Science Of The Soul - Full Documentary
1,056,603 views - Mar 29, 2019
Syndicado TV
Do human beings have souls? From the beginning of human awareness – no matter the context and no matter the age – the answer was always “yes”. All cultures have universally argued that human beings are “ensouled”. About a hundred years ago, however, scientists decided that the “soul” is not a proper subject of scientific investigation – consciousness replaced soul. Then, the brain replaced consciousness. Lately, this perspective has led some scientists to argue that within 20-30 years AI, robotics and biological brains will converge to create a cyborg/Matrix like reality where there is, essentially, no difference between humans and machines.
Science of the Soul is a feature length documentary investigation into these life and death issues. From robotics to near death experiences, from attempts to achieve altered states of consciousness in the jungles of Peru to an exploration of infant state of mind, Science of the Soul explores the cutting-edge of consciousness related science to determine whether we are about to experience a new step in human evolution or the death of the human soul.
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Flag of Peru
I always liked the flag of Peru, as it's clearly a European-style flag, and it's colors resemble the typical red and white of so many Padan arms and flags. A few blocks away from me is an interesting second-story grayish front deck above a garage, with numerous large plants, and the Peruvian flag... creating a pretty collage of grey, green, and white/red.
'What Do the Colors and Symbols of the Flag of Peru Mean?'
Joe Rogan Experience #1286 - Anthony Jeselnik
2,212,661 views - Apr 29, 2019
7.26M subscribers
Anthony Jeselnik is a comedian, writer, actor, and producer. His new special "Anthony Jeselnik: Fire in the Maternity Ward" will be available streaming on Netflix on April 30.
An Danzza ☽ ☆ ☾ (Óðins Rune Song)
An Danzza
Feel free to use our music in your youtube videos, as long as you credit us and or link to our channel in the description.
Song: Rúnatal (Canción Rúnica de Odín)
Artist: An Danzza
Album: Tierra de Andanzas
Actress Hengi Hawk
New actress, of Persian ancestry.
12 Year Old Ventriloquist Girl Gets Golden Buzzer on America's Got Talent! (2017)
Darci Lynne Farmer gets the golden buzzer on America's Got Talent.
INDRID COLD : Woodrow Derenberger's Encounter With Indrid ( West Virginia Folklore )
January 22, 2020
Monsters Of Folklore
INDRID COLD : Woodrow Derenberger's Encounter With Indrid ( West Virginia Folklore ) Come with me as I dig deeper into Woodrow Derenberger's encounters he had with the legendary Indrid Cold. Indrid commonly known as The Smiling Man or the Grinning Man , is a purported alien humanoid entity. Many questions remain unanswered to me honestly, like why did Indrid Cold chose Woodrow to speak to so many times, why did Indrid come to WV, nobody will ever really know.
INDRID COLD - Commonly Known as The Grinning Man Explained ( West Virginia Folklore )
Actress Laura Mennell
Canadian actress from TV's 'Project Blue Book'. She is even more striking on film (in person/a moving image) more so than in a photograph. Very good actress.
Slipknot - Unsainted [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
64,418,286 views - May 16, 2019
5.48M subscribers
Ingrid from 'Vikings'
Played by British actress Lucy Martin
'Horror movies manipulate brain activity expertly to enhance excitement'
University of Turku - January 24, 2020
Humans are fascinated by what scares us, be it sky-diving, roller-coasters, or true-crime documentaries—provided these threats are kept at a safe distance. Horror movies are no different.
Whilst all movies have our heroes face some kind of threat to their safety or happiness, horror movies up the ante by having some kind of superhuman or supernatural threat that cannot be reasoned with or fought easily.
The research team at the University of Turku, Finland, studied why we are drawn to such things as entertainment? The researchers first established the 100 best and scariest horror movies of the past century (Table 1), and how they made people feel.
The Epic of Gilgamesh: Crash Course World Mythology #26
1,552,590 views - September 8, 2017
10.2M subscribers
This week, we're continuing our discussion of heroes by talking about Gilgamesh, star of one of the earliest written hero stories, The Epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh was a terrible ancient king who left his kingdom seeking adventure, and eventually on the prowl for immortality. Along the way, he checks pretty much all the boxes on the checklist of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey.
The Epic of Gilgamesh, Lecture by Andrew George

Tim Binnall - - January 27, 2020
An archaeological excavation of a Civil War outpost in Virginia led to the discovery of a rather curious artifact: a 'witch bottle' designed to ward off evil spirits. The remarkable find was reportedly made during a dig at a location known as 'Redoubt 9,' a former Civil War fort that, in modern times, sits buried along a highway median. As researchers were combing over the remnants of the battle station, they unearthed a glass bottle containing broken nails which they initially thought was just a container, but now suspect had far more significance to the soldiers.
