'Black moon set to rise tonight in 'rare' lunar event - but what is it?'
Mark Molloy - 'The Telegraph' - September 30, 2016
A 'rare' black moon is set to rise tonight/ Saturday morning– but what exactly is the lunar event and will we be able to see it?
'Black Moon Rising' may sound like the title of an apocalyptic sci-fi film but the astronomical event is unlikely to signal the end of the world, despite the concerns of some doomsayers.
What is a black moon?
From blood moons to strawberry ones and those of the ‘super’ variety, it can be difficult to keep up with all the different names given to the Earth’s natural satellite.
The latest causing excitement among skygazers is the so-called black moon, however there are several definitions about what it actually is.
Most experts agree the term black moon refers to the second new moon in a calendar month.
It shouldn’t be confused with a blue moon, a phenomenon that occurs when there is a second full moon in one calendar month.
Joe Rao from space.com explains: "A second full moon in a single calendar month is sometimes called a blue moon. A black moon is supposedly the flip side of a blue moon; the second new moon in a single calendar month."
The last black moon was in March 2014 and the next one after this year’s is expected in 2019.
Others black moon definitions
Time and Date explains: “Black Moon is not a well-known term in the astronomy world. In recent years, the term has been made popular by astrologers and followers of the Wiccan religion.”
It is also defined as:
1. The 3rd new moon in a season of four new moons
2. A calendar month without a new moon
3. A calendar month without a Full Moon
So what exactly is a new moon?
A new moon occurs every 29.5 days. The moon 'disappears' from the sky when it is between the earth and the sun with it’s illuminated side facing away from us.
The black moon event will take place in the early hours of Saturday morning at 1:11am (GMT) for those in the Western Hemisphere.
The black moon will coincide with Halloween for those in the Eastern hemisphere.
Unfortunately, you won’t actually be able to see it as the moon will appear invisible. It will just be very dark.
Does it mean the end of the world?
Don’t worry, it’s very unlikely the black moon with affect your weekend plans, despite doomsayers predicting it could be the end of humanity.
End of the world: Haven't we been here before?
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
'Autumnal Equinox' - Eliwagar
Eliwagar - Autumnal Equinox
Video made by Runahild to celebrate Autumn...
A Donde Vamos

Kelcie McKenney - Minnesota Monthly - July 2015
Try a taste from a new vine, and sip on wine from the heart of South America. Piattelli Vineyards from Argentina has just launched a new line from their second winery located in Cafayate, Salta—a northern province of Argentina located on the Tropic of Capricorn.
When their first line of wines—made at their original winery in Lujan de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina—made their way into the United States, Minnesota was the first state to get their hands on the freshly imported bottles.
The reason why? Piattelli Vineyards’ owner Jon Malinski is a Minnesota native and lifelong resident who has spent the past 15 years passionate about Argentina’s wine after he and his wife found the potential for a winery on vacation in 2000. While Argentina is the fifth largest wine producer in the world, hardly any of those bottles were being exported—hence the light bulb that went off in Malinski’s head when he realized there was an opportunity he couldn’t pass by.
Today, between both wineries, Piattelli Vineyards has a total of 16 different wines including Malbec, Trinità, Cabernet Sauvignon, Rosé, Torrontés and Malbec-Tannat, with many in reserve, grand reserve and limited edition bottles.
While Piattelli Vineyards’ first winery had 121 acres of land to grow red and white Argentinian grapes, the new winery in Cafayate, Salta, Argentina—a northern sister region of Mendoza—has over 470 acres of land. So beyond those delicious grapes, this new location makes Piattelli the only Argentina wine brand to produce two full lines of wine in two distinct wineries and wine regions.

