Thursday, August 31, 2017
Südtirol: The Night of Fire
Feuernacht - Kampf Macht Frei (Unofficial Music Video)
European Black Metal
This is not an official music video, which means this isn't linked to the band or the record label. I made this myself with some footage I found online. You can read the background of this historical event below. Enjoy :)
After fascism came to an end in Italy, the situation of the Austrian population in South Tyrol seemed to be getting better. However, a large section of the population was not ready to accept the status quo as existed under Benito Mussolini. Even though fundamental questions were addressed in the Treaty of Paris, the conditions of the treaty were rarely fully fulfilled.
In addition, many German speakers of the province wanted to renege their attachment to Italy and to once again become part of Austria and others wanted to become self-governing. Starting in 1957, small groups started to form that were prepared to use force to achieve their aims. The night of fire was the starting point for a series of attacks throughout the 1960s, planned and carried out by a group called South Tyrolean Liberation Committee (Befreiungsausschuss Südtirol (BAS).
The Night of fire (German: Feuernacht; Italian: Notte dei fuochi) happened on the night of 12 June 1961 when 37 electricity pylons were blown up in South Tyrol by the South Tyrolean Liberation Committee. It formed a turning point in the history of the province.
Source: Wikipedia
More information on the song:!/338997
Sources footage:
Südtirol - Alto Adige - South Tyrol
Südtirol bewegt - Alto Adige da vivere
In South Tyrol you’ll find a striking juxtaposition of landscapes and cultures. The province’s landscape, nature, hiking and culture all richen and enliven a vacation spent here. South Tyrol has three different languages as well as the Dolomites, which will frame and make your holiday special in winter and summer alike.
This is a land where culture is life, where people still live according to laws of Mother Nature, where the locals are anchored in their tradition yet look to the future, and where food and wine play a critical role. A holiday in South Tyrol simply must be experienced.
Südtirol / Alto Adige / South Tyrol / Zuid Tirol / Jižní Tyrolsko / Południowy Tyrol / Haute Adige
Skies above South Tyrol I Himmel über Südtirol I 4K Timelapse
Alpine German,
mountain culture,
South Tyrol
Saturday, August 26, 2017
NewGrange Hall - The First Asatru Community Hof in North America since Leif Erikson's time - Part 2
Iceland to Build First Pagan Temple since Viking Era
Second video channel on vidme:
Iceland to build first temple to Norse gods since Viking age
Visit the only heathen temple in Iceland in Skagafjörður fjord for a pagan grill party this Saturday
Enormous increase in Pagan Ásatrú religion in Iceland
Iceland's Asatru pagans reach new height with first temple
Pagan temple in Öskjuhlíð, Reykjavík, to be completed in 2017
Iceland gets an Asatru Temple
Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson: The Upcoming Temple of the Icelandic Ásatrú Association
Iceland Builds First Norse Temple Since Viking Age!
Twin Hofs: Ysland and Nordkalifornien
2015 marked two impressive feats by the Heathen communities of Iceland/Europe and Northern California/North America... or may I say in the spirit of the moment "Nordkalifornien/Vinnland"... or "Yland" which is Iceland in Germanic "Afrikaner." Perhaps most importantly, the announcement of the first construction of an Asatru Temple or "hof" in Scandinavia in about 1,000 years. Secondly, and also highly significant, the purchasing of a beautiful grange building which is now NewGrange Hall.... the first exclusively Asatru community center on our continent in 1,000 years as well. Just as the Asatru Folk Assembly purchased the grange building; the Iceland Asatru Association was instrumental to the temple project.
If this wasn't a sign from the universe or the gods or whatever else... then it's at least symbolic of the rise of an ancient spirit. If it is indeed that... then no earthly entity or establishment can stop it... neither black-hooded street anarchist nor white-shoed billionaire banker. Those who plan, finance, and promote this order out of chaos, which we've been experiencing worldwide for several years now, may be sorry. They may be able to set up anarchy and social strife, but the gods can make the earth shake under their feet.