Since the bottle had been found buried near a hearth, a pair of researchers on the archaeological team proposed that the vessel was probably a talisman known as a 'witch bottle.' A product of England during the Middle Ages that spread to America by way of the colonialists, these ritual objects were believed to be capable of fending off sinister spirits. According to a press release from the archaeological team, "an afflicted person would bury the nail-filled bottle under or near their hearth, with the idea that the heat from the hearth would energize the nails into breaking a witch's spell."
Amazingly, while there have been around 200 witch bottles found in England to date, the number discovered in America so far is less than 12. Explaining that the base where the artifact was found had originally been built by the Confederates, but was subsequently captured by the Union, the researchers marveled that the talisman provides a glimpse into what may have been going through the minds of soldiers stationed at the site.
"The Union troops were an occupying force in enemy territory throughout most of the war, so there were plenty of bad spirits and energy to ward off," said archaeologist Joe Jones. Putting himself in the hypothetical shoes of a soldier of that time, he mused that this individual was likely fearful of both attacks from the Confederates as well as local residents unhappy about the intrusion by the Union army and, therefore, "had good reason to pull all the stops and rely on folk traditions from his community ... to help protect his temporary home away from home.”
'Witch Bottle' Discovered Under Virginia Highway
January 23, 2020
A glass jug found under the median of Interstate 64 in York County is believed to be a "witch bottle" left by Union soldiers during the Civil War, according to researchers.
Full article from William and Mary
Civil War-era bottle found on highway median may be rare ‘witch bottle’
Snowbird - Anne Murray (Cover)
Big coyote experience
Last Friday I was taking an evening hike, which I like to do when the sky is clear. I do hear coyote howls around the canyon, sometimes as early as twilight. This trail was at low elevation, illuminated by the nearby industrial park. The coyotes come down from the mountain, and are seemingly responsible for the absence of smaller animals, and even the lack of roaming house cats in the area... as well as the frequent posts of missing little dogs.
I have run into small groups of a half dozen or so from time to time, and they keep a healthy distance. Most are the typical small size of approximately 40 pounds. However, on this occasion two of them abruptly crossed the trail in front of me towards the nearby town. They were illuminated by the nearby streetlights. They were large, maybe 60 pounds. I lightly scrapped my sneakers against the ground in an attempt to warn them that I was there... as opposed to possibly startling them. They merely glanced over for a second.
I was reading about a coyote which was shot in Newfoundland in 2012 which was weighed at 82 pounds! It seems likely that it was a "coywolf" with wolf DNA. I wonder if those 2 coyotes had some wolf DNA which randomly mutates into occasional large size? Nineteen year old Canadian folk singer Taylor Mitchell was killed by a pack of coywolves while hiking in a remote area in Ontario in 2009. The large coyotes from the other day are probably so used to people and would naturally be wary, which is very different than those with more wolf DNA living in a vast remote wilderness however. Still, if they had attacked me, all I had was a long heavy flashlight; not much defense.
'The Brutal Bull-and-Bear Fights of 19th-Century California'
It’s hard to imagine now, but cruel bloodsport was once part of people’s Sunday routines.
Jake Lee Hanne - - October 23, 2017
High in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains, in the violent years leading up to the Mexican-American War of 1846, lasso-toting horsemen known as vaqueros hunted an animal that is now extinct: the California grizzly bear.
Before the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century, it was believed that California held around 10,000 grizzly bears. In the 19th century, California grizzlies were most sought for their intrinsic fighting qualities, especially when coerced into combat with a bull—an event that served as entertainment for a crowd on many Sunday afternoons.
In the small cities and towns that peppered the valleys and coastal cliffs and mustard fields, a curious bloodsport had taken hold. Bear-baiting was brought to California by the conquistadors, but the sport itself was old as Rome. London in the Middle Ages built great amphitheaters known as bear-gardens to host the events. But in 19th-century California, the venues were more temporary and crude.
Often known as “pits,” the slapdash arenas were built of split-board fencing and reinforced with heavy logs and adobe. A raised viewing platform was constructed for women and children, a family affair, while the men remained on horseback outside the barricades, raetas (braided-oxhide lassos), rifles and revolvers at the ready just in case the bear decided to climb its way out.
