Blair Witch Project' (1999) and perhaps this upcoming sequel, which opens on September 16, should lead to an increased interest in this symbol. While the Pentagram (or Pentacle star when inside of a circle) can be traced back to ancient Sumeria, the Vehmic run is quite possibly proto-European. The fact that this symbol is again being projected by popular culture notwithstanding, is could have a far greater objective meaning; the lost ancient European vehme, the missing puzzle piece. In addition, the Vehmic rune, when hung in a tree, seems to have another meaning.
It is also said that the figures hanging in the trees in the forest represent spirits of the dead being able to travel between earth and the spirit world. The trees, with their roots in the earth and branches up in the air, serve as bridges between the earth and spirit world. When the stick men are hung in a tree they provide a way for the spirit to travel between worlds.
Overzealous Christian YouTuber A Call For An Uprising actually gave a pretty good description of the symbol for about 90 seconds, starting at 5:30...
'The Blair Witch Project Co-Creator Eduardo Sanchez Talks Blair Witch'
Steve Barton - - August 19, 2016
Along with Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sanchez burst onto the scene with The Blair Witch Project, a film that broke a lot of rules and struck box office success. Now, with a new sequel on its way, Sanchez sat down with podcast The Found Footage Critic to offer his opinion on Blair Witch (review).
“It’s just full-blast Blair Witch,” he explained. “It’s really creepy, and the last third is just crazy. It’s just all over the place. It just does not let you go, you know? I’m really happy to have been a part of it… it kind of progresses the found-footage genre a little bit, which I think is really cool.”
He continues: “It’s really, really well grounded in the original. And I think that the fans of the original will get a lot out of it. It’s kind of a recognizable… it’s almost like you’ve been, like kind of a deja vu, but then it turns into just a — like I said, it kinda takes our film and blows the doors off and goes nuts with it in a really, really good way.”
Written by Simon Barrett and directed by Adam Wingard, Blair Witch stars James Allen McCune, Callie Hernandez, Brandon Scott, Valorie Curry, Corbin Reid, and Wes Robinson. Roy Lee (The Ring, The Grudge, The Strangers, It), Steven Schneider (Paranormal Activity, Insidious), Keith Calder, and Jessica Wu (You’re Next, The Guest) produce.
A group of college students venture into the Black Hills Forest in Maryland to uncover the mysteries surrounding the disappearance of James’ sister, who many believe is connected to the legend of the Blair Witch. At first the group is hopeful, especially when a pair of locals offer to act as guides through the dark and winding woods, but as the endless night wears on, the group is visited by a menacing presence. Slowly, they begin to realize the legend is all too real and more sinister than they could have imagined.
Blair Witch (2016 Movie) - Official Trailer
Lionsgate Movies
Published on Jul 22, 2016
Blair Witch – In Theaters September 16.
Blair Witch - Official Site
'Blair Witch’ Trailer: You May Want to Think Twice About Camping Again' (Ethan Anderton - - August 25, 2016)
'Blair Witch' (IMDb)
'The Craft' sequel
Sony Pictures has announced that a sequel of The Craft is currently in development and will be written and directed by Leigh Janiak. The announcement of the sequel has spawned negative reactions from fans of the original and from Fairuza Balk, who thinks that sequels "in general" are a bad idea.
'The Craft remake is actually a sequel that's 'very much about now,' producer says' (Gerrad Hall - - May 3, 2016)
Blair Witch (formerly marketed under the faux-title, The Woods) is an upcoming American found footage psychological horror film directed by Adam Wingard and written by Simon Barrett. It is a direct sequel to The Blair Witch Project (1999). The film follows a group of college students who venture into the Black Hills Forest in Maryland to uncover the mysteries surrounding the disappearance of James’ sister Heather in 1994 who many believe is connected to the legend of the Blair Witch.
It premiered at San Diego Comic-Con on July 22, 2016 and is scheduled for release in the United States on September 16, 2016.
I often have very mixed feelings regarding films like this. Something loosely tied to what had been an ancient spiritual tradition, now projected as like a milieu of... "monsters." No other tradition is treated this way. However, that's not what interests me here. The now recognizable symbol of the "Blair Witch" is described as A five-pointed compound symbol with a center triangel pointing down. The five lines resemble the microcosmic man with arms and legs outstretched inside a circle (with a pentagram in the background)-- a magic symbol or charm among medieval alchemists and wizards. It may be an ancient European vehmic symbol, although I have found no direct evidence of that. Even Guido von List's "Vehme star rose" was basically just a Pentacle star within a circle of nature. He hinted at an ancient European origin, and offered the Barnstar in relation to that idea.