The invisible spiritual connection in the dark of night
I recall a couple of years back, of seeing a link to what had been a recent nighttime hike by a small group of Asatrar near the Elk Island National Park in Alberta, Canada... which is also near Edmonton. The first thing that struck me was how similar the trails looked to the trails upon which I and several others had hiked at night a week earlier on the edge of the Santa Cruz mountain chain between San Francisco and San Jose... in the name of a different related tradition. Being only an hour apart in terms of time zone, it's probably likely that we were out there at the same time at some random point in time.. though 1,000 miles apart.
There have probably been an infinite number of times that two folk pagan groups of perhaps three to a dozen people---basically the same people with basically the same worldview---who have essentially experienced the same connection to their gods and ancestors at the exact same time! They could have been at any two points in the world; but I'm thinking a bit more of them being on the same landmass. Think of it, they don't know of each other! One little contingent may live in a very urban metropolitan area; while the other may live in a rural area.... but both little clans love their gods and ancestors, and they held a ritual or found that moment of true bliss at the exact same time.
They were damn sure at least out there at the same time! If---just for the sake of fantasy---some supernatural force made them meet on the dark trail face to face... they could connect as sisters and brothers even if they were not literally of the exact same spiritual path. The mountains or trees are like antennas under the same sun and moon. I think of the moon more for that type of psychic connection... "Mona" in ancient Proto-European... the Mother.... connecting all of us in the darkness. The light of the Almother helping guide us all on those dark trails together as we enter The Wolf Age.
folk connections,
North America,
the gods,
the wolf age
Friday, August 18, 2017
NewGrange Hall - The First Asatru Community Hof in North America since Leif Erikson's time
NewGrange Hall Asatru Hof
Clifford Erickson
Allsherjargothi Stephen McNallen of the Asatru Folk Assembly addresses the Folk prior to the dedication ceremony at NewGrange Hall Asatru Hof.Allsherjargothi Stephen McNallen of the Asatru Folk Assembly addresses the Folk prior to the dedication ceremony at NewGrange Hall Asatru Hof.
This talk was given by Stephen McNallen at NewGrange Hall in 2015. I don't want anyone to absolutely hold me to the idea that NewGrange Hall is literally the first "community hof," as there may have been numerous meeting places of one type or another over the years. Of course, there have also been many smaller hofs, and I don't want to minimize that either; but apparently this is the first officially known and exclusive location. This is important---even if you're not specifically an Asutrar, or don't live close to it---as it sets an example for the folk to follow. The great Leif Erikson was both a Heathen and brief colonizer of North America a millennium ago. I think if Erikson is looking down upon NewGrange Hall, that he would be proud of what the AFA has accomplished.
I think the time has come for individuals to step up and be the satellite for what you believe... in the county you live in. One doesn't need any special permission to be an organizer where they live, and I would say that a county is just the right size region for this. It doesn't have to be literally official, and you need not a title, as you may merely be assisting the greater whole. I can think of many beautiful locations, in urban areas and not far off the beaten path, which could serve as spiritual gathering places for small groups. Sometimes when I'm at one of those special places, I experience a brief feeling of bewilderment that I'm the only person there enjoying its bliss. Think outside the box; there are many untapped resources around us. No human endeavor is real until someone uses their energy to breathe life into it.
North America,
Northern California,
United States
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Countdown to the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 - Part 3
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I'm planning on going to high ground to view the eclipse, although I don't plan on literally looking at it.... at least until it is blacked out. It's dangerous to look directly at a bright sun at anytime. This should be special. Be sure to find out the time, as the west coast will experience it in the morning hours... so don't allow it to sneak up on you. However, unfortunately, it will be during standard work week hours.
Lastly, the weather. Check for the weather forecast. Perhaps you may need to take a drive for better weather. It would probably be a good idea to just make a checklist: date, time, weather, location, camera, etc. In northern California we will not get total darkness, but it will be the next level down apparently (75%). Also, look up your local eclipse information; you may or may not want to be a the most popular viewing locations.