Ontonagon County Courthouse in Upper Michigan
The Ontonagon County Courthouse is a government building located at 601 Trap Street in Ontonagon, Michigan. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980. The Ontonagon County Courthouse, designed by the architectural firm of Charlton, Gilbert & Demar, was completed in 1886. Ten years later in 1896, a disastrous fire destroyed most of the city, including this courthouse. However, the foundation and brick walls were salvaged, and the interior was redesigned and rebuilt. An addition to the courthouse was built in 1937. As of 1980, the county built a new courthouse and the old one is no longer in use. The Ontonagon County Courthouse is a two-story Romanesque Revival structure, built of brick on a sandstone foundation.
RIP Sid Haig - A Tribute
379,214 - September 23, 2019
JoBlo Videos
330K subscribers
We pay tribute to the late horror legend, Sid Haig, who passed away at the age of 80 on 9/21/2019. Haig was known for his work in the 70's Blaxploitation films Foxy Brown and Coffy and played a ton of heavy roles in TV shows like The A-Team, Dukes of Hazzard, Wonder Woman, Gunsmoke, The Man From U.N.C.L.E., Batman, The Six Million Dollar Man, Jason of Star Command, T.J. Hooker, The Fall Guy before retiring.
He then came back on the scene for Quentin Tarantino's Jackie Brown before cementing his legend as Captain Spaulding in Rob Zombie's House of 1,000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects and Three From Hell. He appeared in a number of horror B-movies during this time and finished out with Zombie's sequel to The Devil's Rejects, Three From Hell. You'll be missed, Captain Spaulding!
Lots of warm user comments on the above video, and on other message boards. He goes back to the 60s, playing off beat characters, often in horror or sci-fi films. Then he seemed to hit the wall by the late 90s, until he played the bigger than life Captain Spaulding character which introduced him to a whole new generation of fans... and he had a lot of fans. He did a lot of work after that. He was very active in the horror/sci-fi film festivals and symposiums around the country. In contrast to his over-the-top characters in film, all who met him say that he was kind, gracious, encouraging, and inspirational. It might seem like a funny thing to say, but he was indeed inspirational.
Sid Haig (Wikipedia)
Sid Haig (IMDb)
"Never quit. Never, never, never quit." -- Sid Haig
'3 From Hell Wasn’t Actually Sid Haig’s Last Movie - December 2019
September 2019 brought with it the sad passing of actor and genre cinema legend Sid Haig, who’s perhaps most well known for playing Captain Spaulding from 2003’s House of 1000 Corpses and 2005’s The Devil’s Rejects. And in the recent 3 From Hell, the psychotic clown got to make one final appearance, though it wasn’t terribly substantial. Instead, Haig had a drastically reduced role when compared to the previous two outings, with Richard Brake’s Foxy becoming the new third member of the deadly trio.
It was certainly disappointing for fans to see the actor used so sparingly, but during the press tour for the threequel, director Rob Zombie had explained that Haig’s health was quickly deteriorating – which led to the reduced role – and that 3 From Hell was the horror icon’s final film. But as pointed out by the folks over at ScreenRant, this simply isn’t true.
You see, Sid actually has two more movies coming down the pipeline, and they’re both of the horror variety. There’s Hanukkah, coming next year around Christmas, and also Abruptio, which is still without a release date. And while you could say that perhaps these projects were shot before 3 From Hell and the director was just referring to his movie being the last one that Haig filmed, ScreenRant points out that that’s not the case.
Warrant - Cherry Pie (Official Video)
Warrant Official YouTube Channel
St. Stephan's Church - Bamberg, Germany
St. Stephan's Church is built on the most eastern of the seven hills. It has been Bamberg's most important protestant church since 1807. The original building, which was probably donated by empress Kunigunde, was erected at the same time as Heinrich's Cathedral and was consecrated by Pope Benedict VIII in 1020.
Today's church was constructed in two phases in the 17th century and is based on a Greek cross. The choir, built by Giovanni Bonalino in 1628/29, includes elements of the baroque, neo-gothic style. The three other naves, for which Antonio Petrini was responsible, reflect a baroque style, strongly influenced by the renaissance. The works of art span the baroque period to the present day.
"Nobody will believe in you unless you believe in yourself." -- Liberace
'America's Stonehenge Vandalized'
Tim Binnall - - October 4, 2019
A sacrificial stone tablet at America's Stonehenge in New Hampshire was the target of a brazen and bizarre act of vandalism over the weekend. Owner Dennis Stone reportedly discovered the damage on Sunday afternoon when he first spotted a strange wooden cross strung between two trees. He subsequently saw that someone had carved writing into the massive rock presumably using some kind of power tool. Additionally, the perpetrator had apparently knocked the stone over with a sledgehammer.