For your first try from Piattelli Vineyards, we suggest their 2013 Cafayate Reserve Malbec. With its 90-point rating from the Wine Spectator and at only $17 a bottle, this wine from their newest vineyard is a delicious steal. Similarly, the 2012 Premium Reserve Malbec from Mendoza also received a 90-point rating and is an equally recommended option.
You can find Piattelli Vineyards at Surdyk’s Liquor Store, Haskell's, South Lyndale Liquors and your local liquor store.
In Argentina, as in northern California, the pioneers of the wine industry have long been people of north Italian regional ancestry. Another connection is the deep roots of Lombard people in both Argentina and the Great Lakes region. For example, Cordoba, Argentina or Duluth, Minnesota are both fairly large cities with deep Lombard roots... although apparently they don't know each other. I guess to complete the circle, the late Robert Mondavi was originally from Minnesota, and achieved his fame and fortune in the Napa Valley wine industry; and his wife was Ticinese/Lombard. I suppose you could just as easily state that both, or even all three, regions also have deep German roots as well. I like this Minnesota-Argentina connection in any form it may take, and further so since I'm an Argentophile and I have family in the Great Lakes region.
Piattelli Vineyards website
"The Clan"
"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family; whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one."
-- Jane Howard
autumnal equinox,
earth seasons,
folk connections,
Lombard heritage,
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Great 2009 interview of Dr. Stephen Flowers by 'The Phora'
Excellent interview lays out the history and current state regarding Heathen/Neopagan folk interests.
A Conversation with Dr. Stephen Flowers [aka Edred Thorsson]
By Michael Moynihan - The Phora - 2009 (republished in 2015 by Renegade Tribune)
One of dominant paradigms of modern society is fragmentation. In the world of popular culture this translates into dazzling distractions and endless ephemera, while in the world of academia it engenders over-specialization and an unspoken refusal to even attempt to understand the “bigger picture,” especially from a metaphysical perspective.
In this atomized environment, anyone extolling a cohesive vision that is marked by traditional values – not to mention high standards – automatically becomes an anomaly. So it is the case with Dr. Stephen Flowers, who is the rarest of breeds: a scholar with spirit, one who is single-minded yet open-minded. For more than a quarter-century he has dedicated his energies toward unraveling the mysteries not only of the ancient symbolic alphabet of the Runes, but also of the deepest realms of the Germanic myth and culture from which they arose. For Flowers, this quest is summed up in a single word, RUNA, which is the old Gothic language form of “rune” and was equivalent to the Greek term mysterion (“mystery”). It was in the early 1970s that Flowers heard this word audibly whispered in his ear, and since that time he has tirelessly pursued a path of understanding its implications.

Under his own name he also published less speculative material, for example Fire & Ice, about the German magical order the Fraternitas Saturni, and his translation of the Galdrabók, a medieval Icelandic grimoire. His interest in Germanic topics extends not only to the distant past, but also into more recent and controversial manifestations, such as the völkisch period at the turn of the 19th century or the esoteric aspects of the Third Reich, and his translations of Guido von List’s Secret of the Runes, S. A. Kummer’s Rune-Magic, or the writings of Karl Maria Wiligut (The Secret King: Himmler’s Lord of the Runes) all shed scholarly light on these topics. He has also written Lords of the Left-Hand Path, a lengthy study of darker occult currents, and an innovative analysis of ancient Greek magical texts entitled Hermetic Magic.
Unlike many who possess academic credentials, Flowers was never content to relegate his interests to a purely intellectual level, and thus he has long been active in the contemporary revival of Germanic heathenism, variously called Odinism or Ásatrú (a coinage derived from Old Norse, meaning “loyalty to the gods”). He was an original member of Stephen McNallen’s seminal organization the Ásatrú Free Assembly (which still exists today as the Ásatrú Folk Assembly), and in 1979 founded his own initiatory group, the Rune-Gild, dedicated toward the serious exploration of the esoteric and innermost levels of the Germanic tradition, as well as the greater Indo-European culture of which it is but one branch.

The Conversation
Michael Moynihan: Can you recall what initial event or events led to your setting out upon the path you’ve taken toward understanding the mysteries of the Germanic tradition?
Stephen Flowers: I started out my “career” in understanding the mysteries of the Germanic tradition as what I would later come to understand as an “occultizoid nincompoop.” I was interested in a variety of pretty nutty things. One of my first passions was monster movies. Perhaps Famous Monsters of Filmland was my first bible. My “favorite monster” was the one created by Frankenstein. There was simply something about the “Gothic,” Germanic origin of the myth that appealed to me. Before that I can remember being drawn to all things Germanic (and Scandinavian) the films The Vikings (which I saw during a childhood trip to San Antonio) and the Fall of the Roman Empire vaguely inspired me with certain scenes of Germanic “barbarism.” Later this slightly matured into an interest in the Morning of the Magicians/Spear of Destiny mythology, and culminated in my “hearing” the word RUNA in 1974. This was a catalyst for a quantum leap in my development. It caused me to delve into the scientific and academic basis of what it was that had so fascinated me from childhood. All of this experience laid the foundation of the nature of my own teaching, following this pattern: (irrational) inspiration, leading to (rational) objective study, leading to (subjective) internalization, which ultimately leads to objective enactment (= understanding/personal transformation).

