Saturday, October 10, 2020

Fall 2020: Part II - All Hallows Eve & Full Blue Moon Combo


The most beautiful animal in the world; the ultimate predator pound-for-pound

"The ancient feud between cat and dog is not forgotten in the north, for the Lynx is the deadly foe of the Fox and habitually kills it when there is soft snow and scarcity of easier prey."
-- Ernest Thompson Seton




Halloween and Full Hunter's Moon 2020

The Full Hunter's Moon (or Blue Moon) is a tweener, occurring at 10:49 EST on Saturday, October 31st. However, not just officially, but the tweener usually favors the coming night as far as fullness and brightness if even by a tiny degree. The next Halloween/Full Moon combo won't occur until 2039. This is special, and also more pertinent for believers that the veil between our world and the world of our ancestors is at it's thinnest at Samhain. So the full moon will heighten the connectivity. Also, it's important to remember that Samhain truly begins after midnight, the witching hour and November 1st. For those of ritual, this can't be missed! It's Samhain, Full Moon, and after midnight for the full ritual effect.

'A Rare Halloween Blue Moon in 2020 – Mark Your Calendars!'



 Video Links


Addicted to YouTube? WATCH THIS. - YouTube 

Altered: The accounts of a Sa-tanic Ped0phile FORMER Family Member - YouTube 

Being Alone Can Make You Stronger - YouTube 

Campfire Chat: Make Life Better - Step by Step | Men's Mental Health - YouTube 

How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey | TEDxManchester - YouTube 

Joe Rogan - Steven Crowder Infiltrated Antifa - YouTube 

My 6 Best Tips For YouTube Addiction - Productivity Tips - YouTube 

My Creepiest Night Hiking Experience - YouTube  

This is why they all hate hiking - YouTube  

Watching YouTube Videos is Ruining Your Life - YouTube 

What you need to know about internet addiction | Dr. Kimberly Young | TEDxBuffalo - YouTube 

Why you watch so much YouTube - YouTube 

One Lioness Tries to Hunt Elephant - YouTube 

"Why I left the left" Melanie Phillips on why she left the Guardian - BQ #13 - YouTube 

Stefan Molyneux | Why YouTube Deleted My Channel | Modern Wisdom Podcast #195 - YouTube 

Jeff & Dick Allgire - This Is A Transition...We’re Heading Into The Next World - YouTube 

Why We Do Nice Things For People - The Truth Behind Acts of Kindness - YouTube 

Favela Wars: Life In Brazil's Urban Killzone (2003) - YouTube 

He Averaged 40 PPG In HS... Why Did He NEVER Make the NBA? - YouTube 

1986 Heavy Metal Teenager Defends His Lifestyle & Music - YouTube 

Breaking Bad: Jesse Pinkman Lived for Your Sins - YouTube  

Do you know where Native Americans come from? - YouTube 

America in 2019: THE SCARY TRUTH! - YouTube  

Did Corona Virus Came from METEORITE which hit China last year? - YouTube  

The Man Who Killed Tupac - Orlando "Baby Lane" Anderson - YouTube  

New Mars Pictures From the Curiosity Rover (2020) - YouTube 

THE HIDDEN RULES OF HOLLYWOOD - Rose McGowan | London Real - YouTube  

(2) Jeff & Jordan Maxwell Why And How We Are Being Crushed By Communism - YouTube 

The Interrogation of Stephanie Lazarus - YouTube  

Pit Bulls Unleashed: Should They Be Banned? - The Fifth Estate - YouTube  

Confronting footage shows workers face-to-face with bears in the US - YouTube  

Dinosaur Eggs & Babies - Full Program - YouTube  

Bloody Island - YouTube 

"WOUNDED KNEE" By Russell Means - YouTube

KODIAK BEAR VS POLAR BEAR - Who would win this fight? - YouTube 

Kodiak Brown Bear Vs Siberian Tiger - YouTube  

Ancient Aliens: Hacking NASA Secrets (Season 12, Episode 9) | History - YouTube



Helen Mirren - Age of Consent




Helen Mirren, although born in England, is of Russian ancestry. 'Age of Consent' was released in 1969, so if it was filmed a year prior, that would make her 23 years old at the time.