I refer to this symbol as the Vehmic rune, or a Vehme star rose if within a circle. The five-pointed sign symbolizes Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit..... or basically.. "Science!" (including Metaphysical science). The popularity of 'The Blair Witch Project' (1999) and perhaps this upcoming sequel, which opens on September 16, should lead to an increased interest in this symbol. While the Pentagram (or Pentacle star when inside of a circle) can be traced back to ancient Sumeria, the Vehmic run is quite possibly proto-European. The fact that this symbol is again being projected by popular culture notwithstanding, is could have a far greater objective meaning; the lost ancient European vehme, the missing puzzle piece. In addition, the Vehmic rune, when hung in a tree, seems to have another meaning.
It is also said that the figures hanging in the trees in the forest represent spirits of the dead being able to travel between earth and the spirit world. The trees, with their roots in the earth and branches up in the air, serve as bridges between the earth and spirit world. When the stick men are hung in a tree they provide a way for the spirit to travel between worlds.
Overzealous Christian YouTuber A Call For An Uprising actually gave a pretty good description of the symbol for about 90 seconds, starting at 5:30...
'The Blair Witch Project Co-Creator Eduardo Sanchez Talks Blair Witch'
Steve Barton - - August 19, 2016
Along with Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sanchez burst onto the scene with The Blair Witch Project, a film that broke a lot of rules and struck box office success. Now, with a new sequel on its way, Sanchez sat down with podcast The Found Footage Critic to offer his opinion on Blair Witch (review).
“It’s just full-blast Blair Witch,” he explained. “It’s really creepy, and the last third is just crazy. It’s just all over the place. It just does not let you go, you know? I’m really happy to have been a part of it… it kind of progresses the found-footage genre a little bit, which I think is really cool.”
He continues: “It’s really, really well grounded in the original. And I think that the fans of the original will get a lot out of it. It’s kind of a recognizable… it’s almost like you’ve been, like kind of a deja vu, but then it turns into just a — like I said, it kinda takes our film and blows the doors off and goes nuts with it in a really, really good way.”
Written by Simon Barrett and directed by Adam Wingard, Blair Witch stars James Allen McCune, Callie Hernandez, Brandon Scott, Valorie Curry, Corbin Reid, and Wes Robinson. Roy Lee (The Ring, The Grudge, The Strangers, It), Steven Schneider (Paranormal Activity, Insidious), Keith Calder, and Jessica Wu (You’re Next, The Guest) produce.
A group of college students venture into the Black Hills Forest in Maryland to uncover the mysteries surrounding the disappearance of James’ sister, who many believe is connected to the legend of the Blair Witch. At first the group is hopeful, especially when a pair of locals offer to act as guides through the dark and winding woods, but as the endless night wears on, the group is visited by a menacing presence. Slowly, they begin to realize the legend is all too real and more sinister than they could have imagined.
Blair Witch (2016 Movie) - Official Trailer
Lionsgate Movies
Published on Jul 22, 2016
Blair Witch – In Theaters September 16.
Blair Witch - Official Site
'Blair Witch’ Trailer: You May Want to Think Twice About Camping Again' (Ethan Anderton - - August 25, 2016)
'Blair Witch' (IMDb)
'The Craft' sequel
Sony Pictures has announced that a sequel of The Craft is currently in development and will be written and directed by Leigh Janiak. The announcement of the sequel has spawned negative reactions from fans of the original and from Fairuza Balk, who thinks that sequels "in general" are a bad idea.
'The Craft remake is actually a sequel that's 'very much about now,' producer says' (Gerrad Hall - - May 3, 2016)
ancient symbols,
popular culture,
Vehmic rune
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Lombard woman wins silver medal in Rio Olympics
[Image from - Laura Teani e l’argento olimpico: “Un mix di emozioni uniche e inspiegabili”]
Twenty-five year old Laura Teani, from the province of Bergamo, won a silver team medal in water polo this past Friday. Although they lost handily to the U.S. team, they proved to be a solid runner up having defeated all of their other opponents.