Stephen: Back in the mid-1970s there were only a very few individuals entertaining the idea of the revival of the old Germanic religion. My own individual journey started as early as 1972. However, I will say that it remained rather haphazard and undirected until 1974 when I heard the word RUNA whispered in my ear. But even then, with the inspiration from a higher source, the struggle to understand the full significance of it all was a significant one that had to be carried out in the earthly plane. I saw notices in places like Fate magazine for the Ásatrú Free Assembly and was intrigued, but for some reason I thought it unwise to contact this group until I had something significant to offer. By 1975 my work had taken the direction of being more guided by scholarly discipline. Once I had made significant progress in the reformulation of my runic philosophy (which found expression in the manuscript that became Futhark) and in my graduate studies at the University of Texas at Austin, I felt prepared to make contact with Ásatrú groups.
I first met the leader of the AFA, Stephen McNallen, at the first AFA Althing in the summer of 1979. Meeting Steve was a life-changing experience for me. He is an embodiment of a kind of Germanic spirituality that puts words into action. It was at that time that I was named a godhi [the Old Norse designation for a spiritual leader] in the AFA. It is now the only credential that I hold as being of any significance in the world of Ásatrú /Odinism. Despite whatever history might have passed in the late 1980s and early 1990s, there can be no doubt that Stephen McNallen is the guiding light of American Ásatrú. I count Steve McNallen as a friend and colleague and very much value the fact that it was from him that I received my godhordh – or “authority as a godhi.”

Stephen: The esoteric, spiritual aspects function as initial forms of inspiration to the mind. This is essential to the Odian approach to life. First there is an “irrational,” or supra-rational, impulse – a bolt out of the blue that sets the conscious mind on its mysterious course. That impulse can, for many, be a disorienting stroke from which they never recover. They simply sink deeper and deeper into a sea of subjectivity. For another group, the subjectivism is eventually re-balanced with rational work. Understanding of the inspiration is gained, without “explaining it away.” The allowance of subjective inner experience and insight to coexist with objective, rational analysis is essential to the process of truly understanding the tradition in a scientific way, as well as to the process of personal development based on the traditional symbology.
It was noted by outside observers, my mentors in the academic world, that I had an uncanny ability to make sense of obscure myths and to apprehend the hidden connections between and among various mythic structures. This ability stemmed from my inner experience which was constructed on a basis lying outside the purely rational models. If one is trying to delve into the mysteries of the symbolic culture of an archaic world – one very much separated from our own contemporary society and values – then obviously some key must be found which is something other than plodding logic or wild speculation. For me this key is the balanced openness to the mythic spirit of Odin. I was lucky enough to have academic mentors who supported me in this approach, who were themselves spiritual men. Without their inner support I could not have achieved whatever it is I have achieved.

Stephen: I think this attitude stems almost entirely from two sources: 1) the antagonism of the materialist worldview toward the traditional spiritual one, and 2) the opportunity the adherents to the materialistic worldview have taken to attack the spiritual view based on historical events surrounding World War II. This materialist worldview is “monotheistic” in the sense that it allows for only one set of orthodox values. In this way it is really a secularized form of monotheistic religion. The Judeo-Christian system of thought has lent itself very well to being secularized in such a way that it can be turned into a model for modern political and economic theories. As a side-note, Islam has been much more stubborn in its adherence to its original values, which has caused it to be very much “out of step” with its monotheistic cousins.
Judaism and Christianity can be tolerated by the establishment scholarly world because they can be viewed as theoretical prototypes of the materialistic and positivistic model that now dominates thought in the West. Earlier traditional models are seen not so much as a threat to religion as they are seen as a threat to the monolithic political and economic order. The pre-Christian, traditional philosophies are too divergent and multivalent to be coerced into one single “market” of ideas. This points to the fatal hypocrisy of the current crop of modernistic “thinkers,” who spout off about “multiculturalism” and tolerance, but who exclusively support monolithic socio-economic models that enact the opposite of what they publicly espouse. Surely the ancient, traditional and pre-Christian world is more in line with what really sounds best to most people. Are not ancient, pre-Christian Athens or Alexandria more ideal models for the future over medieval Rome or Constantinople?

