Saturday, August 26, 2017

NewGrange Hall - The First Asatru Community Hof in North America since Leif Erikson's time - Part 2

Iceland to Build First Pagan Temple since Viking Era




Second video channel on vidme:



Iceland to build first temple to Norse gods since Viking age

Visit the only heathen temple in Iceland in Skagafjörður fjord for a pagan grill party this Saturday

Enormous increase in Pagan Ásatrú religion in Iceland

Iceland's Asatru pagans reach new height with first temple

Pagan temple in Öskjuhlíð, Reykjavík, to be completed in 2017



Iceland gets an Asatru Temple

Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson: The Upcoming Temple of the Icelandic Ásatrú Association

Iceland Builds First Norse Temple Since Viking Age!


Twin Hofs: Ysland and Nordkalifornien

2015 marked two impressive feats by the Heathen communities of Iceland/Europe and Northern California/North America... or may I say in the spirit of the moment "Nordkalifornien/Vinnland"... or "Yland" which is Iceland in Germanic "Afrikaner." Perhaps most importantly, the announcement of the first construction of an Asatru Temple or "hof" in Scandinavia in about 1,000 years. Secondly, and also highly significant, the purchasing of a beautiful grange building which is now NewGrange Hall.... the first exclusively Asatru community center on our continent in 1,000 years as well. Just as the Asatru Folk Assembly purchased the grange building; the Iceland Asatru Association was instrumental to the temple project.

If this wasn't a sign from the universe or the gods or whatever else... then it's at least symbolic of the rise of an ancient spirit. If it is indeed that... then no earthly entity or establishment can stop it... neither black-hooded street anarchist nor white-shoed billionaire banker. Those who plan,  finance, and promote this order out of chaos, which we've been experiencing worldwide for several years now, may be sorry. They may be able to set up anarchy and social strife, but the gods can make the earth shake under their feet.


The invisible spiritual connection in the dark of night

I recall a couple of years back, of seeing a link to what had been a recent nighttime hike by a small group of Asatrar near the Elk Island National Park in Alberta, Canada... which is also near Edmonton. The first thing that struck me was how similar the trails looked to the trails upon which I and several others had hiked at night a week earlier on the edge of the Santa Cruz mountain chain between San Francisco and San Jose... in the name of a different related tradition. Being only an hour apart in terms of time zone, it's probably likely that we were out there at the same time at some random point in time.. though 1,000 miles apart.

There have probably been an infinite number of times that two folk pagan groups of perhaps three to a dozen people---basically the same people with basically the same worldview---who have essentially experienced the same connection to their gods and ancestors at the exact same time! They could have been at any two points in the world; but I'm thinking a bit more of them being on the same landmass. Think of it, they don't know of each other! One little contingent may live in a very urban metropolitan area; while the other may live in a rural area.... but both little clans love their gods and ancestors, and they held a ritual or found that moment of true bliss at the exact same time.

They were damn sure at least out there at the same time! If---just for the sake of fantasy---some supernatural force made them meet on the dark trail face to face... they could connect as sisters and brothers even if they were not literally of the exact same spiritual path. The mountains or trees are like antennas under the same sun and moon. I think of the moon more for that type of psychic connection... "Mona" in ancient Proto-European... the Mother.... connecting all of us in the darkness. The light of the Almother helping guide us all on those dark trails together as we enter The Wolf Age.


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