The eclipse will begin at 9:05 AM for us, and peak at 10:22 AM, so it will not be like a five minute affair. It should be a good half hour long... wherever you are..
'How Long Will It Be Dark During The Solar Eclipse? A Timeline Of What To Expect On Monday'
'How does a solar eclipse affect animals?'
"Operation Black Sky"/"EarthEx2017"
Starting on August 23....
As the world teeters on the brink of a nuclear confrontation with North Korea, FEMA and the U.S. Department of Energy are preparing to wargame so-called "Black Sky Hazards" that could result in a "subcontinent scale, long duration power outage, with cascading failure of all our other increasingly interdependent infrastructures."
For more information:
Black Sky Hazards": Feds To Wargame "Widespread Power Outages" And "Cascading Infrastructure Failures
Operation Black Sky: NOT a False Flag Event, But ...
and, of course, Youtube.
Don't get caught off guard by a blackout...
8-18-17 Addition - Science Channel coverage
The Science Channel will provide live coverage of the eclipse starting on Monday 9:08 AM PST: 'Great American Eclipse - Countdown to Darkness'. They likely will cover mainly the 70 mile wide regions which will experience a "total eclipse."
solar system,
United States
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Countdown to the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 - Part 2
Total Solar Eclipse 2017 When, Where and How to See It August 21, 2017
Great American Total Solar Eclipse will darken skies all the way from Oregon to South Carolina, along a stretch of land about 70 miles (113 kilometers) wide. People who descend upon this "path of totality" for the big event are in for an unforgettable experience.
Where to see:
How Long Will the 2017 Solar Eclipse Last:
What You'll See:
**Follow US**
Nwo Report:
A solar eclipse is coming to America. Here’s what you’ll see where you live.
By Casey Miller, Ryan Mark, and Brian Resnick - - Jul 25, 2017
On Monday August 21, a solar eclipse will cut across the entire United States. And wherever you are, you will be able to see it. Even though the “totality” — the area where the sun is completely blocked out by the moon — is only 70 miles wide, the whole country (even Alaska and Hawaii) will experience a partial eclipse.
This is what you’ll see, and the time you’ll see it, in your zip code.
We recommend punching in a few different ones to see how the eclipse experience will vary across the country. Salem, Oregon (97301), is going to see a total eclipse. Downtown Los Angeles (90012) will see 62 percent of the sun blocked at the peak. In Lake Charles, Louisiana (70601), it’ll be 71 percent.
'Tis the last rose of Summer,
Left blooming alone;
All her lovely companions
Are faded gone.
-- Thomas Moore, Irish poet (1779-1852)
L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Device and Chapel of the Holy Cross (Legend of the Verde Valley) Documentary
Mike Davis
NOTE: This is a chapter out of the series and book "Legends of the Verde Valley" which you can get by licking on the link below.
This short documentary makes a few connects between the Chapel of the Holy Cross, The L.U.C.F.E.R. Device, The Vatican, Premier Vortex location, and the possibility the church was built upon sacred ground giving rise to the question why does the church point a cross to the sky? What is it trying to signal? Questions of interest for further works in progress in this series.
In 1984, the University of Arizona and the Vatican selected Mount Graham as a site for a complex of telescopes. The fact that this is a sacred place for the Apache was not taken into consideration which would ultimately be the start of "The Long, Bitter Battle over Mount Graham."
For many Native American nations there are certain geographic places which have special spiritual meanings. These sacred places are often portals to the spirit worlds. For the Apache in Arizona, one of these sacred places is Mount Graham which is said to be one of the most holy places in the world because of the gateways and portals found there.
“L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,” is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope. And yes, it’s named for the Devil, whose name itself means “morning star” [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson.” — Rebecca Boyle, Popular Science Magazine
Why would the Vatican name one of their projects "Lucifer?" If someone is Luciferian, fine! Just say I am Luciferian. Just as with many Christians... to the global elite, everythng is "the Devil." The Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Pan, Kali, Cernunnos, Apollo, any stag or horned fertility god, etc. Lucifer is not Satan, but there can be a conflated meaning.