The cross found at the site was particularly perplexing and somewhat unnerving as it had pictures of a child, a man, and two sketches, one of which was the Statue of Liberty, attached to it. As for the writing on the sacrificial stone, it's difficult to discern what the letters are supposed to say, but Salem Police Deputy Chief Joel Dolan indicated that Stone "classified the markings as anti-Masonic." As if all this weren't weird enough, authorities have also suggested that the unsettling act of vandalism may have actually been a reenactment of a scene from a fictional story featuring America's Stonehenge.
Located in the city of Salem, the popular tourist attraction consists of ruins believed by some to be thousands of years old. The site earned its lofty title by way of its mysterious origins and astronomical alignment, which led to many likening it to England's iconic stone monument. Fortunately, despite the damage done to the sacrificial stone, the location remains open to the public. Authorities are asking for any tips on who may have been behind the nefarious deed and are also hoping to identify the people in the pictures, since this could serve as a critical clue in the case.
This simply is damage which cannot be undone. It's scarred forever. Even if the culprits were bound and tossed into a live volcano, it still will not undo the damage. In 2018, someone permanently scarred the Nasca Lines as well. Beyond frustrating!
5 FRIGHTENING FORESTS You Should Never Visit
Scary Mysteries
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5 Frightening Forests You Should Never Visit
Large trees, fresh air and solitude – forests are fantastic for a quick getaway from the stress of city living. But there are certain forests that you should be weary of And The five woodlands on this list have gained a reputation for being sinister, dark and even deadly. These are 5 Frightening Forests You Should Never Visit.
5. Devils Tramping Ground
Over 120 years before America gained its independence, locals have whispered that inside the pine woods of Chatham County in N. Carolina lies a 15-foot wide circle where no life has ever grown. They call it the Devil’s Tramping Ground.
Year after year, no plant life grows within the circle. Despite being surrounded by forests and trees, no plant life ever grows within this circle. No trees, no flowers,no anything and Locals say even when plants are transplanted within, they just wilt and die.
4. Man Finds Missing Person’s Shrine
James Rankin was on a leisurely hike in October of 2016 exploring Huntington’s Berkeley Jackson County Park in New York when he came across a terrifying site. He was walking along when something posted on the trees caught his attention. He took a closer look and to his surprise, they were pieces of printed paper placed inside a plastic file sleeve. Theyhad been posted on individual trees around a portion of the forest. Rankin looked closely at each one and realized they were missing posters.
3. Pine Barrens
Pine Barrens, New Jersey is dubbed as one of the most haunted forests in North America. Why? There’s a couple of reasons. First, it’s home to the terrifying Jersey Devil. Second, there are supposedly multiple ghosts seen in the area. Third, it’s a place where real life abandoned ghost towns are found.
For centuries, countless urban legends have surrounded this mysterious forest. Over time, the stories change but the central characters remain.
2. The Black Forest
Sitting alongside the Rhine River, you’ll find a deep, dark forest with such a thick canopy of tall trees hardly any sunlight penetrates through. This area in Germany is known appropriatly as the Black Forest.
For many, the Black Forest has become synonymous with evil forests you would find mentioned in haunting fairytales. In fact, we have the Brothers Grimm to thank for that imagery since many of their stories set in deep, dark forests take inspiration from this location.
1. Interstate 85
For many, the trees lining one of America’s busiest interstates is just like anywhere else. But what they don’t know is that Interstate 85 in Atlanta, Georgia is a hidden dumping ground for bodies. The entire 200–mile stretch of the Interstate starting at the Georgia corridor down to the tip of South Carolina has become a dumping place of murdered and missing people.
Shania Twain - Man! I Feel Like A Woman (Official Music Video)
Shania Twain
Watch the official music video for "Man! I Feel Like A Woman" performed by Shania Twain
Music video by Shania Twain performing Man! I Feel Like A Woman. (C) 2003 Mercury Records
I remember years ago of hiking at twilight along a trail in the hills around Cupertino in the summer. There was a campground facility for special needs children nearby called Camp Costanoan, named after the native tribal group from the area. I could hear this song just blaring from the camp! The children sounded very happy and festive. It seemed like an interesting mix; a very upbeat song amid the tranquil woods at twilight. There was a beautiful reservoir right nearby, particularly dense treelines, wild enough to support deer and an occasional mountain lion, some very rustic but well maintained homes dotting the hills, no streetlights except along the main road, with a sky filled with stars at night due to the deeper Santa Cruz Mountains to the west. You'd never guess that it was smack dap in the middle of Silicon Valley urban sprawl. As a child I attended a 2-week camp about 15-20 miles north of there in La Honda, called YMCA Camp Jones Gulch. Anyway, for me I just associate this song with that experience.
The Real-Life Tragic Story Of Shania Twain
shania twain live in chicago man i feel like a woman
shaun johnston
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