'Autumn Wind' by Kellianna
Album 'I Walk with the Goddess'
℗ 2007 Kellie A. Girouard
Released on: 2007-01-01
"Autumn Wind" by Kellianna (Google Play • eMusic • iTunes • AmazonMP3)
℗ 2007 Kellie A. Girouard
Released on: 2007-01-01
"Autumn Wind" by Kellianna (Google Play • eMusic • iTunes • AmazonMP3)
Kellianna.com (Kellianna Girouard)
Kellianna is an American Neo-Celtic artist internationally renowned for her powerful and oftentimes explosive performance of song and chant inspired by myth, magic, sacred places and ancient times. With guitar and vocals this storyteller brings to life the glories and sagas of the Gods and Goddesses. With frame drum and chant she honors the Earth and the Ancestors via primal drumming and stunning vocals.
She is a certified teacher of SpiritSong, a powerful tool for freeing your voice, for accessing the authentic sound that is you, and for entering into Spirit. Kellianna has performed her music and facilitated workshops at venues in 9 countries on 3 continents over her 10 year journey as a SpiritSong instructor.
Created by Author, composer, singer and sound-healer Shawna Carol, “SpiritSong,” is a unique approach to singing and toning based on a method of “singing without words;” a powerful technique that permits us to reconnect to the most primal form of singing. SpiritSong is based on the premise that singing has two primary purposes: first, to release any dis-ease we are carrying and second, to connect us with the Creative Source. SpiritSong uses the voice to sound what you are feeling in the moment and this unlocks your power and unique beauty.
Lady Moon 2004
I Walk with the Goddess 2007
Elemental 2010
The Ancient Ones 2012
Traditions 2013
PO Box 902
Wendell, MA 01379
I saw on the Kellianna.com under events, where she is holding a two-week tour of sacred sites in the British Isles called "Walking with the Goddess 2016: A Sacred Journey to Avalon with Kellianna." The eighteen hundred dollar registration is already closed. The things we could do if time, money, and responsibilities were not obstacles! I don't know exactly what specific "path" she adheres to. Another interesting concept that I came across is that I have heard that some covens or eclectic groups use Kellianna's lyrics for rituals.
Adopting your own local sacred sites
One doesn't have to travel far and wide to make connection with "sacred
sites." There are probably many sites or potential places close to you
which you may not be aware of or haven't considered. Right off the top of my
head, there is a website called LabyrinthLocator.com, where you can find
labyrinths close to you. I know of one very close-by which is not listed there,
and which I'm not in a big hurry to make it public. Places with the remains of
relatives and friends have obvious meaning. The sky's the limit. You don't need
any special permission or reason for adopting a sacred site.
of nostalgia
I came across a very thought-provoking quote recently, but just because it's
though-provoking doesn't mean that I agree with it completely. However, it's great food
for thought.
"The problem with nostalgia is what we tend to do is
only remember what you liked and you forget the parts you didn't." -- John
The opposite could be true. Someone could focus on the
negative aspects of anything. Nostalgia can be part of a healing process. If
something wasn't what you wanted it to be, you could lean from it, you could
see the good within it, and you can plan your future with ideas from that
"good." I can think of only four people in my life whom I have truly
"forgiven." Forgiveness isn't my specialty. However, true forgiveness
can be celebrated, over and over.
Nostalgia can be an almost magickal process in which you can pick-and-choose. It can be a way to extract people, places, things, and concepts and put a positive energy spin on it. This, of course, is in response to the point of view of the above quote. 90% of the time, things are never as good or as bad as you think they are. Even beyond merely learning from mistakes; sometimes you must "lose" in order to "win."
Nostalgia sometimes can be the dream of what we thought should have been. It may be our own internal propaganda; to "cheat a little" in order to heal the past. Exaggerating one thing a bit, while downplaying another. Of course, if everything went well, then this isn't necessary. However, we all have our own spiritual needs and ways of processing experiences. Two siblings may grow up in the same home, under the same conditions; yet they could grow up with different versions or interpretations of their childhood.
New "...evidence of alternate, parallel
'Study may have found evidence of alternate, parallel universes'
[MSN.com via USA Today; see link for video]
Prepare to have your mind blown.
An astrophysicist says he may have found evidence of alternate or parallel universes by looking back in time to just after the Big Bang more than 13 billion years ago.
While mapping the so-called "cosmic microwave background," which is the light left over from the early universe, scientist Ranga-Ram Chary found what he called a mysterious glow, the International Business Times reported.
Chary, a researcher at the European Space Agency's Planck Space Telescope data center at CalTech, said the glow could be due to matter from a neighboring universe "leaking" into ours, according to New Scientist magazine.
"Our universe may simply be a region within an eternally inflating super-region," scientist Chary wrote in a recent study in the Astrophysical Journal.
"Many other regions beyond our observable universe would exist with each such region governed by a different set of physical parameters than the ones we have measured for our universe," Chary wrote in the study.
While the findings sound promising and have already gained the attention of other astronomers, as Russia Today (RT) reported, it could be quite complicated to verify, since the Planck telescope provides limited data for further study.
"Unusual claims like evidence for alternate universes require a very high burden of proof," Chary noted in the study.
The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids is a worldwide group dedicated to practising, teaching, and developing Druidry as a valuable and inspiring spirituality.
The Order was founded in Britain over 50 years ago by the historian and poet Ross Nichols, aided by the writer and founder of the Tolkien Society Vera Chapman, and fellow members of the Ancient Druid Order, which developed during the early years of the last century out of the Druid Revival which began about three hundred years ago.
The Order is essentially a Mystery School and community, and the term ‘order’ is derived from the tradition of magical orders rather than from the tradition of religious orders. Neither the Order nor Druidry is a cult. A cult revolves around a personality, a charismatic leader, or a particular deity or saint. The Order and Druidry have none of these characteristics.
Both the Feminine and the Masculine principles are celebrated and represented in the Order’s teachings and membership. The Order is not patriarchal or biased in favour of men – many women are in leadership roles and over half the membership is female.
The self-description goes on to say basically that they're not
"folkish," and that they're open to members of other religions. I do agree
with the latter, as someone may see and admire something (for them) as "a
tradition" or "a philosophy"... rather than "a
Historically, this tradition was strongest in the British Isles and Gaul, but seemed to have been present in some form in what is now the German-speaking regions and Iberia, and possibly in the northern stretches of the Italian peninsula and elsewhere. The OBOD has a segment in Italy (http://www.druidry.it/).
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