Saturday, January 19, 2019

Festa di Lupercus - February 2

The Festivals of Stregheria

The Strega Wheel of the Year turns, much like the Pagan Sabbats of later years. It is written....

“Aradia teaches us that Nature is the Great Teacher, and that by participating in the seasonal festivals, we come to know the higher ways of the Spirit.”

These celebrations are called Treguendas. There are eight Treguendas which make up the year. Four major rites occur in October, February, May and August. These are the Spiritual Festivals. Four minor festivals occur on the Spring and Autumnal Equinoxes, and the Summer and Winter Solstices. These are agricultural festivals.

Lupercus — Festa di Lupercus — February 2

The Festival of Lupercus marks the puberty of our Lord, Lupercus. The Grigori have set “twelve labours” before the young Wolf God that he must master to prove his worth as the new Sun God. Lupercus proves his worth by completing the tasks. Lupercus is invoked at this time of year to scatter the wolves of the dark winter night. Assisting us in releasing the atavistic power within us all. Through him, we are free of the constraints of our bodies, and of the winter season.



Lupercalia was a very ancient, possibly pre-Roman pastoral annual festival, observed in the city of Rome on February 15, to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health and fertility. Lupercalia was also called "dies Februatus", purified (literally "februated day") after the instruments of purification called "februa", which give the month of February (Februarius) its name.

[Right: Lupercalia most likely derives from lupus, "wolf," though both the etymology and its significance are obscure (bronze wolf's head, 1st century AD)]


For the spring wishers

While in much of the country the snow won't melt until May, in many other locations spring-like weather can arrive much earlier. I guess I'm a spring wisher, mainly because I have a lot of outdoor projects ahead of me. I do love the many cold, still, and clear evenings that we have been getting in between rains. Along most of coastal California, we have a rain season from the start of November through April, and a dry season for the other six months. Just inland we can have some truly warm weather in April, followed by a small heatwave sometime in late May or early June.

Coyote invasion

The presence of coyotes here in recent years has only intensified. I hear them, and often see them close up when I'm on evening hikes, even in well-lit areas. I guess that sort've goes hand-in-glove with the Festa di Lupercus. I recall with self-demusement a few years ago of being very fearful when a couple of foxes showed some aggression, and without a lot of basis. As five or so coyotes were nearby me about a week ago, sizing me up a bit, I sort've growled and grunted lowly in the form of clearing my throat as I walked forward. I knew they would hear me even being in a low tone. In a way sort of making up for my lack of courage on the other occasion in my own psyche. There seem to clearly be two types of coyotes here locally. One is a smaller less-aggressive dark-golden brown colored type, and a larger more aggressive light grayish colored type with possibly some wolf DNA mixed in. These were the larger type which i encountered.


"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." -- Oscar Wilde



The unknown actress

I came across this image by accident, and the link attached to it gave no clue as to who she is/was; so, she's unknown to me at least. She was very attractive; maybe in more of a 1950s woman next door sort've way. Do you have any idea of who she is/was?


"Community economics"

This has long been mentioned as a goal of many different concerns, but with few truly moving forward on the concept. From a Neopagan perspective--and taking in account that we're not at all on the same page in any sort've meaningful way at the present time--here are two businesses that are tied to this concept and I think deserve a plug for their efforts.

Saga Press (book publishing company)

Saga Press (YouTube channel)

There has been confusion in that there is a different company with the same name. A publishing company, even small one, is a symbol of some degree of power. Vote with your pocketbooks.


Cucina Aurora (Kitchen Witchery)

I have long heard that Neopagans and people of other conflated concerns are always in the poor house. People talk about moving with this community economic concept, but these women actually did it.


This isn't economically related, but I wanted to give another plug for Daniel Updike's excellent YouTube channel. He's a true spearhead in the community up there in Alberta and in North America. I would like to think that we don't always have to define ourselves by "he's an Asutrar" or "I'm something else"... etc... but that it could be a conflated cooperative folk concept to a large extent.

The Damned Podcast


The passing of Delores Chapman ("TipToeChick") and Sunday evenings' full wolf moon

🕯️In Loving Memory Of Dolores Chapman: TipToeChick🕯️

Azura DragonFaether



• Is Wicca Right For You? |
• How To Make A Tincture! |
• The Witches Pyramid |
• Altar Setup |
• Your Spiritual Self, Where To Start? |



When YouTube started, there had never been anything like this for Neopagans. It was all completely new. Some people were almost shy about expressing it, so in that sense TipToeChick made it easy for mostly younger people as almost a virtual mentor. I think she got away from it a couple of times after she had children, and she wanted to come back and start a business, and it unfortunately won't happen. We don't know how much or little time we have. I found inspiration when I saw how she was so well organized with her materials, such as the bottles of herbs and substances arranged perfectly up on shelves. She often spoke about the issue of "healing." I hate to see her go, and she was young. She may have been 24-26 when she stared ten years ago.


Below, a dramatic rising full moon in 2012, posted by TipToeChick

2012 Full Moon Rise


Just as it says........Enjoy!!!!!  I know this video is long and silent but its gives those unable to see it the REAL effect of sitting out under this shining beauty and watch her rise!!! Put on your choice of music and have a watch its truly an amazing experience!!! Love and Light !! )O(


Guns N Roses - Knockin on Heavens Door (HQ)



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