Laura Teani
Italy women's national water polo team
Water polo at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Women's tournament
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
"Consumption of Mary" ritual in Oklahoma City - Why the Catholics won
Catholics Rally Against Black Mass in Oklahoma - Aug. 15, 2016
TFP Student Action
Hundreds defended Jesus and Mary against the satanic Black Mass and the public sacrilege perpetrated against the Virgin Mary at the Civic Center in Oklahoma City on August, 15, 2016, Feast of the Assumption.
Yesterdays Satanic Black Mass went on as scheduled in Oklahoma City. This ritual event, called the "Consumption of Mary by Jai Kali Maa," was conducted by the Church of Ahriman. If this Satanic group was seeking to somehow gain some sympathy for themselves and/or make the Catholic Church look bad... then they failed miserably! For starters, their apparent leader--Rev. Adam Daniels--is a registered sex offender. Additionally, this ceremony was an act of aggression against the Catholic Church and Christianity with no reason given it appears.
If they wanted to make the church look bad, then they could have used many dark chapters in its history. For example, they could have brought up the genocide by the Vatican supported Ustase in Croatia. Instead, they chose to attack the Virgin Mary. The Bible and traditional Christian culture is riddled with misogyny, yet they handed over to the Catholics an engraved invitation to defend what perhaps could be called an aspect of the "Divine Feminine" from their side. Strategically, this was a very foolish move; and would easily have swung the balance over to the Catholics for anyone who may have been on the fence about the whole thing.

A Call For An Uprising is a YouTube channel, with new videos virtually every day, pertaining to the ongoing activities of the supposed enemies of Christianity. He's such a smart ass, yet he's got a great gift of gab, his commentary is quite entertaining, and he's correct on many of his accusations if you're able to read between the lines a bit. He engages in a particular socio-political dynamic, which many of us do to one degree or another, in which he portrays all of what he considers Christianity's enemies to be like one giant army... all working in unison. Of course, it's never really that simple. I have to give it to him. This is a very entertaining channel, filled with indignant commentary about many subjects. His videos begin with a cartoon of Jesus--in the form of a giant--crushing Satan, Freemasons, Egyptian gods, Wiccans, pyramids with all-seeing eyes, and even punching out Baphomet himself.
The Consumption of Mary by Jai Kali Maa Explained
Dakhma of Angra Mainyu
Dastur Adam gives a brief explination of the Consumption of Mary ritual and it's components.
social politics
Monday, August 15, 2016
'The Witch' - movie review
The Witch (2015 film)
The Witch (stylized as The VVitch, subtitled A New-England Folktale) is a 2015 historical period supernatural horror film written and directed by Robert Eggers in his directorial debut, and produced by Rodrigo Teixera, Daniel Bekerman, Lars Knudsen, Jodi Redmond, and Jay Van Hoy. It stars Anya Taylor-Joy, Ralph Ineson, Kate Dickie, Harvey Scrimshaw, Ellie Grainger, and Lucas Dawson, and follows a Puritan family encountering forces of evil in the woods beyond their New England farm.
An international co-production of the United States and Canada, the film premiered at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival on 22 January 2015, and was widely release by A24 on 19 February 2016. It received critical acclaim and grossed over $40 million over a $3 million budget.
This is a very difficult film for me to review because of my pro-folk pagan defensive posture. Also, because this is a film made up of a lot of small parts and subtle symbols which all make up the sum of its parts.... and it's difficult to delve into each step along the way. I'll concentrate on my own observations in more of a rough overview. I liked this film, which was well received by critics, but I wish to quickly make some attempt to set the record straight. 'The Witch' ends with the following screen text:
This film was inspired by many folktales, fairytales and written accounts of historical witchcraft, including journals, diaries, and court records.
Much of the dialogue comes directly from these period sources.
Wow... written accounts, journals, diaries, and court records from a Puritanical Christian society in 1600s New England? Who speaks for the accused?... especially since the accused is really nothing more than a perception of something more-or-less non-existent. Why would any pagan travel across a vast ocean to live within a colony known in the home country by its overzealous Christian nature? A quote from article The Witch: 'Good horror is taking a look at what’s dark in humanity’ gives a powerful further clue to this anti-folk pagan bias: "....the films director Robert Eggers had quite a different motivation. "My earliest nightmares were about witches,” he says gravely. “Witch nightmares have plagued me my whole life until, finally, I made this film. I haven’t had any more now. Something was exorcised through making this."
