Saturday, December 31, 2016
Ghost programs and the metaphysical issue: Part 22 - 'Alaska Haunting'
The Learning Channel's (DirecTV channel 280) Friday evening lineup includes 'Paranormal Lockdown' and 'Alaska Haunting: Dead of Winter', both of which are apparently starting their second season. I think both programs are from the Destination America network, which I don't get, and ether moved or were farmed out to TLC. Discovery Communications owns quite a few cable networks, and it can be a bit confusing. While 'Paranormal Lockdown' is produced in the common investigative style, 'Alaska Haunting' is produced in documentary style. 'Dead of Winter' is apparently the season two sub-title. The program is a lot like 'A Haunting', and with the same excellent narrator Anthony D. Call.
1-1-17 ADDITION: I wanted to add this item as it's something to really ponder within the whole idea of paranormal investigation. Episode 13 ('The Night Ward'; see below) of this past season of Syfy's 'Paranormal Witness' (Season 5) featured the only case which I know of where a paranormal investigator was actually seriously injured during an investigation... and very likely by an evil entity at the location. The person's internal organs were "crushed," although they did survive.
On the same consequential note, on one episode of one of the programs featuring medium Kim Russo on Lifetime Movie Network; a mere visitor at the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California experienced a ghost following him home. This "evidence" is not nearly as convincing at the case above, but it's also something to ponder. Perhaps it's best to avoid locations where there has been reports of paranormal activity.
Paranormal Witness Season 5 Episode 13 The Night Ward
Paranormal Witness
metaphysical science,
popular culture,
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Arnold of Brescia: Martyr of the Reformation
Arnold of Brescia
Arnold of Brescia
Exiled at least three times and eventually arrested, Arnold was hanged by the papacy, then was burned posthumously and (his ashes) thrown into the River Tiber. Though he failed as a religious reformer and a political leader, his teachings on apostolic poverty gained currency after his death among "Arnoldists" and more widely among Waldensians and the Spiritual Franciscans, though no written word of his has survived the official condemnation. Protestants rank him among the precursors of the Reformation.
Born in Brescia, Arnold became an Augustinian canon and then prior of a monastery in Brescia. He criticized the Catholic Church's temporal powers that involved it in a land struggle in Brescia against the Count-Bishop of Brescia. He called on the Church to renounce its claim and return ownership to the city government so as not to be tainted by possession—renunciation of worldliness being one of his primary teachings. He was condemned at the Second Lateran Council in 1139 and forced from Italy.
According to the chronicler Otto of Freising, Arnold had studied in Paris under the tutelage of the reformer and philosopher Pierre Abélard. He took to Abélard's philosophy of reform ways. The issue came before the Synod of Sens in 1141 and both Arnold and Abélard's positions were overruled by Bernard of Clairvaux. Arnold stood alone against the church's decision after Abélard's capitulation; he returned to Paris, where he continued to teach and preach against Bernard. As a consequence he was then commanded to silence and exiled by Pope Innocent II. He took refuge first in Zurich then probably in Bavaria. His writings were also condemned to be burned as a further measure, though the condemnation is the only evidence that he had actually written anything. Arnold continued to preach his radical ideas concerning apostolic poverty.

After Pope Eugene's death, Pope Adrian IV swiftly took steps to regain control of Rome. He allied with Frederick Barbarossa, who took Rome by force in 1155 after a Holy Week interdict and forced Arnold again into exile. Arnold was seized by Imperial forces and tried by the Roman Curia as a rebel. Importantly, he was never accused of heresy. Faced with the stake, he refused to recant any of his positions. Convicted of rebellion, Arnold was hanged in June and his body burnt. Because he remained a hero to large sections of the Roman people and the minor clergy, his ashes were cast into the Tiber, to prevent his burial place becoming venerated as the shrine of a martyr.
In 1882, after the collapse of Papal temporal powers, the city of Brescia erected a monument to its native son.
Catholic Church,
famous Lombards,
Middle Ages,
Roman Catholicism
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
'Te Deum Laudamus' - Ambrosian-Milanese hymn
The Te Deum, also called the Ambrosian Hymn because of the association with St. Ambrose, is the Church's great hymn of joy and thanksgiving; a tribute to the majesty of Almighty God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. At first thought to have its origin with St. Ambrose and St. Augustine, or St.Hilary it is now accepted as having been written in the fourth century by Nicetas, Bishop of Remesiana (present-day Bela Palanka, Serbia). Although recited or sung by clergy, religious and devout laity in the Liturgy of the Hours, it is most popularly known to be sung on the Church's great Solemnities and Feast Days accompanied by the joyful ringing of bells.
