As mentioned before, the Vehme-Star Rose (Pentagram) is
mentioned throughout ‘The Secret of the Runes’, but I can’t seem to find any
strong evidence of its usage in the Middle Ages. That is unless one looks into
small secret pagan communities of the time. This sometimes makes me believe
that Guido von List was as much into the hexological/magical heathen tradition,
as he was interested in Wotanism. I guess he saw all of this as “one thing.” It's noteworthy that modern Wiccans seem to have no interest in List at all.
The following quote from pages 86 and 87 continues to puzzle me:
The five-angled star, the Vehme-Star, the Truthenfuss
(truh = turn, fuss = foot) is the hieroglyph of “revolving or turning
generation,” of “rebirth”—one of the most important articles of faith in the
Aryan religion. In its exoteric interpretation this sign simply says: “return,”
and was therefore a favorite sign used at hostels and inns, in order to convey
the meaning: “whoever is a guest here should come again.”
I would like to see examples, both ancient and modern, of
this. An exact google search of “Vehme-Star Rose” comes back with very few
results, and only two images. The following webpage has the symbol key from the
book. The “concealed fyrfos” shows one simple example of how other symbols were
concealed. Just to state the obvious, in the Middle Ages, they were concealed
because the church condemned them. They were forced to become “occultic.” Some
Christians find great meaning in stories of people in Communist countries where
Christianity was banned, and a family had one single page from the bible (which
itself was illegal apparently), and they treasured the one page. I think you know where I’m going with this….
The early Wotanist-underground placed a marker on every
holy spot from the pre-Christian period. For example, red crosses were placed
in remote forests where irminsuls had once existed before Charlemagne’s forces
destroyed them. I suspect that the underground skalds took some of them down themselves. In fact, the recent discovery of an Asatru holy place in Scandinavia, was not destroyed; but was buried with care, perhaps in the hopes that it could one day be brought back into their everyday lives. Modern society rewarded their effort by demolishing it.
Just to backtrack for a moment, the Vehme-Star Rose may have referred to any five-pointed symbol, and not necessarily a Pentagram. I recall one symbol which had five arms coming from its center, like an asterisk or a starfish, but I don’t recall the name. It’s something to look into. The English translation of 'The Secret of the Runes' did not define this important point.
Just to backtrack for a moment, the Vehme-Star Rose may have referred to any five-pointed symbol, and not necessarily a Pentagram. I recall one symbol which had five arms coming from its center, like an asterisk or a starfish, but I don’t recall the name. It’s something to look into. The English translation of 'The Secret of the Runes' did not define this important point.
All “red courts” were constructed on spots which were
once Wotanic holy places. For example, the red court in the eighth parish of
Vienna. Somehow it was a way to get the
last laugh so to speak, but it’s clear that they attached deep symbolism to
this. I’m just mentioning a few aspects to it. As List wrote: “these
hieroglyphs are easily carried over into the highest theosophical and
metaphysical realms of ideal conception.” As far as I can see, there is no
practical reason that “Wotanism” couldn’t have been used in place of the
Freemasonic and Kabbalistic spiritual traditions of the east within what I
guess could be coined “mainstream Western occultism.” Wotanist spirituality includes a "tree of life" which developed separately, and displays a system which is every bit as complex as the ones from the east. The mainstream media
completely ignores Wotanism, Odinism, Asatru—or whatever you want to call
this—although there have been movies made about certain aspects of Norse
mythology in recent years. As stated earlier, “the West” has drank out of every
spiritual well but its own.
I wanted to take a moment, while I’m on this subject, to
mention some of the names of Wotanism. It has been said that this religion had
no name. I use Wotanism for my own reasons, stated earlier. Other names
include the following: Odinism, Asatru, Wuotanism, Nordism, Irminism, Armanism,
Troth, and Vanatru. The Langobards called Wotan “Godan,” and I’m sure there are
many other regional names for Wotan and other aspects of the religion. I suppose that one could use other gods and goddesses for reference, such as "Thorism" or "Freyaism." Although
von List mentioned “Wuotan” and “Wuotanism” often, I think he saw the
quickening of the religion as “Armanism.” I think he wanted to include all
aspects of what, in this case, could fairly be called “Northern European”
spiritual traditions, including magical ones.
An excerpt, from pages 95 and 96, regarding symbols: A
further condition for the correct understanding of these “holy signs,” “runes,”
“symbols,” and “hieroglyphs”—and one which may never be ignored—lies in the
clear comprehension of pre-Christian ethics, as well as pre-Christian morals.
One can never forget that Wuotanism grew out of the intuitive recognition of
evolutionary laws in natural life, out of the “primal laws of nature,” and that
Wihinei (exoteric religious system) formed by Wuotanism spread a teaching and conducted
a mode of living based on the laws of evolution.
I don’t wish to end this entry on a negative, but there is one issue I
wanted to raise. It’s not really a criticism; but merely a suggestion for more
research, or at least more definition. I have a large degree of respect for the
Odinic Rite, and I think they have done some great things; however, there is one
item which I respectfully disagree with. According to one of their flyers, it
states: “The natural religion of Northern Europeans is Odinism.“ As we have
gone over before, it was very likely the Alpine race which was at least the
first widesprad culture in Europe, and they were not “Odinists.“ Nobody lived
in Northern Europe during the peak of the last ice age 25,000 years ago. Gaul,
for example, wasn’t “Odinist“; although there are many links. All this is
covered during the last two months, but I just wanted to challenge anyone
involved in this subject to at least define this further. The denial of the
important Alpine race, especially in the area of spirituality, is no longer
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