The director himself is from New England, specifically a small rural town called Lee, which is littered with ancient relics. “You can’t help but have New England’s past be part of your consciousness,” he says. “You’re around these dilapidated farmhouses and broken stone walls and little family graveyards, and the atmosphere really seems haunted by the past.”
Okay, so he's biased; and comparatively, the Abrahamic religions would scream bloody murder in response to this treatment. *Sigh* Okay, on to the review.
The film begins with a man being accused by a Puritanical court of the crime of "prideful conceit," and banished from the colony along with his family of six. Apparently the judicial and theocratic are fully conflated by this society. Since the man, William, is an extremely devout Christian... this is very humiliating for him. The family heads out into the New England wilderness to start a new life of pure self-determinism. The homestead they construct, made up of several buildings and a corn field, is natural and beautiful amid the wooded surroundings. Right away their infant son is abducted. He is later shown in an apparent dream state, real or imagined, to be butchered by a nude woman.... "a witch." However, since the baby was abducted during perhaps two seconds when the oldest daughter Thomasin closes her eyes; there is some doubt as to whether or not "the witch" was even real or just a convenient "boogyman" to shift the blame onto.
This theme of doubt and possible delusion was present all throughout the film, even if the director didn't actually intend on this particular sub-theme concept. In fact, based on how the film unfolds, one could actually attribute virtually everything bad that happened to them as Puritanical Christian paranoia. The entire film could actually be taken as a parody in this manner. I believe that the director did not intend this, and the high strangeness of the incidents were due to some type of Satanic black magic conducted by witches. One could even take it further and view this mysterious film as a negative portrayal of Christianity; people allowing their own fear and paranoia to make them lose their grip on reality, and blaming their favorite boogyman for negativity which they created themselves.
The old-English language used in this film was pleasantly difficult to understand. For example, apparently "come hither" or "come-ither" meant "come over here." The family's life on this homestead was both harsh and free. The acting by the actors portraying all five members of the family was excellent. I found the character of the little girl "Mercy" to provide the only mild comic relief in the film. Their existence is shown to be filled with stress and hardships... and this graduates into diabolical happenings.. including death and possession. It begins when Thomasin suddenly admits, possibly jokingly, to being a witch in front of her three other siblings. It's never entirely clear as to whether or not black magic is really affecting them, or if it's all self-inflicted paranoia by people of extreme fundamentalist Christian programming.
During the whole film, there is constant depiction of the goat and rabbit as Satanic symbols. Goats, owls, bulls, and even rabbits have been used as symbols of Satan. The family's large black goat figures prominently in the film as either a literal or figurative "Satan." Again, it's unclear as to whether this is all theological reality or paranoid delusion. "Witches" are periodically shown in the film... real or imagined. At one point, after death and possessions, the father locks up his children in the animal pen with the big goat, as if he's putting them with Satan.
I can't reveal much more without this being a spoiler. The surprising ending appears to tie things up, but still it could be merely delusion. The director could have made the film more cut and dry, but I think he wanted to create a particularly eerie environment to keep the audience on edge. I suspect that the director was portraying the archetype of the "Satanic witch" from the Middle Ages as the events of the film unfolded. In other words, it wasn't intended to be a paranoid delusion.
The Witch | Official Trailer HD
On February 19th, evil takes many forms. From writer/director Robert Eggers and starring Anya Taylor-Joy, Kate Dickie, Ralph Ineson.
The Witch (2016) - Explained | Ryan's Theory
Ryan Hollinger
The Witch (stylized as The VVitch, subtitled A New-England Folktale) is a 2015 historical period supernatural horror film written and directed by Robert Eggers in his directorial debut, and produced by Rodrigo Teixera, Daniel Bekerman, Lars Knudsen, Jodi Redmond, and Jay Van Hoy. It stars Anya Taylor-Joy, Ralph Ineson, Kate Dickie, Harvey Scrimshaw, Ellie Grainger, and Lucas Dawson, and follows a Puritan family encountering forces of evil in the woods beyond their New England farm.
An international co-production of the United States and Canada, the film premiered at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival on 22 January 2015, and was widely release by A24 on 19 February 2016. It received critical acclaim and grossed over $40 million over a $3 million budget.