Scholars of pre-Christian tradition must indeed be sympathetic and even empathetic to the paradigms they are studying. If they do not have a subjective link to the paradigm they are seeking to understand, then they have categorically placed an insurmountable barrier between themselves and the “object” they seek to understand. Hence they have in fact disqualified themselves from ever being able to really understand the patterns of thought in question.
Michael: You have always tried to encourage those involved in neo-heathenism to uphold a higher intellectual standard, and whenever possible to actively pursue serious academic study. Have you noticed any significant number of people willing to rise to the challenge?
Stephen: To this point I would say that there has indeed been a significant number of people who have taken up the challenge to pursue academic goals as a way to put their inner, spiritual lives on a more firm foundation. The number may be significant, but not large. It is hoped that with the advent of the new Woodharrow Institute a greater number of people will “get” what it is I am trying to convey in this trend. The whole “neo-pagan” world has been made a part of the Bohemian “underground” sort of mentality of the Anglo-Saxon (this includes the imitative American) culture. What I am trying to do is simply call the Anglo-Saxon culture back to its more organic Germanic roots. This includes the way in which the idea of “neo-paganism” is approached.

The reasons for this apparent virtual hostility to learning are a part of the Anglo-Saxon “anti-egghead” mentality. By contrast it can be noted that some of the turn-of-the-century German revivalists were in fact professors, e.g. Jakob Wilhelm Hauer (Tübingen) and Ernst Bergmann (Leipzig). This inner cultural bias must be first recognized before it can be overcome. Do not think for a minute that I am extolling the great wisdom or character of the typical modern academic. The academy is presently in decay. However, the basic and systematic knowledge possessed by those who have spent decades in specialized studies, and who have been the traditional recipients of knowledge handed down from several previous generations of scholars is a resource that is indispensable to us.
Michael: While your focus is usually on traditional Germanic or northern European culture and religion, you have also addressed other areas in some of your work, such as with the book Hermetic Magic. What was your reason for doing so – and how do these seemingly distinct realms fit together or cross-fertilize?

Michael: The work of Georges Dumézil, the French scholar of Indo-European comparative religion, has been a strong influence on your own outlook. What do you consider to be the most important aspects of his work, and why did they resonate with you to such a degree?
Stephen: First of all, I suppose I came to it as a matter of tradition. My own teacher, and Doktorvater, Edgar Polomé, was a (qualified) Dumézilian. Beyond what I learned in his classrooms, however, I saw that his objective studies (which involved making detailed dossiers of the various Indo-European Gods, etc.) coupled with his structuralist approach allowed for the beginnings of a contemporary and living synthesis of ancient ideas with those of Jung and others. The ideas of Dumézil are 1) accurate and objectively verifiable to a great degree, and 2) are potent tools for current self-transformational work.

Stephen: They are afraid of the resurgence of Indo-European culture. They have intellectually invested in the idea that internationalism is good and that anything that glorifies the non-European world is preferable to anything that seems to lend prestige to European culture. All of this is so ironic because the ideals from which they draw are entirely of European origin. Nevertheless, as a matter of ideology, but probably more as a matter of an intellectual fashion trend, the academic establishment frowns on anything that they see as “glorifying” the European culture. They would probably argue that their reasons for this vaguely have something to do with Germany in the 1930s. In conversations with German academics in runology I discovered that the same things are happening at German universities now as happened in American ones in the 1980s and 1990s – anything relating to ancient or medieval northern Europe is being dismantled.
There is also the fear that Europe will really be able to make peace within itself based on the Indo-European model, rather than the Christian and/or Marxist model. This would discredit their intellectual prejudices once more. Specifically on Dumézil and the tripartite theory, his theories have the potential of forming the basis of a pan-Indo-European cultural unity. They are the greatest challenge to Christianity and to materialistic positivism in the 20th century. So it is not without some justification that Dumézil has been so widely attacked. His theories do pose a challenge, and are not merely intellectual curiosities. They call for some sort of action and some sort of change on the part of the reader of his ideas.

