Saturday, September 29, 2018

Personal Tri-Power Symbolism

Most people, perhaps thoughout their entire lives, have both a favorite color and number. I have had both since early childhood. However for the non-spiritual, as I have been though most of my life, there would be little or no impetus to do anything with them. We know that there is something called "numerology"; although I feel a stronger connection to letters, and loosely have referred to a "letterology" of sorts.... which is more tied to synchronicity in the way that I use it. Another natural tie-in to this, the third component, are colors. There are definite occultic meanings to colors. I am not, in any way, very knowledgeable in numerology or of the meanings of colors. However, if we combine a threefold of favorite number, letter, and color, we discover some powerful symbolism unique to ourselves as spiritual beings.

Lets begin with your favorite number and color, which are the most common individual symbols outside of your specific details. If they are 9 and blue, then a blue 9 in a font of your choice should resonate something within you. If you use your imagination, then you could come up with different ways to express this, such as a blue 9-pointed star, or a blue circle with the 9 in the center in neutral colors (white or black).... or the neutral color could be on the outside, and it could be a different shape such as a square or rounded square. You get the idea. Now when you add the third component, the letter, then it can get very interesting as far as finding various ways to express the trifold in symbols.  If your favorite letter is an R, then it could be expressed as a blue 9-pointed star with a white R in the middle. A blue R with a line extending from the top left side to form a conflated 7R could be another way to disguise the symbolism a bit. You might double the number, in this case to an 18, and express it; or perhaps utilize the corresponding number for the letter in some manner. As you can see, there are many possible combinations to work with.

When a symbol is inverted, it symbolizes the negative aspect. However, "negative" could also represent negativity in response to some sort've unfairness or intrusion towards oneself. Perhaps you might express this with a backwards blue 7 or blue R. It would seem that whatever symbolism is used, it would be best expressed in some type of artwork; or perhaps some form of rustic backyard art such as something that could be hung on a fence or laid about the ground; such as a wood carving or a painted stone or tile. If you think of it, while we are on the subject of individual symbolism, one could create personal esoteric works that may symbolize some great personal accomplishment, relationship, close person who's passed on, place and/or time period. Moreover, one may symbolize an artwork that memorializes a great personal loss or defeat; perhaps with the idea that it was a learning experience, and/or that great things can occur after an initial defeat. There's a certain strength that can come from it; and there's a certain power from bi-fold or especially tri-fold symbol of "number/letter/color."


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