The CARS - You Are The Girl



From the Door To Door (1987) album, hope you enjoy this to the fullest!


Brian's Story

Everything in life is perception

Brian is not a fictional character, but a real person. Years ago I worked for an accountant in central San Mateo County. In a location which was then suddenly considered "Silicon Valley," there was much construction being undertaken. This led to an army of contractors flooding in to try garnering some of those big contracts. My job entailed many odd jobs, such as dropping off payroll or construction sites, picking up tax related paperwork from contractors' homes, etc. Brian was a contractor who was actually a county native. He had gotten a big contract in downtown San Francisco, and his construction crew were on site when I started this job.


Brian was a tall strapping man in his late 30s, naturally he drove a pick up truck, short hair, and dressed in steel toed boots, jeans, and long sleeved plaid shirts. He didn't really look like the above image, like ripped, but just generally tall and strapping. He was very headstrong, managerial, and confrontational. He was perhaps more "confrontational" than actually hot tempered. It was a little hard to figure him out, but he exuded an energy that would discourage someone from playing around, joking, or messing with him as he swaggered around. He was physically imposing, which matched his personality. I recall late one day soon after I started this job that he called the office to verbalize the number of hours his workers had put in for the following weeks' payroll. I actually wasn't even aware that he called in the hours, so it caught me off guard. I recall of him saying in a belligerent tone of voice something like "I've got the hours! Are you ready!!"

For some reason, perhaps because I was getting ready to leave and was not expecting a hostile phone call at that point, I said "Yes" just as I was sitting down at the desk. He immediately started rambling off names and hours before I had actually gotten my hands on a pen and paper. I think I actually did a pretty good job of initially memorizing what he had said, and finally had gotten to writing it down. In my slightly stressed state, just as I was catching up with his belligerent ramblings, I said randomly in the lowest tone of breath "okay." I  was basically telling myself "Okay, I got this." Well, he obviously heard this, and I apparently said it in the middle of his rambling. These were indeed "belligerent ramblings" as he was practically spitting venom! After I said it, he screamed "What do you mean 'okay'!? I didn't even finish!!" It was subtly anti-climactic for me, as I had just caught up.

What could I say? I didn't want to lose this important client for the accountant. It was at least enough to gaslight me and make me ask myself "What am I doing here? Did I actually do anything wrong? Who needs this job anyway?" After saying something to the accountant/my boss the next day--which was something like "He's pretty difficult to speak with"--she did understand. He had other run-ins of that sort with the office, including her husband who was a very easy going guy. In fact, I later found out that he had given Brian a piece of his mind and then slammed the phone down during that episode, and he wasn't a big or loud guy either. Of course, he's not going to lose his job. He didn't even work for her tax and payroll service. When Brian was not in this type of mood, it was the exception. 


Whenever dealing with him, I had to approach him like I was approaching a scorpion! I had to be honest and thorough. In other words, I had to make certain to cross all the t's and dot all the i's, even if he didn't like it. It was still better than having a big problem spring up later. He didn't like being asked questions. He would tolerate maybe one question while huffing and puffing slightly; so you knew that a second question would incite a flare up. As I found out later, it was less temperment and more entitlement. He wasn't merely happy to be making a fortune, but I'll get back to that later. His work crew, quite to the contrary of what I had come to expect from similar work environments, were quiet and subdued. 

His life as a contractor, I could see, was like a dream job. He would show up at the site at 7:30 AM with materials and look over the blueprints. He would spot check the progress, make sure everyone knew what they were doing, and find out what materials were needed. By 9:00 AM, he could leave and do whatever he wanted. He lived in a suburban home in the San Mateo hills, which was a 30 minute drive (back then). He could go have breakfast or whatever; see a movie, anything. He often would go home, where his girlfriend would make him lunch. Basically all he had to do all day after 9:00 AM was to pick up materials and drop them off with one more trip to the site (maybe). It's a dream life, which of course makes one wonder why every day he acted like he can't stand the way life's treating him!