Aerial View of Filoli in 4K HD
Located 30 miles south of San Francisco, Filoli is a historic site of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and one of the finest remaining country estates of the early 20th century. At Filoli you can explore 16 acres of formal gardens surrounded by a 654 acre estate.
Filoli was used in the television series Dynasty, along with the movies, Heaven Can Wait, The Game, The Wedding Planner, The Joy Luck Club, and George of the Jungle.
In 1975 the estate was donated to the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Music: Postcards from the Sky: I. Unfolding Sky by Marjan Mozetich Shot in 4K 30 fps with DJI Inspire 1 April 2015. Edited in Adobe Premiere CC and After Effects CC. A Koptervision Production. Copyright 2015. All Rights Reserved.
Filoli is a country house set in 16 acres (6.5 ha; 0.025 sq mi) of formal gardens surrounded by a 654-acre (265 ha; 1.022 sq mi) estate, located in Woodside, California, about 25 miles (40 km) south of San Francisco, at the southern end of Crystal Springs Lake, on the eastern slope of the Santa Cruz Mountains.[3] Now owned by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Filoli is open to the public. The site is both a California Historical Landmark and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Georgian architecture
Filoli Mansion
Famous Celebrity Homes - The Dynasty House "Filoli" VIDEO
I'm planning to visit the Filoli house in the next few weeks. For me it's not really the size or luxury of the house, but the space, tranquility, and especially the nearby wilderness of the Santa Cruz Mountains. I was on a trail just last night at about 10:30, dark sky, crescent moon, stars, mountain, trees and thick brush, and the howls of coyotes. Now combine that with a mansion, what could be more desirable than that? If I had a house on the edge of the wilderness, I would be happy even if I didn't have any money to speak of.
"If the federal government of the United States was an individual, none of us would have anything to do with him." -- Jim Marrs 1943-2017
Teutonic Order Anthem
der platzanweiser
Teutonic Order
The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem (official names: Latin: Ordo domus Sanctæ Mariæ Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum, German: Orden der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus der Heiligen Maria in Jerusalem), commonly the Teutonic Order (Deutscher Orden, Deutschherrenorden or Deutschritterorden), is a Catholic religious order founded as a military order c. 1190 in Acre, Kingdom of Jerusalem. Purely religious since 1929, it still confers limited honorary knighthoods.
The order was formed to aid Christians on their pilgrimages to the Holy Land and to establish hospitals. Its members have commonly been known as the Teutonic Knights, having a small voluntary and mercenary military membership, serving as a crusading military order for protection of Christians in the Holy Land and the Baltics during the Middle Ages.
If a violent foreign enemy invaded Germany,
and rioted, looted, raped, robbed, murdered, and maimed....
I wonder what the Teutonic Knights would have done?
My top 3 "move scapegoats"
1) Lynette from 'An Officer and a Gentleman'
She may have been a gold digger of sorts, but not any more so than than Paula. Talk about "projecting!" If she was guilty of anything, it certainly wasn't due to Sid's suicide! Was it her fault that he quit? NO. Was it her fault that he committed suicide? NO. Zack and Lynette didn't have a speck of evidence that she did anything wrong. In movie-fact, she did not. They had an argument because he quit, period. What would self-righteous Paula have don't differently if in the same situation? What is worse is that it's just left upon her shoulder to carry this non-existent guilt. Extremely cruel. When Paula said "God help you"... grrr
2) Christine from 'Family Business'
Jesse was not only a crook, but a proud crook who openly admired Gypsy thieves for their honesty of a clear conscience. How the hell could he call Christine a "parasite!?" Her crime was victimless to boot! Jesse's crime could have coast people's lives!! Jeopardizing people's lives so he can steal money for himself. Isn't that infinitely more parasitical? At the least, his "projection" on Christine was insanely hypocritical.