This is a very difficult film for me to review because of my pro-folk pagan defensive posture. Also, because this is a film made up of a lot of small parts and subtle symbols which all make up the sum of its parts.... and it's difficult to delve into each step along the way. I'll concentrate on my own observations in more of a rough overview. I liked this film, which was well received by critics, but I wish to quickly make some attempt to set the record straight. 'The Witch' ends with the following screen text:
This film was inspired by many folktales, fairytales and written accounts of historical witchcraft, including journals, diaries, and court records.
Much of the dialogue comes directly from these period sources.
Wow... written accounts, journals, diaries, and court records from a Puritanical Christian society in 1600s New England? Who speaks for the accused?... especially since the accused is really nothing more than a perception of something more-or-less non-existent. Why would any pagan travel across a vast ocean to live within a colony known in the home country by its overzealous Christian nature? A quote from article The Witch: 'Good horror is taking a look at what’s dark in humanity’ gives a powerful further clue to this anti-folk pagan bias: "....the films director Robert Eggers had quite a different motivation. "My earliest nightmares were about witches,” he says gravely. “Witch nightmares have plagued me my whole life until, finally, I made this film. I haven’t had any more now. Something was exorcised through making this."
The director himself is from New England, specifically a small rural town called Lee, which is littered with ancient relics. “You can’t help but have New England’s past be part of your consciousness,” he says. “You’re around these dilapidated farmhouses and broken stone walls and little family graveyards, and the atmosphere really seems haunted by the past.”
Okay, so he's biased; and comparatively, the Abrahamic religions would scream bloody murder in response to this treatment. *Sigh* Okay, on to the review.
The film begins with a man being accused by a Puritanical court of the crime of "prideful conceit," and banished from the colony along with his family of six. Apparently the judicial and theocratic are fully conflated by this society. Since the man, William, is an extremely devout Christian... this is very humiliating for him. The family heads out into the New England wilderness to start a new life of pure self-determinism. The homestead they construct, made up of several buildings and a corn field, is natural and beautiful amid the wooded surroundings. Right away their infant son is abducted. He is later shown in an apparent dream state, real or imagined, to be butchered by a nude woman.... "a witch." However, since the baby was abducted during perhaps two seconds when the oldest daughter Thomasin closes her eyes; there is some doubt as to whether or not "the witch" was even real or just a convenient "boogyman" to shift the blame onto.
This theme of doubt and possible delusion was present all throughout the film, even if the director didn't actually intend on this particular sub-theme concept. In fact, based on how the film unfolds, one could actually attribute virtually everything bad that happened to them as Puritanical Christian paranoia. The entire film could actually be taken as a parody in this manner. I believe that the director did not intend this, and the high strangeness of the incidents were due to some type of Satanic black magic conducted by witches. One could even take it further and view this mysterious film as a negative portrayal of Christianity; people allowing their own fear and paranoia to make them lose their grip on reality, and blaming their favorite boogyman for negativity which they created themselves.
The old-English language used in this film was pleasantly difficult to understand. For example, apparently "come hither" or "come-ither" meant "come over here." The family's life on this homestead was both harsh and free. The acting by the actors portraying all five members of the family was excellent. I found the character of the little girl "Mercy" to provide the only mild comic relief in the film. Their existence is shown to be filled with stress and hardships... and this graduates into diabolical happenings.. including death and possession. It begins when Thomasin suddenly admits, possibly jokingly, to being a witch in front of her three other siblings. It's never entirely clear as to whether or not black magic is really affecting them, or if it's all self-inflicted paranoia by people of extreme fundamentalist Christian programming.
During the whole film, there is constant depiction of the goat and rabbit as Satanic symbols. Goats, owls, bulls, and even rabbits have been used as symbols of Satan. The family's large black goat figures prominently in the film as either a literal or figurative "Satan." Again, it's unclear as to whether this is all theological reality or paranoid delusion. "Witches" are periodically shown in the film... real or imagined. At one point, after death and possessions, the father locks up his children in the animal pen with the big goat, as if he's putting them with Satan.
I can't reveal much more without this being a spoiler. The surprising ending appears to tie things up, but still it could be merely delusion. The director could have made the film more cut and dry, but I think he wanted to create a particularly eerie environment to keep the audience on edge. I suspect that the director was portraying the archetype of the "Satanic witch" from the Middle Ages as the events of the film unfolded. In other words, it wasn't intended to be a paranoid delusion.