His girlfriend was perhaps 30, very pretty, pleasant, and would occasionally run errands for him in the form of a pick up or delivery; to the office for example. She was the polar opposite of him. I can't explain that one, but apparently he managed to avoid taking out his wrath on her. Perhaps he took miscreant personal pride in that trait or protocol. You would think the guy's life was a wreck--or he was being swindled or defrauded in some way--by the manner in which he treated people! Quite frankly, often in construction, there is a lot of verbal abuse.. and frequently it's dispensed by those who who make quite a bit more money than those who they direct this abuse towards. You would think that they would lighten up, especially with the profit they're raking in? Anyway, who really was this guy? Well, I finally got my answer.

I finally got the dossier on this guy from my bosses adopted son, and it's not at all what I expected. Brian was from a local family with some serious net worth. He took a year or two off after high school to hang out with his friends. When pressured a bit, he attended a local community college, but didn't finish. Again he bummed around with allowance money from his parents for a few more years. He worked a few odd jobs for some business concern of his parents, family friends, or one of his friends' parents. Finally, at age 30, after having done little work for the past 12 years, he went to contractors school. I suppose to his credit, and through cunning, he was able to get his license and exploit these connections.

What he also told me, which I found curious, was that Brian never worked with any tools himself. He didn't come up the ranks as a carpenter, cement, dry wall, etc, then rose up to become a contractor with some connections which he had built up. It was contractors school, start up money from his parents, and family business connections. That's pretty unusual, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it. The fact that he's such a tall, strapping, and headstrong guy was just the luck of the draw! Just because some kid came from a wealthy family doesn't mean they're somehow weak. I recall when I used to box in the amateurs, some of the boys from Marin County--one of the wealthiest counties in the country--could fight like hell! I mean, that would probably be rather unusual, but it isn't unheard of.


Still, the story of Brian--the WHOLE story--seems illegitimate to me. He never worked with his hands, yet he gets to act out the facade of self-made contractor/construction guy?? That, more than anything else! All the rest is just icing o the cake! If you think about it, people are judged for how they present themselves, mixed with circumstances. I have come across other men who work for their family's business, and yet swagger around like a self-made man, kicking ass and taking names... or at least acting out the fantasy! I have also come across guys who I know for absolute certainty were from a broken home, kicked out of the house at age 18, and never had a chance, and yet they're really easy going, no bitterness, and not ostentatious in any way. You're judged on how you're able to present yourself, for better or worse, regardless of background.


Brian socially defrauded the world! He didn't even had to cheat. It's not against any law to be verbally abusive, entitled, and just generally an evil man who prospers. That brings up the final point. When Brian, or other similarly privileged individuals, basically slam their fists on the table to get what they want... aren't they really just spoiled, entitled brats? A lot of these guys were mommy's special little boy, and are very accustomed to getting exactly what they want. They don't like taking "No" for an answer. However, to the unknowing observer, they could be self-made chads, kicking ass and taking names... you know the story. It's quite a quagmire if you really stop and think about it. You wouldn't know either way.


The book refereced in "West Memphis Three" trial

In the last week I viewed the three-part special on the Investigation Discovery channel entitled 'The West Memphis Three: An ID Murder Mystery'. The main suspect, Damien Echols, had a book which was conviscated by the police as evidence. The title of the book was 'Never On A Broomstick' (1971) by Frank Robert Donovan, who was not a pagan or occult writer in particular, and wrote a lot of books on a wide range of subjects. This was to have been the "proof" of the prosecution's narrative of some type of ritual murder. Echols, on the stand, said that he purchased the book from a public library at a sale of old books.

There was an underlined section of the book, regarding "the Devil," which was projected to serve as proof of Satanic ritual. I couldn't find that text. Echols said that the underlining was already present when he purchased the book. It appears likely that the three boys were not guilty, despite his testimony about having engaged in dark rituals in the woods, including activity consistent with Satanic rites. Whomever did commit the murders of the three young boys, it was determined that at least one of victims was sexually mutilated in a hideous manner while still alive.

One item which was confiscated by the police, if I recall correctly, was one of the old images of Baphomet holding a torch upon a hill. I wasn't able to find it online however. I was going to post it. HBO (Time-Warner) produced a documentary in 1996 entitled 'Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills', which was sympathetic to the convicted. I could almost believe anything in this case, as it had many strange aspects to it. I would lean towards their innocence of the charges, with dark occultists in high places seizing the opportunity to prove that this was a case of fraudulent "Satanic Panic" in this one case.