3) Randy from 'The Wrestler'
After just beginning the process of patching things up, his estranged daughter Stephanie "projected" all of her legitimate anger toward her father--literally wrote him off permanently!--all because he made one unintentional mistake. She could have said "don't call me for awhile," and put the ball back in his court... or to punish him. It was extremely cruel, but she did have old baggage as sort've an excuse.
'Box of Moonlight'
The late Lisa Blount, who played "Lynette," was in a very "different" sort've movie in 1996 entitled 'Box of Moonlight'. John Turturro plays the part of a construction foreman, something of a tough guy, who meets Sam Rockwell's offbeat and vulnerable character while driving out in the countryside. It's so different; it could almost take place today... or in 1950! It's like a lot of movies in that it's about a regular person having an experience, an adventure.... only it doesn't feel fake at all. The characters are real. Pretty good movie... sometimes harsh.. in other ways innocent.
At one point they're in the woods near a body of water, and they meet two sisters... one played by Lisa Blount. John Turturro's character was married, and Sam Rockwell's homeless character wasn't in any position to meet any women. They all just went swimming, without any social or sexual tension; like when you were a kid and could make a few friends like in an hour. The two sisters were like simple country girls so to speak. It's been so long since I saw it; I've forgotten the particulars, but it's a good film. Sam Rockwell is apparently from Daly City, not far from me. Lisa Blount passed away in 2010.
A Tribute to Lisa Blount
The Exposure Of Corrections Corp Of America
Links used in video
I don't agree with much of what his guy says anymore, but he's correct on this point. It's such a no-brainer.... obviously this private corporation needs more and more prisoners for its corporate "growth!" This corporation has changed its name to the more benevolent sounding and stock market catchy "CoreCivic." Their symbol looks very "Soviet."
'Top 5 Most Sinister Corporate Logos'
By Vigilant - In Pursuit of Happiness - June 16, 2009
Big corporations pay millions in public relations to make customers associate their brand with a warm and fuzzy feeling. It is imperative that the soulless and inherently greedy nature of the corporation be hidden behind a family-friendly facade. But some companies just don’t give a hoot. They hate you, your family and especially your cat and they don’t care if you know it. They even display their evilness right on their logo. Here is my top 5 of most sinister logos.
Jospeh Farrell Buzz Aldrin in Antarctica Truth Finally comes out
Lazarus Effect Media
Top 5 Ultimate Shows on PODCAST AFFILIATES / Must Listen !!!!!
Graham Hancock Mars Had a Civilization
Ancient Technology in Antartica Joseph P. Farrell Special
Graham Hancock Lost Knowledge Not anymore !
Graham Hancock Finally Solves Riddle of Lost Civilizations after Lifelong Effort
Graham Hancock Lost Knowledge Not anymore !
Please Check out channel of the Month FORUM BOREALIS
Joseph Farrell is like Jay Wiedner, a very very interesting guy. Last December, Buzz Aldrin gave that strange "Antarctica tweet" along with an image of that perfectly formed--natural or artificial--"pyramid" down there.
Prime Victoria Principal
Victoria Principal is best known as "Pamela Ewing" from the 80's prime time soap 'Dallas'. She is of Italian descent... "Victoria Principale." Classy, sexy, and alluring.. I don't know that any American celebrity females even fit that description anymore!
Elton John - Philadelphia Freedom
UK hit 1975 peaked at No.12, 9 weeks on chart
Top 10 MOST AMAZING Animal Hybrids
Welcome to Top10Archive! Whether through forced breeding or a stroke of luck in the wild, animal hybrids are a fascinating feat that can be anything from intriguing to terrifying. Animal hybrids may go against the very laws of nature, but you know what they say about laws - they are most certainly meant to be broken! In this installment, we are going to look at the strangest, most unique hybrids out there.
