Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Ritus Sulphurium: The Darkest Mass - Part III

So who made up this revolutionary coalition? They were a small segment of dissidents from all of the victimized groups, including: Templars, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Luciferians, Hermeticists, and Alchemists who were driven underground…. persecuted Jews, Catholics who were thrown under the carriage due to politics or some other alternate reason, and even a few forcefully converted crypto-Muslims…. Protestants in hiding, such as Cathars, Waldensians, Spiritual Franciscans, Hussites, and Beguines…. Druids, Odinists, Witches, and many other pagan polytheists living in the shadows…. overthrown Monarchs, Gnostic heretics, and miscellaneous others who were destroyed by the ruling order for reasons that were political and economic, or those who ended up on the wrong side of personal vendettas from the ruling class…. or simply the kith and kin of innocent people who were tortured and murdered!

All of these dissidents made up a relatively small number of people who began to network together. They wouldn’t represent the typical person from their own communities, but as individuals they were traumatized, angry, and damaged. Everything above is based on fact, and now for the speculation. Knowing now the clear pattern of their behavior over time, I believe there must have been one night that the general leadership of this revolutionary coalition were all in one place at one time to be counted, to lay out their goals, and to permanently cement their new accord. The one conclave where they could commence their movement; where they swore revenge, and vowed to someday destroy the Church forever.

Over the coming centuries, this hidden hand would operate via proxy under the guise of many revolutionary movements where only they would be the victors. Each step seemingly unconnected to the next, and the next, and the next. History has known them as Jacobins, Illuminati, British-Israel World Federation, Hellfire Club, League of the Just, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, Communism, Monopoly Capitalism, war profiteers, frackers, Big Pharma, Secret Intelligence Service (compartmentalized black operations cells), Black Rock, Zionism, Globalism, Process Church, Bohemian Club, Skull and Bones, Société Générale de Belgique, Fabian Socialism, Business Roundtable, Carlyle Group, Project for the New American Century, International Bank of Settlements, Frankfurt School, Hand of Death, Hollywood, Lucis Trust, Rockefeller Foundation, Neo-Conservatives, Neo-Liberals, Silicon Valley, Bohemian Club, Wall Street, Central Intelligence Agency (compartmentalized black operations cells), Club of Rome, World Economic Forum, United Nations, and more than could ever be listed here.

They can destroy any opposing movement through infiltration and slander, they can create artificial revolutions through controlled opposition, create wars and arm both sides, make the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent, conduct weather wars, and a hundred other vicious tactics to permanently run roughshod over society. They’ve either taken over from the inside or created alliances with their former enemies. They’re white leather loafers on a marble floor in an ivory tower on Wall Street manipulating a few blips on a computer screen to steal the wealth from a Midwest farmer, while at the same time they’re black boots on a concrete street a few miles away setting a hard working immigrant's business on fire. They’re more than evil; there may not be an appropriate word for them in the English language.

So lets just speculate that at midnight, on Saturday, May 1, 1509, this revolutionary coalition secretly met in a remote wooded location in the Sonian Forrest south of Brussels, then the capitol of a small regional state within the Holy Roman Empire, to finally set their plans in stone. The abused will become the abuser, and much worse than that abuser. Saturday literally means “Saturn’s Day.” “May 1” is their admitted date for “Revolution.” I’m aware that May 1st had a different pagan spiritual meaning, but they've co-opted it like so many other things. May 1, 1509 = 5-1-1509 = 5+1. 1+5, and 9 = 669 = 666, the numerical dimensions of Saturn’s north pole. Of course, this is probably not the date or the place, but I’m sure that there is some deep occult tie-in to whatever name, date, place, and time that it actually was. Perhaps July 15, 1506, Midsummer, such as with the ‘Cremation of Care” ritual at Bohemian Grove. I’m 99% certain that there was a DATE involved. Even if somehow there wasn't a definitive date, then they must have later installed one! It's probably some date that they've symbolically foisted upon us as part of their incessant fetish ever since. The founding of the Illuminati was in 1776 (I guess putting the exact date on the back of the dollar bill would have been too overt even for them), and that date is the exoteric, while this unknown earlier starting date is the esoteric.

All of this secret history is recorded and is a major fetish for them, that I suppose they will come out in the open with at some future point. For example, when they created the Project for the New American Century. They absolutely did not need to create that group, and with a website, with plans no less! They love to fetishize their actions. They could have created a secret temporary group with all of the same individuals to meet their goal, and it would have been much more practical; but the fetish, always the fetish! They just love to create yet another secret group! The Trilateral Commission was created by longtime Democrat hander Zbigniew Brzezinski, and has NO practical function! They merely did it for the fetish of it! So for whatever it’s worth, I’m sure they had a specific date and time for their first ritual. I’ll just speculate that it may have been called ‘Ritus Sulphurium’ (The Rite of Sulphur), as they've been such a corrosive force in the world.