Quotes from Damien Echols journal:

"Life is but a walking shadow. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." -- A Midsummer Night's Dream' by William Shakespeare

"Pure black looking clear my work is soon done here. Try getting back from me that which used to be." -- '...And Justice For All' by Metalica

"I've kicked open a lot of doors in my time, and I am willing to wait for this one to open, and when it does, I'll be waiting." -- The Twilight Zone


I knew people way back when, who saw heavy metal bands as a type of dark occult religion. They knew a lot of lyrics which they quoted, they wore the black t-shirts, they gave the horns, they had the posters in their bedroom, the black light bulbs, all the trappings! I never did that, even though I had some of the records, went to concerts, and wore a few t-shirts. Sometimes I wish I had been more into it. It would have been good practice to express oneself at an age where you're led around by the nose by everyone. Everyone with authority over you was an "expert" on just exactly what you "ought to be doing." If nothing else, it might have served as a symbol of personal sovereignty at a time when you're being pulled and contorted in so many different directions. I suppose if life was fair, we would get a dry run to middle age first, then start over at age 13 or so, knowing exactly what to do.


TV roundup

Season 16 of Ancient Aliens premieres on the History channel on Friday, November 13, 2020. A new series entitled 'Histories Greatest Mysteries' premieres the following day on the History channel on Saturday, November 14, 2020, narrated by Laurence Fishburne (not to be confused with 'History's Mysteries'). 'Ted Bundy: The Survivors' has been airing on the REELZ channel, Saturday evenings.



Joe Rogan Experience #1353 - Rob Zombie

4,894,957 views - September 16, 2019





Rob Zombie Witnessed a Murder His First Day in New York | Joe Rogan - YouTube 

The Rules of Real Life Don't Apply to Art - Rob Zombie - YouTube 

Rob Zombie on Making House of 1,000 Corpses | Joe Rogan - YouTube 

Rob Zombie and Joe Rogan Bond Over Evel Knievel - YouTube 

Rob Zombie Had Crippling Social Anxiety As a Kid! - YouTube 

Rob Zombie On His Changing Relationship With Cops - YouTube 

Rob Zombie Was a PA on Pee Wee's Playhouse | Joe Rogan - YouTube 

Rob Zombie: Halloween Studio Meddling Was 'Psychotic' - YouTube  

Joe Rogan & Rob Zombie Talk Old Horror Movies - YouTube 

Rob Zombie's Dream Projects Have Nothing to Do With Horror - YouTube



"I don't think the rules of life apply to art." -- Rob Zombie



Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor - Halloween

Christopher Brent

The Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565, is a piece of organ music written, according to its oldest extant sources, by Johann Sebastian Bach. The piece opens with a toccata section, followed by a fugue that ends in a coda. It is one of the most famous works in the organ repertoire. The piece has become an icon appearing in films and horror movies within pop culture. The work is often performed around Halloween - Much of the piece's origins itself are a mystery even to this day!



Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565

The Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565, is a piece of organ music written, according to its oldest extant sources, by Johann Sebastian Bach. The piece opens with a toccata section, followed by a fugue that ends in a coda. It is one of the most famous works in the organ repertoire.


8. J. S. Bach - Toccata & Fugue in D Minor

This is one of the biggies when it comes to scary music. It's been used in classic horror films like 'The Black Cat', 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde', and even in 'Doctor Who'.

'The 20 scariest pieces of classical music'



J. S. Bach & Douglas Gamley: Tales from the Crypt (1972) - YouTube (I think the best version, chopped up here)

Dracula's Pipe Organ - J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue (Xtreme Scream Collection Vol:1 Track 07) - YouTube

Tales from the crypt theme - YouTube (different song, from the cable TV series) 








'So much more than an heiress'

H. Allegra Lansing - - August 24, 2020

The story of Manson Family victim Abigail Folger

On August 9, 1969, members of a cult known as the Manson Family murdered five innocent people in Benedict Canyon, a wealthy neighborhood in the Hollywood Hills. The victims that night included pregnant film star Sharon Tate, successful men’s hairstylist Jay Sebring, an 18-year old recent high school graduate, a Polish swimming champion, and heiress Abigail Folger. More victims followed the next night.