Ambrosian Rite
The Ambrosian Rite, also called the Milanese Rite, is a Catholic liturgical Western rite. The rite is named after Saint Ambrose, a bishop of Milan in the fourth century. The Ambrosian Rite, which differs from the Roman Rite, is used by some five million Catholics in the greater part of the Archdiocese of Milan, Italy (excluding, notably, the areas of Monza, Treviglio, Trezzo sull'Adda and a few other parishes), in some parishes of the Diocese of Como, Bergamo, Novara, Lodi and in about fifty parishes of the Diocese of Lugano, in the Canton Ticino, Switzerland.
Ambrosian Rite,
Milanese culture,
Milanese Rite,
Roman Catholicism,
Western Lombardy
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Spirit thoughts upon Yuletide
In the same manner that you may be walking along on a warm summer afternoon and feeling the invigoration of the warm air against your skin; you may also feel the invigoration of the cool air of a winter walk. To our Pagan ancestors, the spring was the start of the year, and the seasons paralleled the cycle of life itself. "Birth" in spring (usually the start of April), "Life" during the next eight months or so, and "Death" and a "new arising" tied to the Yule season. "Birth, Life, Death and to a New Arising."
Lisa Thiel - Winter Solstice Song (with lyrics)
Lessinia, a region in the Veronese pre-Alps. If you use Google Maps and get right onto the ground in Val Camonica, Valtellina, or any Alpine region like this; you may notice the homes, and the very heavy shutters, probably two inches thick or more. Sometimes when I hike on a Yule night, I imagine my ancestors living in a home like that, maybe in 1870. The family huddled around the fire during Christmas on a freezing winter evening. That fire symbolizes the fire of the generations. You are carrying their torch.
The Origins of Christmas
Christians have hijacked the faith of pagans for a mythical child called Jesus and the corporations are cashing in on the ignorance reflected by Christians when they buy gifts for their loved ones.
The lynx
The lynx is not a very prominent figure in mythology. No fables or legends concerning the lynx have been found . There are a few proverbs concerning the lynx like for example "to wangle something out of someone" in German means "jemandem etwas abluchsen", which reminds us that the lynx is a very intelligent and quick hunter (Schenda 1995).
Epcot Italy's CHRISTMAS WITCH - LA BEFANA - Holidays Around The World
Epcot Holidays Around The World - ITALY
Meet the kind-hearted witch La Befana who arrives on the eve of the Epiphany to grant gifts to good children.
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Another Christian legend takes a slightly darker tone as La Befana was an ordinary woman with a child whom she greatly loved. However, her child died, and her resulting grief maddened her. Upon hearing news of Jesus being born, she set out to see him, delusional that he was her son. She eventually met Jesus and presented him with gifts to make him happy. The infant Jesus was delighted, and he gave La Befana a gift in return; she would be the mother of every child in Italy.
Popular tradition tells that if one sees La Befana one will receive a thump from her broomstick, as she doesn't wish to be seen. This aspect of the tradition may be designed to keep children in their beds.
Another commonly heard Christian legend of la Befana starts at the time of the birth of baby Jesus. Befana spends her days cleaning and sweeping. One day the magi, also known as the three wise men, came to her door in search of baby Jesus. Befana turned them away because she was too busy cleaning. Befana notices a bright light in the sky; she thinks this is the way to baby Jesus. She brought some baked goods and gifts for baby Jesus in her bag and took her broom to help the new mother clean and began her search for baby Jesus. She searched and searched for Baby Jesus, but never found him. Befana still searches today, after all these centuries. On the eve of the Epiphany, Befana comes to a house where there is a child and leaves a gift. Although she has been unsuccessful in her search, she still leaves gifts for good young children because the Christ Child can be found in all children.
"Yule walk" - an individual tradition
Last evening, I engaged in what I have come to call my annual "Yule walk" after the defacto Winter and the approaching Yule. I started it some years ago without even thinking of it as a "thing" in of itself, or any type of annual "tradition." It can be whatever someone wants it to be, but for me it's a very individual tradition. It's an opportunity--two or three weeks before the chaos of Christmas and New Years--to take a reflective walk on a cold night by yourself. It should be a personal spiritual endeavor to connect with the past, present, and future at this dramatic weather-shifting time of the year. A time of the year that strongly feels like an "ending"... with a new "beginning" intuitively "visible" in the distance.