Michael: Not so long ago you attended an international scholarly conference on runology in Denmark. What were your impressions about how this discipline is faring in today’s academic world?
Stephen: The academic field of runology, like any other academic discipline, is subject to the dictates of fashion and changing intellectual trends. (This is where an academic discipline differs from a Traditional discipline.) Most of the 19th and early 20th century runologists accepted the relationship between religion or magic and the runes as a given fact. They accepted this uncritically because it appeared to them (perhaps rightly) as the most obvious conclusion based on all prima facie evidence. Because they were uncritical in their acceptance, however, this left the door open to a subsequent generation of runologists to question the earlier generation’s assumptions. In the world of science this is a good thing. If those who did not question the “magical” nature of the runes had not been so uncritical, then a deeper and more insightful exploration of the idea of runes and magic might never have been undertaken.
I was very gratified to have younger individuals – many still students – at the runic conference discreetly approach me and tell me that part of the reason they came to the conference was to meet me, and that they had first been exposed to the wondrous world of the runes and the esoteric Germanic tradition through my more “popular” works.

This is occurring not just in America, but in Europe as well. Recently the position of Prof. Dr. Klaus Düwel at the University of Göttingen in Germany was terminated by the administration of the university. At the runic conference in Denmark the runologists signed a petition aimed at the university administration to ask that this prestigious position be maintained. The roots of the academic study of runes at that institution go back to the Grimms.
Michael: Is the founding of the Woodharrow Institute for Germanic and Runic Studies in some ways a response to the current situation regarding these areas of study?

So the Woodharrow Institute is intended to meet a challenge from two ends of a pole: it is to bring an objective and scientific basis to the beginning of inner work, and to re-envision the final purpose or aim of intellectual work itself as a completion of the self. It is to bring objective standards to a morass of subjectivity (the occultizoid culture) and to bring inner purpose to the often sterile and pointless pursuits of academia. This is a formidable challenge, to be sure. Yet this is what makes it worth undertaking.
Michael: What role do you see the Institute ultimately fulfilling, and how might it interact with more established or formal academic institutions?
Stephen: It is clear from what has already been said that the academic discipline of runology, as well as those of older Germanic studies and Indo-European studies, etc., are in trouble. If scientific runology is left to its normal cycle of intellectual fashion, there is no harm done. The radical traditional runologist would be free as always to partake of the fruits of that intellectual labor and have his inner work enriched by it. However, if the traditional academic fields are uprooted and marginalized to extinction then this would no longer be possible.

The Woodharrow Institute seeks to restore the complete model of the old Academy in a Germanic context. As such its ultimate purpose is transformational, and not merely “scientific” as understood in modern parlance. Participants in, or members of, the Institute will, however, not be required to pursue this inner work as any sort of prerequisite for membership. The Institute will develop a full range of areas of interest and research.
It is hoped that the Institute will in the future be able to establish good relations with mainstream academia. We could offer practical programs in language study, experimental archeology and, most importantly, experimental or experiential ideology. Our mission in mainstream academia would be merely to restore traditional areas of study where they have been lost and to help retain them where they are in jeopardy.