But Sharon Tate obviously gets most of the attention, in terms of the victims. Beautiful, talented, young, kind, and devoted to her family. She was eagerly anticipating the birth of her first child, a boy, at the time of her birth. The baby died in utero, along with his mother.

But with the spotlight on Sharon — for understandable reasons — that light rarely shines on the other woman who was killed that fateful evening.

Abigail Folger was also young, talented, kind, hard-working and looking forward to her future. She was killed just two days before her 26th birthday.

Abigail Anne Folger grew up in wealth and privilege, in San Francisco. Her great-grandfather, originally from Nantucket, set off in 1850 with hopes of striking it rich in the California gold rush. Instead, he made his fortune with the import and roasting of coffee beans. James Ahearne Folger’s company bore his name and continued its success with each passing generation.

Folgers™ became the third largest coffee wholesaler in America, thanks to James’ grandsons, James III and Peter. The family sold the business to Proctor and Gamble in 1963 but continue to manage Folgers as a P&G subsidiary.





The very rare Mission Blue butterfly

Along with the San Bruno Elfin butterfly, only found in a few locations close to San Francisco.




Mural in Brisbane, featuring the Mission Blue butterfly which exists on the nearby mountain slopes. 




Joe Rogan & Anthony Cumia - The Bizarre and Hilarious Real Origin of The Proud Boys

908,425 views - November 30, 2018

JRE Clips

5.32M subscribers

Taken from Joe Rogan Experience #1209:


Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights - Official Music Video - Version 2

7,027,471 views - March 2, 2011


Official music video for the single "Wuthering Heights" -- Version 2 by Kate Bush.

Wuthering Heights was released as Kate's debut single in January 1978. It became a No.1 hit in the UK singles chart and remains Kate's biggest-selling single.

Two music videos were created to accompany "Wuthering Heights."  In Version 1, Kate can be seen performing the song in a dark room filled with white mist while wearing a white dress -- this was the UK release. In Version 2 Kate dances in an outdoor environment while wearing a red dress -- this video was produced for the American release.

The song appears on Kate's 1978 debut album, The Kick Inside, and was also re-recorded in 1986 for the greatest-hits album The Whole Story.

"Wuthering Heights" came 32nd in Q magazine's Top 100 Singles of All Time, voted by readers.





Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights - Official Music Video - Version 1




Lakes in the Salzkammergut region of Austria


[Featured this week on Windows 10 Spotlight]

The Salzkammergut is revered for its idyllic Alpine beauty, sparkling lakes, and quaint villages. It’s a mountainous region spanning the Austrian states of Upper Austria, Salzburg, and Styria. The Salzkammergut (Estate of the Salt Chamber) is not only dotted with myriad lakes, but salt mines honeycomb the mountains and were once one of the Habsburg Empire’s biggest industries. Some of the mines are still in operation. The cavernous interiors of the Salzkammergut are just as grand in their way as the soaring scenery above ground.




The comely Sophia Bush

I first saw her in the remake of 'The Hitcher' in 2005. I used to follow many actresses, more often B-listers or low budget stars. It's just something that I don't do anymore. However, that's usually how it works; the producers know that there are a certain number of people who will watch anything which stars a certain actress or actor.





 Halloween film season

'Mark of the Vampire' (1935) was my first Halloween month film this year, on either TCM or AMC. It was only one hour fifteen minutes long. I thought it was so-so, with Count Mora (Lugosi) acting as more of a decoy. The character, within the story line itself, was actually only pretending to be a vampire.



"Luna," played by 20 year Carroll Borland from San Francisco, did all the heavy lifting for her master in this film.



Gorgeous UK actress Elizabeth Allan as something of a femme fatale


Bay Area radio personality Melanie Morgan

Every so often a new poster of her was made available for promotion, when she was active. Kinda fun, a 50 year old woman can be a local sex symbol.


Def Leppard - Rock Of Ages lyrics

8,021,286 views - August 26, 2011






The Mystery and Magic of Bobcats

Kiawah Conservancy

Learn about Kiawah's bobcat population, their importance to our unique ecosystem, and research currently underway to preserve and protect this elusive creature.