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10. The Savannah Cat
9. The Blood Parrot Cichlid
8. The Geep
7. The Zonkey
6. The Wholphin
5. The Cama
4. The Beefalo
3. The Liger
2. The Grolar Bear
1. The Killer Bee
Flowing Hair Half Dimes (1794-1795)
I have held onto coins which I've come across over the years. I keep ones which I think have some interesting feature, such as a very rustic 1839 penny, an old German coin with a Germanic eagle,

Another is a 1791 Scottish St. Andrews half-penny, in which the "X"--to me--could symbolize the ancient symbol of "Man." Sometimes something can just be what you want it to be. Officially he is St. Andrews, but to you it could symbolize someone else perhaps.
Louisiana Creole and Cajuns: What's the Difference? Race, Ethnicity, History and Genetics
Many people often use the terms Cajun and Louisiana Creole interchangeably, and although there are many historical, linguistic, and cultural similarities between the two groups, they are very distinct in other ways.
In this video we are going to be delving into the history of the Cajuns and Creole people that live in the modern American state of Louisiana, and why and how they both came to be.
Please share your thoughts on the two groups in the comments section down below!
Thanks for watching!
Footage of the Louisiana bayou:
New Horizons Flyover of Pluto Video
Using actual New Horizons data and digital elevation models of Pluto and its largest moon Charon, mission scientists have created flyover movies that offer spectacular new perspectives of the many unusual features that were discovered and which have reshaped our views of the Pluto system – from a vantage point even closer than the spacecraft itself.
This dramatic Pluto flyover begins over the highlands to the southwest of the great expanse of nitrogen ice plain informally named Sputnik Planitia. The viewer first passes over the western margin of Sputnik, where it borders the dark, cratered terrain of Cthulhu Macula, with the blocky mountain ranges located within the plains seen on the right. The tour moves north past the rugged and fractured highlands of Voyager Terra and then turns southward over Pioneer Terra -- which exhibits deep and wide pits -- before concluding over the bladed terrain of Tartarus Dorsa in the far east of the encounter hemisphere.
Digital mapping and rendering were performed by Paul Schenk and John Blackwell of the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston.
Watch: NASA Releases Amazing Pluto Flyby Video
To celebrate the two-year anniversary of NASA's New Horizon probe arriving at Pluto, the space agency has released a breathtaking video showcasing the notoriously distant planet.
The remarkable presentation, culled from data obtained during the 2015 study of Pluto, provides viewers with the perspective of flying over the planet from around 8,000 miles above its surface.
While there are no signs of UFOs or alien bases, the footage is still pretty awesome when one considers that Pluto, at its furthest point, sits an astounding 4.6 billion miles away from the Earth.
As such, the video constitutes what is probably the only view of Pluto that many of us will have in our lifetimes, since it's highly unlikely that humans will make their way out to the planet anytime soon.
That said, based on the barren and seemingly unforgiving landscape of the planet, we're not sure anyone would really want to visit the faraway world anyway.
Conor McGregor vs Floyd Mayweather 2nd (TORONTO) Press Conference!
Octagon News
Conor McGregor vs Floyd Mayweather 2nd Press Conference TORONTO! Conor McGregor vs Floyd Mayweather Press Conference BEST MOMENTS!
Conor McGregor: Conor Anthony McGregor (Irish: Conchúr Antóin Mac Gréagóir; born 14 July 1988) is an Irish professional mixed martial artist who is currently signed to the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). He is the reigning UFC Lightweight Champion, and former UFC Featherweight Champion. During his career, McGregor has competed as a featherweight, lightweight, and welterweight.
In 2008, McGregor started his mixed martial arts (MMA) career and, in 2012, he won both the Cage Warriors Featherweight and Lightweight Championships, holding both titles concurrently before vacating them to sign with the UFC. In 2015, at UFC 194, McGregor defeated José Aldo for the UFC Featherweight Championship via knockout thirteen seconds into the first round. This was the fastest victory in UFC title fight history. Upon defeating Eddie Alvarez for the UFC Lightweight Championship at UFC 205, McGregor became the first fighter in the UFC's history to hold titles in two weight divisions simultaneously.