The Witch | Official Trailer HD
On February 19th, evil takes many forms. From writer/director Robert Eggers and starring Anya Taylor-Joy, Kate Dickie, Ralph Ineson.
The Witch (2016) - Explained | Ryan's Theory
Ryan Hollinger
American folklore,
European Witchcraft,
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Ghost programs and the metaphysical issue: Part 19
Security camera captures a spirit leaving a body in a hospital in China
Paranormal Witness
Currently the Syfy network (244 on DirecTV) has a "ghost night"--as I call them--on Wednesday evenings. The two longstaying programs are 'Paranormal Witness', which is documentary style; and 'Ghost Hunters', which is investigative style. The Travel Channel (277 on DirecTV) continues with their Saturday evening "ghost night" with 'Ghost Adventures' and 'The Dead Files'. At least 'Ghost Adventures' is currently showing new programs. 'Paranormal Witness' is on the same par as 'A Haunting' which is shown on Investigation America network (286 on DirecTV). I don't get Destination America, so I just purchase the entire season.
Many--mostly Atheist types--point to the human brain as the source of consciousness and everything related to it. Therefore, according to them, the brain is basically all that there is to consciousness. The below article suggests that this may not be so. This is only one such case of people who have been discovered to have almost no brain at all and yet can function and think normally. I'm guessing that the subject discussed probably was utilizing his brain stem to a large degree, since we only perhaps used about 10% of our brain anyway.
'Do You Really Need To Have A Brain?'
Mitch Doolittle - - March 25, 2005
The reason for my apparently absurd question is the remarkable research conducted at the University of Sheffield by neurology professor the late Dr. John Lorber.
When Sheffield's campus doctor was treating one of the mathematics students for a minor ailment, he noticed that the student's head was a little larger than normal. The doctor referred the student to professor Lorber for further examination.
The student in question was academically bright, had a reported IQ of 126 and was expected to graduate. When he was examined by CAT-scan, however, Lorber discovered that he had virtually no brain at all.
Voices from the Afterlife
The above link is a webpage from the website of attorney and author Victor Zammit, who authored the 2013 book 'A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife'. There are some very interesting spirit communications there, especially the Louis Armstrong one in which the spirit sings his famous song 'What a Wonderful World"... and sings it in an imperfect manner which one would expect from a conscious intelligence. There are other interesting items on his website, along with a YouTube channel.
I still think that we must have definite cases to point to, such as the Melissa Galka case. There are clear recordings of her voice (as when she was alive) communicating and answering questions in a relevant manner. In other words... not a residual energy... but a very conscious spirit. There are some who believe that technology will allow for this type of communication in the future which will finally prove beyond the speck of a doubt the existence of an afterlife.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
"The Outfit" on Silver Street
With the current mini-series 'Making of the Mob: Chicago' on the American Movie Classics network, I was thinking of the connection between "the Outfit" and Hurley, Wisconsin during the reign of Al Capone. Actually the Capone organization was the forerunner of what later became known as the infamous Outfit in Chicago. There are a lot of articles online about the early notorious history of Silver Street in Hurley, Wisconsin. I don't want to link to any right now, as it would tend to imply that this harsh history had anything to do with todays residents of the Ironwood-Hurley area... which it doesn't. However, from it's beginnings as a northern frontier town in the late 1880's through the Prohibition era, it was northern Wisconsin's "seedy part of town"... and then some. The areas miners and loggers during that time who wanted some "action," would flock to Silver Street's underworld element for illegal goods and services. This underworld was more in the style of Al Swearengen than it was Al Capone.
In later decades, the mere mention of "The Outfit" would strike fear in the Midwest. It's not an exaggeration; anyone who crossed them after a warning or two would get an ice pick in the ear. The Capone organization had risen to the top of the Chicago underworld by killing off a particularly vicious and violent Irish/Jewish gang during Prohibition. It probably should be mentioned that this Chicago Mafia that developed did much harm to anyone in the Midwest with an Italian name. It didn't even matter if someone was Milanese or Venetian in origin. The Hurley underworld wasn't "Italian." This alliance of black marketeers seemed to know every trick in the book. The use of violence wasn't really necessary among the Silver Street criminal milieu, and vice had almost a free reign.