This documentary is sponsored by the Kiawah Conservancy with a grant from the Town of Kiawah Island.



(3) Bobcat City - Studying Urban Cats - Texas Parks and Wildlife [Official] - YouTube




For some reason, I remembered a scene from the following TV series of a bobcat being released and just effortlessly leaping at least ten feet over a stream. That scene starts at 20:02. Also, the bobcat didn't even miss a beat from the landing-to-sprinting motion.

Billy the Exterminator: Bobcat & Yellow Jacket - Full Episode (S5, E5) | A&E - YouTube






Bobcats apparently cannot breed with domestic/house cats.





The elegant Jaclyn Smith


Hathor, Egyptian Cow Goddess of Love

Hathor is the Egyptian Goddess of love, childbirth, joy, music and motherhood. She was a cow Goddess and often depicted as either a woman with the head of a cow, or a woman with the ears of a cow and the horned uraeus crown on her head. Hathor is said to be a much older Goddess, her worship dates back to the Pre-dynastic period. She was a midwife Goddess and attended to all women's needs, as well a protectress to women who were pregnant. At her sacred festivals, and in her rituals of worship, dancing and music was always a big part of the celebration. Dancing was a primary component to her worship, as was music. Women would dance freely shaking their sistrums, a type of rattle, in honor of the Goddess of love and joy.




Dendera Temple of Hathor: One of the Best Temples in Egypt

Egypt has a storied history, filled with monuments and temples that are all amazing in their own way. But some were much more astonishing than others — and Dendera (also spelled Dandarah) just might be my favorite of the bunch. Its massive columns covered in hieroglyphics utterly dwarf you, and zodialogical creatures romp on the turquoise ceiling. Then there’s the secret passage below the temple.

All of these aspects make Dendera majestic, but there’s something else to it. Duke and I quickly realized that the temples we liked best were those not swarming with tourists. Yes, Abu Simbel is jaw-droppingly awesome, but while visiting there, I felt like a tourist. At Dendera, which we had mostly to ourselves, wandering the quiet, cool colonnade, looking up in awe, I felt like a pilgrim. I truly understood that this was a holy site, a sacred space.



Comic Book Ads / Scams

103,583 views - August 22, 2020


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From the 40s through the 80s, it was common for comic books to advertise all sorts of amazing items. Gags, magic tricks, and novelty items filled the pages and fascinated young readers. But the ad copy and illustrations were often fraudulent at best and hilarious in retrospect. I take a look at the history behind some of the more obvious scams that were advertised in comics.




I once bit on the Sea Monkeys just out've curiosity, and of course they were merely shrimp eggs. However, if you like the advertising gimmick of "sea monkeys," there is something that sort've resembles them: Newts! Very fun as pets! I used a large tank from a garage sale--half land, half water--with pond water, a couple of goldfish, pond snails and one of those suction-cup creatures to eat the waste, plants, grass, and rocks. The newts were like little green people. They're less than four inches from nose to tail tip.


Eruption Guitar Solo--Eddie Van Halen



Eddie Van Halen's Eruption guitar solo.  Different from original recording, this is the live version.


11 Iconic Eddie Van Halen Guitar Moments - YouTube


Eddie Van Halen (1955-2020) R.I.P. - YouTube 



The invisible glue


Near where I live, there are some trails along some old industrial sites, and behind a junior high school. There has been VH graffiti back there, consistently, for over forty years! Before I went there, during, and all the years since. It wasn't necessarily just the junior high experience, but after that, the HS years, say up to age 20 perhaps. Sometimes a regional/cultural peculiarity like that can be a great untold story.... almost like urban folklore. Only in this folklore there's no collective body, within a small locale, to gather and reflect. It's a type of pure social dynamic---for all that time, in all of those little social circles, in that 1 small place, in its own glory of being---which just "WAS!!" It seems like there ought to be a lot more to say about it, but its mysteries are what makes it special. Imagine all of those intragenerational stories; someone's first beer back along that trail at dusk, someone's first kiss, dealing with personal problems, maybe even someone's first social group that they felt a strong sense of belonging, etc. All along those trails, for all that time, amid VH or AC/DC scribbled on the wall as their defacto symbol.


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