1) to act as a refuge for displaced scientific work in the fields of runology, Germanic studies, and general Indo-European studies; and 2) to act as a think tank for individuals interested in making use of the scientific work as a basis for inner development. The Woodharrow Institute is a weapon in the struggle against both modernism and occultizoid subjectivism.
Michael: In the ancient Germanic cosmology, a cyclical dynamic exists where the old order collapses and is torn apart from both within and without, but this is a necessary step that precedes the unfolding of a new beginning. Is it a stretch to look at contemporary events in this light? And if not, what is the best way for the aware individual to approach the present situation?
Stephen: It is my contention that traditional views are eternally valid and ever-meaningful. The Germanic cosmology, ragnarök, which can actually refer to the beginnings, middle or end of the cosmological process, involves at the end of the process certain ages. These are referred to in the poems of the Elder Edda with terms such as the “Wolf Age,” which refers to the “greedy,” “covetous,” or “appetitive” nature of the age. Clearly the world as a whole is in a “Wolf-Age.” The individual, and certain groups of elect, can, as Julius Evola put it, “ride the tiger.” This means that certain individuals and groups can, exercising their will against the grain of consensus reality as informed by Tradition, lay the personal and transpersonal foundations for the next (inevitable) cyclical development. This next cycle will (naturally) be more imbued with Tradition, as the developmental wheel turns.
Michael Moynihan is a writer, artist, and publisher from New England. He is co-editor of the annual journal TYR: Myth – Culture – Religion, published in Atlanta, Georgia. He regularly contributes to cultural and music periodicals worldwide, and is also the North American Editor of Rûna.
Asatru. Odinism,
European neopaganism,
folk culture,
folk traditions,
Stephen Flowers,
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Perceptions for the coming Autumn Harvest Moon IV
Autumn Harvest Moon 2016
The Full Harvest Moon is also known as the Full Corn Moon and the Full Barley Moon. We've had some very clear evenings the last few days here along the coast, which we haven't had lately. I'm hoping for a perfect night tomorrow, as we hike along the edges of our local high peak in the pitch darkness. I really need to see that full golden globe sitting majestically in the navy blue sky, and with the black mountain peak standing along side it as I look upward at it from a steep angle. I really need it this time! To me there's no greater altar.
Full Moon for September 2016
Live Harvest Moon Show!
This year, the Full Harvest Moon brings a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. Watch the live show on this page—and enjoy Moon facts and folklore.
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Brenta Group mountain range in Trento |
Mountains are the cathedrals where I practice my religion. -- Anatoli Boukreev
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Brenta Group - A part of the greater Dolomites |
Documentary ancient Egyptian - The Egyptian Book Of The Dead - Full Documentaries Films
Full Documentaries Films
Documentary ancient Egyptian - Book Of The Dead - Full Documentaries Films
The Book of the Dead is the common name for the ancient Egyptian funerary texts known as The Book of Coming [or Going] Forth By Day. The name "Book of the Dead" was the invention of the German Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius, who published a selection of some texts in 1842. Religion guided every aspect of Egyptian life. Egyptian religion was based on polytheism, or the worship of many deities.
The Egyptians had as many as 2000 gods and goddesses each representing characteristics of a specific earthly force, combined with a heavenly power. Often gods and goddesses were represented as part human and part animal. They considered animals such as the bull, the cat, and the crocodile to be holy. Their two chief gods were Amon-Ra and Osiris. Amon-Ra was believed to be the sun god and the lord of the universe.