He is known for being the biggest pay-per-view draw in MMA, as well as his extravagant lifestyle and trash talking.
Floyd Mayweather: Floyd Joy Mayweather Jr. (born Floyd Joy Sinclair; February 24, 1977) is an American former professional boxer who competed from 1996 to 2015, and currently works as a boxing promoter. Widely considered to be one of the greatest boxers of all time, undefeated as a professional, and a five-division world champion, Mayweather won fifteen world titles and the lineal championship in four different weight classes (twice at welterweight).[1] As an amateur, he won a bronze medal in the featherweight division at the 1996 Olympics. Mayweather is a two-time winner of The Ring magazine's Fighter of the Year award (1998 and 2007), a three-time winner of the Boxing Writers Association of America (BWAA) Fighter of the Year award (2007, 2013, and 2015), and a six-time winner of the Best Fighter ESPY Award (2007–2010, 2012–2014).
In 2016, Mayweather was ranked by ESPN as the greatest boxer, pound for pound, of the last 25 years. In the same year, he peaked as BoxRec's number one fighter of all time, pound for pound, as well as the greatest welterweight of all time. Many sporting news and boxing websites ranked Mayweather as the best boxer in the world, pound for pound, twice in a span of ten years; including The Ring, Sports Illustrated, ESPN, BoxRec, Fox Sports, and Yahoo! Sports. He is also regarded as the best defensive boxer in the sport,[13] as well as being the most accurate puncher since the existence of CompuBox, having the highest plus–minus ratio in recorded boxing history. He finished his career with a record of 26 wins without a loss or draw in world title fights (10 by KO); 23 wins (9 KOs) in lineal title fights; 24 wins (7 KOs) against former or current world titlists; 12 wins (3 KOs) against former or current lineal champions; and 2 wins (1 KO) against International Boxing Hall of Fame inductees.
In addition to his accomplishments in the ring, Mayweather is well known for being one of the most lucrative pay-per-view (PPV) attractions of all time, in any sport. He topped the Forbes and Sports Illustrated lists of the 50 highest-paid athletes of 2012 and 2013 respectively, and the Forbes list again in both 2014 and 2015, listing him as the highest paid athlete in the world. In 2007, he founded Mayweather Promotions, his own boxing promotional firm after defecting from Bob Arum's Top Rank. Mayweather has generated approximately 19.5 million in PPV buys and $1.3 billion in revenue throughout his career, surpassing the likes of former top PPV attractions including Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Oscar De La Hoya, and Manny Pacquiao.
Conor McGregor vs Floyd Mayweather Press Conference BEST MOMENTS! TRASH TALK!
Mayweather-McGregor is a matchmakers dream. Two big egos with big followings; both trash-talking extraordinaires able to sell it to the public. A bout, which very possibly could end up being one-sided, may end up making more money than any boxing match in history. Everything depends on McGregor's jab. Theoretically, if he is able to use his good reach to establish a powerful jab while stalking Mayweather, then he may be able to do something when he can put him to the ropes. It seems logical that Mayweather will be able to land some serious counter punches against an inexperienced opponent.
Ivan Vasconcelos
Exile, originally known as The Exiles, is an American band founded in Richmond, Kentucky by J.P. Pennington. They started by playing local clubs which led to touring with Dick Clark's Caravan of Stars opening shows and providing backup for major rock artists of the period.
14th April 1561: The Nuremberg Celestial Phenomenon
History Pod
On the morning of 14th April 1561, the people of Nuremberg in Germany witnessed a “dreadful apparition” in the sky. Modern UFO enthusiasts have used the Nuremberg celestial phenomenon as evidence of extra-terrestrial life, although scientists have also put forward their explanation of why hundreds of people saw what they described as an aerial battle raging in front of the sun.