Joan Collins in Tales From The Crypt (1972)
Tales From The Crypt - "All Through the House"
Saucy Joan is a murderous strumpet who wallops her husband to death on Christmas Eve and is then besieged by a homicidal maniac dressed as Santa Claus. Wonderfully dark episode from the '70s horror anthology movie, "Tales From the Crypt."
The eeriest scene
It would have to be within the context of the entire movie, but to me this scene from the original 'Tales From The Crypt' (UK; 1972) was the scariest horror scene. The secluded home during Christmas Eve on a dark snowy winter night.
Mean Girls - Jingle Bell Rock - Unedited
'Mean Girls' has become like 'National Lampoon's Vacation', a popular movie that is featured on TV incessantly. Both connect real life experiences with edgy humor.
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (1987) as a Christmas movie
I think this very funny and underrated movie, staring Steve Martin and the late John Candy, should be thought of more as a classic "Christmas move"... especially with the ending. However, one scene gives it its R-rating. It portrays, as sometimes can occur, that "bad experiences" can be remembered as fun times after the fact. Great interplay between Martin and Candy. A truly underrated film.
Martina McBride - O Come All Ye Faithful
Andrea Bocelli Fanatics
Martina Mcbride
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Cisalpine folklore,
pagan traditions,
popular culture,
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Tonight's active sky: Another Supermoon, "Supervenus," visible Onion, and meteor showers!
Tonight is another Full Cold Moon, as well as the third and brightest Supermoon of the year. I'm hopeful for a nice beautiful cold and clear evening here along the west coast. Also you may observe an intensely bright Venus tonight, and throughout the rest of the month. Venus will be the brightest star-like object in the sky. The constellation of Orion is also especially visible this month if you wanted to try to navigate it. Tonight will also be the peak of the Germinid Meteor Showers. Sometimes people actually complain that the Moon spoils the view of other space and sky features.
'Night Sky - December 2016: Orion the mighty hunter returns' (Peter Lawrence - 12-5-16 - The Telegraph)
'Full Moon for December 2016' (Almanac Staff - Dec. 2016 - The Old Farmer's Almanac)
'Supermoon December 2016: When, Where & How to See It' (Samantha Mathewson - 12-5-16 -
"Supermoon Trifecta" of 2016
solar system,
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Vikings - Second half of Season 4 underway!
Vikings - Season 5 Official Trailer [HD]
In case you missed the first episode of "the second half of season 4" from November 30, you can catch episode 1 and 2 followed by an episode of 'Real Vikings' tonight (Wednesday) on the History Channel. That episode is entitled "Rise of the Pagans" - Actors Clive Standen and Maude Hirst travel to ancient sites to see how pagan beliefs defined Viking culture.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
The Cathedral at Monza: Centerpoint of the Langobard period
Monza Cathedral, Monza Brianza, Lombardy, Italy, Europe
Pietro Pecco
The Duomo of Monza often known in English as Monza Cathedral is the main religious building of Monza, near Milan, in northern Italy. Unlike most duomos it is not in fact a cathedral, as Monza has always been part of the Diocese of Milan, but is in the charge of an archpriest who has the right to certain episcopal vestments including the mitre and the ring.
Theodelinda - Queen of the Lombards |
The val padana, for those who don't know, is very flat. Everything looks flat from the window of a plane, even mountains are squashed and foreshortened, but the val padana doesn't leave any room for topographical speculation, it is flat and fields and swept with the swirling lines of tributaries and tractor trails and everything is in mud coloured, from a pale sandiness to a rich brown, at least in this season and from this plane.
The Iron Crown |
It may not look like much compared to some others, but the Iron Crown of Lombardy is one of the most significant symbols of monarchy in western Christendom. It is called the “Iron Crown” because of a small, narrow strip of iron that circles the interior of the piece. What is significant about this is that, according to tradition, this circle of iron was beaten out from one of the nails used at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. That is where the story of the Iron Crown begins.
As with most of the relics association with Christ and the crucifixion the nail was said to have been found by St Helena and given to her son the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (the first Roman Emperor to be a Christian) who, so the story goes, later sent it to the Queen of the Lombards who were converted to Christianity. At some point the nail was incorporated into a crown though no one is sure exactly when. Some say Emperor Charlemagne was crowned King of the Lombards using the Iron Crown while others maintained it was not made until after his time. Kept in the Cathedral of Monza, near Milan, it was the most sacred and well known symbol of the Kingdom of the Lombards which grew up following the fall of Rome.
Langobard Kingdom,
Queen Theodelinda,
The Iron Crown
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