The Capone organization smuggled liquor back and forth from Canada. They made a special point to establish connections in northern Wisconsin. Al Capone owned a summer home along a lake near Heyward, Wisconsin. It didn't take very long for them to come face to face with the well established Hurley underworld. When reading about Capone in Hurley, it appears that he at least pondered about taking over Silver Street. However, from what I can gather, he was impressed with how well organized they were. He decided that it would be best to work with them. If he had just moved in and took over, it would have made it more difficult to establish and maintain connections in the North Woods..
Today, the only remnant of those days are Silver Streets many bars and night clubs. However, it's more of a place to have some clean fun. There are walking tours revolving around the infamous history of Silver Street, so it's not like it's something they are ashamed of in the manner of modern Las Vegas. Along with summer off-road vehicles and winter snowmobiles, it helps attract tourism to the area. Al Capone's brother Ralph, also a mobster, later settled in Hurley... although by then had apparently switched to legal pursuits.
American history,
North Woods,
Saturday, August 6, 2016
"Bridge of the Gods"
The Bridge of the Gods, which separates Oregon and Washington, was featured in the 2014 film 'Wild'. The steel bridge, constructed in 1926, sits beautifully amid the great trees and mountains of the Pacific Northwest. At least to me, the name and location holds an Odinic feel to it... the Norse Gods.... the Great North.
Bridge of the Gods
The Bridge of the Gods is a steel truss cantilever bridge that spans the Columbia River between Cascade Locks, Oregon, and Washington state near North Bonneville. It is approximately 40 miles (64 kilometers) east of Portland, Oregon, and 4 miles (6.4 km) upriver from the Bonneville Dam. It is a toll bridge operated by the Port of Cascade Locks.
The bridge was completed by Wauna Toll Bridge Company and opened in 1926 at a length of 1,127 feet (343 m). The higher river levels resulting from the construction of the Bonneville Dam required the bridge to be further elevated in 1940 and extended to its current length of 1,856 feet (565 m). The Columbia River Bridge Company of Spokane, Washington, acquired ownership of the bridge in 1953 for $735,000. The Port of Cascade Locks Commission now operates the bridge.
The bridge is named after the historic geologic feature also known as Bridge of the Gods.
The Pacific Crest Trail crosses the Columbia River on the Bridge of the Gods, and the lowest elevation of the trail is on this bridge.
View of 'Bridge of the Gods' Columbia river, Oregon/Washington State line
Wild - Movie Review
Chris Stuckmann
Wild (2014 film)
Wild is a 2014 American biographical drama film directed by Jean-Marc Vallée. The screenplay by Nick Hornby is based on Cheryl Strayed's 2012 memoir Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. The film stars Reese Witherspoon as Strayed, alongside Laura Dern (as Strayed's mother), with Thomas Sadoski, Michiel Huisman and Gaby Hoffmann among several others in supporting roles.
In June 1995, despite a lack of hiking experience, recent divorcée Cheryl Strayed (Reese Witherspoon) leaves Minneapolis, Minnesota, to hike 1,100 miles of the 2,650-mile Pacific Crest Trail on a journey of self-discovery and healing.
With the dissolution of her marriage and the death of her mother, Cheryl Strayed has lost all hope. After years of reckless, destructive behavior, she makes a rash decision. With absolutely no experience, driven only by sheer determination, Cheryl hikes more than a thousand miles of the Pacific Crest Trail, alone. Wild powerfully captures the terrors and pleasures of one young woman forging ahead against all odds on a journey that maddens, strengthen, and ultimately heals her.
-- Spencer Higham
I viewed this movie without any expectations. I'm not going to review the movie, which would be a difficult movie to review for various reasons. I just think that the loosely structured Pacific Crest Trail, as it was portrayed, provided an interesting backdrop for the film and the protagonist's journey and reflection. Just making it to the first stopover was important, and a milestone; and a symbolic milestone for someone starting to rebuild their life. I think the movie created renewed interest in this trail, the book, the Bridge of the Gods, and just for hiking itself.
Last evening at twilight, I went for a short hike. Having not hiked for awhile, I found it healing. I saw an owl flying during the daylight; a scene which I had never observed before. It was actually a light grayish color, different than the dark shadow that we may see at night. A new rustic style fence was constructed along a trail, and I was able to smell the cedar. Sometimes at certain spots, especially with fog obstructing the distance, it can feel momentarily feel like "the edge of forever." It was all a good remedy for a melancholy mood.
Pacific Northwest,
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