The spectacle was recorded by the artist Hans Glaser who lived in Nuremberg and so presumably witnessed the event himself. He published a woodcut and text in a ‘broadsheet’ – a kind of newspaper that reveled in reporting strange or violent stories. The woodcut shows cylindrical objects; multiple-coloured discs and globes, crosses, and even tubes that look like cannon barrels all moving in the sky.
There’s no way of knowing how accurate the woodcut is, or what caused the shapes in the sky, but recent science has pointed towards atmospheric phenomena. UFO-skeptic Frank Johnson has written a convincing argument suggesting that the people of Nuremberg witnessed a parhelion, otherwise known as a sundog, caused by light refracting through clouds of ice crystals, along with other atmospheric tricks of the light including a low viewing angle of the sun. Others suggest a city-wide outbreak of ergotism, where fungus growing on grain can cause hallucinations.
Whatever the cause, the celestial phenomenon terrified the people of Nuremberg who interpreted it as a warning from God.
It seems likely that whatever happened was beyond our understanding. Perhaps some battle in another dimension which briefly conflated with our world.
Top DARPA Projects That Should Creep You Out
Truthstream Media
(Truthstream Dystopic Hollywood nightmares have nothing on real life military research projects. During Truthstream Media's June 29th broadcast on, Melissa Melton listed off a long, creepy list of semi-secret projects the military is pursuing under DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). In addition to the many robots DARPA has created to mimic human walking, throw cinder blocks, run on four legs at cheetah speed, climb trees, grasp objects, kill targets and more, DARPA has announced projects including mapping the human brain, trying to create a physical, thinking brain for robots, computers that can think for themselves, tracking rat brains over the Internet, real-life Avatar projects, autonomous robots, electronic tattoos and pills swallowed to authenticate online access instead of passwords, mapping the neuroscience of the "fight or flight response," tracking heart beats and other long distance biometrics, quantifying and track "love" and emotive responses, mind controlling squids.... and much much more.
Mt. Vesuvius on fire!
Of course it's only a big fire, but it could eerily remind one of the destruction of Pompeii at the hands of the now dormant volcano of Mt. Vesuvius two thousand years ago. Image is from the article 'Creepy SKULL face appears in huge plume of smoke billowing from volcano'
'All blue-eyed people can be traced back to one ancestor who lived 10,000 years ago near the Black Sea'
Michael Hanlon - Daily Mail (UK) - February 1, 2008
Throughout history they have been the eyes that are prized.
Frank Sinatra's were legendary, Paul Newman's melted a million hearts while Cameron Diaz's dazzle in modern Hollywood.
But how - and why - blue eyes arose has always been something of a genetic mystery. Until now.
According to a team of researchers from Copenhagen University, a single mutation which arose as recently as 6-10,000 years ago was responsible for all the blue-eyed people alive on Earth today.
The team, whose research is published in the journal Human Genetics, identified a single mutation in a gene called OCA2, which arose by chance somewhere around the northwest coasts of the Black Sea in one single individual, about 8,000 years ago.
This, if true, would tend to support my "original Teutonic homeland" theory. Personally, I believe that this is more of an element of the whole truth, rather than an absolute truth.
Tracy Twyman and the Genuflect Revelation
The Megas Aeon
In this episode, I am joined with my co-author of "Baphomet: The Temple Mystery Unveiled," Tracy Twyman. We cover many topics that is connected to her newest book and first fiction novel, "Genuflect." I don't want to spoil anything for the podcast so listen away!
You can purchase her newest book here:
Outro music: Tom Lehrer - The Vatican Rag
Purchase Alex’s books here:
Tracy Twyman is like the new Jordan Maxwell. A lot of occult researchers today, such as Michael Tsarion, were originally inspired by Maxwell. I don't just mean the metaphysical occult... but the social, political, economic, and religious occult as well.
Eeery photograph of the 1884 Howard, South Dakota tornado
Wildfire- Michael Martin Murphey
This song reminds me of an old girlfriend named Francesca. A very benevolent soul, she loved animals and all things spiritual. She eventually became a veterinarian's assistant... and owns a horse.
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