Osiris was the god of the underworld and was the god that made a peaceful afterlife possible.
The Egyptian "Book of the Dead" contains the major ideas and beliefs in the ancient Egyptian religion.
The Rites of Magic - Poke Runyon (Hermeticism)
Buy Reality Films DVDs here:
The Secret Rites, Magical Empowerments and Powerful Techniques of a Magical Tradition older than the Golden Dawn's Cypher Manuscript. Accompany your host, anthropologist and ceremonial magician Poke Runyon, as he conducts you on you on a Magical journey into the hitherto Secret Realms of Hermetic Yoga (our Western counterpart to Tibetan Tantras), Magical Pathworkings (Inner Plane Projection), Seasonal Ceremonies (The Ancient Rites of Melchizedek) and Eucharist (the ultimate transubstantiation ritual) -- and a complete Enochian Opening by Watchtowers ceremony. As a bonus feature we have included a short surrealistic Alchemical Fantasy by the talented avant-garde filmmaker Eric Bossick.
The embedding won't hold here. Link below....
The Rites of Magick- Learn Techniques of Secrets of Occult, Magick, Paranormal Personal Power!
Fire and Ice the Brotherhood of CERN and Saturn
Freedom Fighter Times
This video explores a digram of Saturn that is taught in the secret society of the brotherhood of Saturn. It connects biblical teaching to expose the evil plots behind CERN.
Emma on YouTube:
Fraternitas Saturni
Fraternitas Saturni (lat.: "Brotherhood of Saturn") is a German magical order, founded in 1926 by Eugen Grosche aka Gregor A. Gregorius and four others. It is one of the oldest continuously running magical groups in Germany. The lodge is, as Gregorius states, "concerned with the study of esotericism, mysticism, and magic in the cosmic sense." Today its purpose is in working on the spiritual evolution of humanity by means of development and advancement of the individual being. This is to be attained by mental and ethical schooling of the personality and complete mastery of esotericism and occultism. The FS adopts a system of degrees, ending with the 33rd as highest degree to reach this goal. The lodge claims further no political or economical objectives. It propagates ideals of freedom, tolerance and fraternity.
'Fire and Ice: Magical Teachings of Germany's Greatest Secret Occult Order'
Llewellyn's Teutonic Magick Series
S. Edred Flowers - 1995
The Brotherhood of Saturn is one of Germany's most secret occult lodges and unknown to magicians of the English-speaking world. This is the first study of its inner documents and workings. Discover the fascinating histories of its founders and leaders. Witness the development of its magical beliefs and practices and its banishment by the Nazi government. The Saturnian path of initiation is revealed in full detail.
Since 1972, Edred Thorsson has been dedicated to the esoteric and esoteric study of the Indo-European, Celtic and Teutonic traditions. He studied Old Irish, Middle Welsh and Indo-European religion and culture at major universities in Germany and in the United States.
Edred Thorsson, or S. Edred Flowers, is actually Dr. Stephen Flowers. I haven't read this book yet, but it is apparently the only go-to source for information on the Brotherhood of Saturn. Many have speculated that this secret society was behind Teutonic Order (Germanenorden), which founded the Thule Society. Since I don't know much about the Brotherhood of Saturn, I can't speculate at this time as to this connection, or to any connections to the global "Cult of Saturn" milieu. If they are a real power behind the scenes, then they sure aren't doing any favors for Germany today.
Brotherhood of Saturn
Spiderface - Topic
Provided to YouTube by CDBaby
The Brotherhood of Saturn · Black Lung · Spiderface
Accretion (The Tympanik Audio 5th Anniversary Collection)
℗ 2012 Tympanik Audio
Released on: 2012-12-04
Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane
Music video by Scorpions performing Rock You Like A Hurricane. (C) 1984 The Island Def Jam Music Group
This song feels like it has an Odinic energy to it; or perhaps Thor's hammer. Even the lyrics have elements of Germanic neopaganism.

It's early morning, the sun comes out
Last night was shaking and pretty loud
My cat is purring, it scratches my skin
So what is wrong with another sin?
The bitch is hungry, she needs to tell
So give her inches and feed her well
More days to come, new places to go
I've got to leave, it's time for a show
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane
My body is burning, it starts to shout
Desire is coming, it breaks out loud
Lust is in cages till storm breaks loose
Just have to make it with someone I choose
The night is calling, I have to go
The wolf is hungry, he runs the show
He's licking his lips, he's ready to win
On the hunt tonight for love at first sting
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane (Are you ready, baby?)
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane (Come on, come on, baby)
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane
Rock you like a hurricane
It's early morning, the sun comes out
Last night was shaking and pretty loud
My cat is purring, it scratches my skin
So what is wrong with another sin?
The night is calling, I have to go
The wolf is hungry, he runs the show
He's licking his lips, he's ready to win
On the hunt tonight for love at first sting
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane (Are you ready, baby?)
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane (Come on, come on, come on, come on)
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane
[Written by Herman Rarebell, Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker]
Greek Primordial Gods
Unfolded Mysteries
This video puts up the names of the Greek primordial Gods and their names.
These gods are different than the Olympian gods or the Titans.
VA list of gravestone symbols grows
The image to the right is the list as of 2013, in chronological order. It's from an article from MilitaryAtheists.com entitled 'Veterans Administration Hammers Through Barriers to Diversity' (James Torpy 7-13-13). It's worth clicking on and blowing up for examination. Out of these 57 symbols, only one--the Hammer of Thor--symbolizes a pre-Christian European spiritual tradition. The Pentacle Star, in part, also has a strong European tie-in; and the Celtic Cross apparently represents either Gaelic heritage, the "Celtic nations," or the greater Celtic world. There were both Vehmic symbols, as well as Celtic crosses in ancient Europe.
I saw on a YouTube video where one young neopagan woman questioned the importance of being on this list, since she didn't agree with U.S. foreign policy. I think it is important, since this is the only list of it's type that I know of, which is compiled by the government, and which gives some official recognition to various religions... or as I prefer to call some.. "spiritual traditions." I would like to see a folkish Vehmic Rune within a circle, to represent the old religion... the various magical traditions of ancient Europe. Realistically, Neo-Druidism would be the logical next choice as far as native European traditions.
Open Halls Project (Serving Military Heathens)
Is a "reptilian humanoid" of Japanese folklore... real?
Kappa (folklore)
A kappa is a yōkai demon or imp found in traditional Japanese folklore.
Yōkai (ghost, phantom, strange apparition) are a class of supernatural monsters, spirits and demons in Japanese folklore.
* The Kappa is a water demon from ancient folklore that is depicted as green and scaly with webbed feet and looks a little bit human
* Remains said to be those of this mythical creature are going on display in Miyakonojo, Japan
* Scientists have not confirmed that the bones are from what many believe to be the Kappa
* Some people think the stories actually refer to a type of giant salamander
* The Kappa is used by parents to scare children away from water
Sarah Griffiths - Daily Mail (UK) - May 30, 2014
Just as British children have been brought up with scary stories about the Loch Ness Monster, Japanese people know all about the Kappa - a slippery water demon from ancient folklore.
The pond and river-dwelling monsters are typically depicted as human-like but with the scaly green or blue skin of a reptile and webbed feet.
But unlike the Loch Ness Monster, believers claim to have found ‘proof’ of the creature’s existence - and bones purporting to be from the Kappa are going on show in Japan.
Clinton Road and the Druid Pyramid
New Jersy folklore
Clinton Road is a rural road near West Milford, New Jersey where there reportedly has long been paranormal activity. Hidden down a ravine off in the middle of this road is what has been called a "Druid pyramid," which I find to be the more curious aspect of this folklore... as it's so old and interesting looking... and just sits alone in an unusual out of the way location. The following video actually shows this structure up close and inside.
Clinton Road - The Most TERRIFYING Road in America?
The urban legends of Clinton Road
Excerpt: There's an abandoned druid pyramid in the woods This is in reality an old iron furnace, built in 1826 and fired on Sept. 17, 1833, this furnace was fired only three additional times, and abandoned in 1837. There where many iron mines in that area up into Sterling forest and as far as West Point. There ere the remains of many such furnaces through-out the area that where built to serve these mines. Many helped forge the chain across the Hudson River
Clinton Road, West Milford, NJ
Mysterious City Appears In Sky Above China
Paranormal Crucible
The footage which was recorded by a local resident appears to show a huge city floating in the clouds.
The apparition which was witnessed by hundreds of shocked local residents only lasted a few minutes before completely disappearing.
News Report: http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/612531/Did-parallel-universe-open-up-Hundreds-see-floating-city-filmed-in-skies-above-China
News Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoP1sh1WXm8
Source Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX23ocYCjlA
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I believe that governments are tinkering with holographic technology here. Decades old documents, such as the 'Report from Iron Mountain', show that global elites were actually talking about this technology in the 60's... at which time it was in its infancy stages back. They had some pretty bizarre ideas that I'm not going to go into here, but I think we should be aware of this technology. "Project Blue Beam" was one of the newer programs.
Alien Or Heavenly Realm Appears Over New York?
Amazing China mirage ?!?
Floating City Over California, China and UK: This New Image May Help Solve the Mystery
"Here Comes The Sun " - George Harrison Cover - Video by Rob Boelhouwers
John Cortese
A cover I did some time ago. My dear friend Rob Boelhouwers put this excellent video together for it. " Thank You " so much Rob, for all your time and hard work. We hope you enjoy this cover and collaboration by Rob and myself. Peace & Best Wishes....John C.
Just like 'My Sweet Lord', this one has a certain timeless and pagan/nature-like theme to it. A song can really be anything that you want it to be though..
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